







汉语拼音:rēng chū



  1. The next day, poised for his second flying lesson, Felix again begged not to be thrown out of the window.


  2. I'm going to ask you some questions and if I don't like your answers, you are going out the window.


  3. neat people will toy with the idea of throwing the children out of the house just to cut down on the clutter.


  4. He was seriously wounded in the hand after being stabbed with a knife before he was thrown out of the apartment, via the door.


  5. The Rat brought the boat alongside the bank, made her fast, helped the still awkward Mole safely ashore, and swung out the luncheon-basket.


  6. With these words he took the bag and started to throw it out of the window. The young man jumped up.


  7. Instead, Pepper kisses the "lips" of Stark' s helmet and throws it out of the plane.


  8. Belief holds that the first to reach the wooden cross, thrown by an Eastern Orthodox priest, will enjoy a year of good health.


  9. Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time. - Mark Twain.


  1. 他扔出了暴投。

    He threw a wild pitch.

  2. 先站起来,扔出石头。

    You stand up, and you skim the stone.

  3. 布拉格扔出窗外

    Prague, Defenestration of

  4. 他把球扔出了球场

    He pitched the ball out of the court.

  5. 你能把垃圾扔出去吗

    Could you take out the trash

  6. 他把书全都扔出窗外。

    He hurled all the books out of the window.

  7. 他把烟头轻轻扔出窗外。

    He flicked his cigarette out the window.

  8. 他把烟头轻轻扔出窗外。

    He flicked his cigarette out the window.

  9. 他们又扔出了一颗手榴弹。

    A second grenade was thrown.

  10. 她扔出了球, 我接住了它。

    She threw the ball and I caught it.

  11. 祖母从气闸扔出飞船的人

    who'd throw his grandmother out of an airlock.

  12. 他一把抓住歹徒,把他扔出门外。

    He grabbed the hooligan and shot him out of the door.

  13. 为什么那个人把闹钟扔出窗外?

    Why did the person throw a clock out the window ?

  14. 他本有可能把你扔出窗外。

    He would have slammed you through the window.

  15. 阅读的专注就被扔出了窗外。

    So reading concentration goes out the window.

  16. 要是你再犯,我就把你扔出窗外。

    If you do it again, I'll throw you out the window.

  17. 为什么小男孩把钟表扔出窗外?

    Why did the boy throw the clock out of the window ?

  18. 抢到绑匪的车钥匙扔出车窗外。

    Grab the keys from the kidnapper's car and throw them out the window.

  19. 扔出一块石片使之擦过小溪

    to skim a flat stone across a creek

  20. 为什么那个人把钟扔出窗外 18岁。

    Why did the person throw a clock out the window 18.

  21. 渔人扔出的钩线网恰好到湖心。

    The fisherman's cast reach right to the middle of the lake.

  22. 他向狂叫的狗扔出一块石头。

    He pegged a stone at the barking dog.

  23. 他将信揉成一团扔出窗外。

    He screwed up the letter into a ball and threw it out of the window.

  24. 看被扔出的鸽子轻飘在场院的惊恐!

    Flakedoves sent floating forth at a farmyard scare!

  25. 他扔出的石头可以象朋友一样远。

    Little Deer could now throw the rocks as far as his friend.

  26. 他猛一用力,将球掷扔出好远。

    With a sudden effort, he threw the ball a great distance.

  27. 往返递送象打羽毛球一样扔出或来回递送。

    send or toss to and fro, like a shuttlecock.

  28. 他们把她连同她的东西都扔出门外。

    They threw her out of the house bag and baggage.

  29. 彼得和他爷爷扔出绳子抓住了狼。

    Peter and his grandfather throw a rope and catches the wolf.

  30. 为什么那个男人把一桶水扔出窗外?

    Why did the man throw a bucket of water out the window ?

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