








1. 爽 [shuǎng]爽 [shuǎng]明朗,清亮:~目。轻松,利落:清~。凉~。~口。痛快,率(shuài )直:~朗。~快。~利。豪~。直~。差失,违背:~信。~约(失约)。毫厘不~。屡试不~。干脆,索性:~性。舒服:~心。~意。……



汉语拼音:shén qīng qì shuǎng






  1. Escaping into a shady courtyard or grove of trees is as refreshing as rolling into the cool bit of the bed on a steamy night.


  2. Though her face might be a trifle paler from lack of sleep , she was always smiling , fresh and neat .


  3. I founded after sitting in the office all day, it is exhilarated to going for a walk along the quietly lake in the night.


  4. He had scarcely tasted it, when he felt his sickness departing, and became strong and healthy as in the days of his youth.


  5. The garden, enjoy chrysanthemums in the open, intermittent rains fragrance, make people feel a refreshing.


  6. They ought to take note of the refreshingly candid remarks made to a group of women journalists by the Chinese ambassador in New Delhi.


  7. I chose vegetarianism for the following 3 reasons: Firstly, health. Since I have been a vegetarian, I feel refreshed and relaxed.


  8. If your forebears coherently discussed the Middle East situation at 7 a. m. , you're likely to feel sharp before the sun comes up, too.


  9. It really flies like a shuttle from the noisy streets and traffic came here, there will be a clear insight into, admitted feeling.


  1. 我神清气爽

    I'm gettin'ggy with it.

  2. 还不赖,神清气爽。

    Oh, good. Yeah, refreshed.

  3. 令人神清气爽的微风

    a lively breeze

  4. 我们洗澡后感到神清气爽。

    The bath has freshened us up.

  5. 没想到这一跳令人神清气爽

    And it was so invigorating.

  6. 我一觉醒来, 感觉神清气爽。

    I felt fresh and cool after a sleep.

  7. 我一觉醒来,感觉神清气爽。

    I felt fresh and cool after a sleep.

  8. 顿时,神清气爽的感觉溢满胸间。

    Suddenly, refreshing feeling of overflowing chest.

  9. 本浑身是汗, 但感觉神清气爽。

    Ben is wet with sweat, but he feels fresh and energetic.

  10. 我发觉在忏悔后感到神清气爽。

    I found myself completely refreshed after confession.

  11. 我睡醒后感觉精力充沛,神清气爽。

    I awoke feeling rested and refreshed.

  12. 午睡之后, 神清气爽, 作家精力又恢复了。

    After a refreshing nap the writer was again his own man.

  13. 海上吹来得晨风使他神清气爽。

    The morning wind rising from the sea freshened him up.

  14. 不时还有阵阵清香让人神清气爽。

    There are people from time to time and exhilarating bursts of fragrance.

  15. 撒切尔夫人到达时神清气爽,面带笑容。

    Mrs. Thatcher arrived fresh and smiling.

  16. 海上吹来的晓风使他神清气爽。

    The morning wind rising from the sea freshened him up.

  17. 他觉得神清气爽,觉得这大自然既单纯又和谐。

    He felt alive and refreshed, aware of the purity and harmony of nature.

  18. 天高云淡的秋日,令人神清气爽。

    The sky is high and the clouds are light in autumn days, which makes people full of energy.

  19. 译文没有什么能像可乐那样令您神清气爽。

    Coke refreshes you like no other can.

  20. 水极冷, 清澄如玻璃, 他喝了神清气爽。

    It was extremely cold, and clear as glass, and refreshed him very much.

  21. 我们等你明天回来上班,要神清气爽,轻松愉快的。

    We'll expect you back tomorrow, bright and breezy.

  22. 不时地出去散散步会使你精神焕发,神清气爽。

    A small walk from time to time could cmake you feel invigorated and refreshed.

  23. 香味散发着花香, 果子露与橙子的芬芳, 令人神清气爽。

    A lifted nose displaying floral, sherbet and orange zest aromas.

  24. 其冷海风和新鲜的海洋空气你一定会觉得神清气爽。

    With its cool sea breeze and fresh sea air you will definitely feel refreshed.

  25. 一旦你熟悉了这种放松方式,在放松之后就会感到神清气爽。

    Once you are practised at this sort of relaxation you will feel quite refreshed afterwards.

  26. 这时,从迷宫中吹来习习的凉风,使人感到神清气爽。

    Now he felt the cool breeze that was blowing in this part of the Maze and it was refreshing.

  27. 推开房门, 首先感觉到的是亮堂堂的房子让人神清气爽。

    Push a door, the house that what feel above all is brilliant makes person mind clear enrage bright.


  1. 问:神清气爽拼音怎么拼?神清气爽的读音是什么?神清气爽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神清气爽的读音是shénqīngqìshuǎng,神清气爽翻译成英文是 In good mood and emotions.



神清气爽,指人的精神状态。形容人神志清爽,心情舒畅;也形容人长得神态清明,气质爽朗。出处: 宋·李昉《太平广记》卷十七引唐·牛僧孺《续玄怪录·裴谌》:“香风飒来,神清气爽,飘飘然有凌云之意。”

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