




1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:qù bù qù



  1. What is Dad up to? It's up to him to decide whether to go or not.


  2. I want to go camping, you know , just get a way for the weekend. I'm not sure I'll be able to, though.


  3. It's up to you whether you go or not. But I only have time on weekend.


  4. It is all the same to me whether you go there or not.


  5. Whether or not she will go is up to her decision, isn't it?


  6. Since the Americans didn't go to Moscow, either, Emil said it was just as well.


  7. The question whether to go or not is still undecided.


  8. "It's not like I'm going to ask my coalition partners if I may visit my friend's grave, " he explained.


  9. They offered me a good job at that company but I hear that the boss is as hard as nails. So I've not decided yet.


  1. 随便去不去

    Felt free to go.

  2. 去不去随你。

    Whether you go or not is up to you.

  3. 你去不去任便。

    You may go or not as you see fit.

  4. 去不去,在于你。

    It rests with you to decide whether to go or not.

  5. 你倒去不去 呀

    Do you want to go or not

  6. 我根本不在乎我去不去。

    I dont care a sod whether I go or not.

  7. 真格的,你到底去不去?

    Seriously, are you going or not?

  8. 别磨蹭了,你去不去?

    Quit dillydallying; are you going or not?

  9. 今天你去不去看电影?

    Are you going to the movies today?

  10. 我去不去还是个问题。

    Whether I go there or not is a debatable issue.

  11. 我们抛硬币决定去不去。

    We tossed up whether to go or not.

  12. 去不去,我们还不能肯定。

    We are not sure yet whether we'll go or not.

  13. 你去不去, 我都无所谓。

    It is quite indifferent to me whether you go or not.

  14. 你去不去参加化妆舞会?

    Are you going to this masquerade party at tric?

  15. 真格得, 你到底去不去?

    Seriously, are you going or not?

  16. 我问他平安夜去不去?

    I asked if he would go on Christmas Eve ?

  17. 你去不去对我都一样。

    It makes no difference to me whether you go or not.

  18. 我到底去不去,真是左右为难。

    I was in a quandary about whether to go.

  19. 啊, 你明儿倒是去不去呀?

    Well, are you going tomorrow or not?

  20. 我当时正犹豫到底去不去。

    I was in a quandary about whether to go.

  21. 去不去由你自己随意选择。

    To go or not to go is at one's own choice.

  22. 去不去由你自己随意选择。

    To go or not to go is at one's own choice.

  23. 去不去野餐要由天气决定。

    The picnic was at the mercy of the weather.

  24. 你去不去由你决定,反正我不去。

    It depends on you whether you go or not. Anyway I will go.

  25. 我去不去萨拉舅妈那儿呢

    Am I going to Aunt Sara's or not

  26. 周末西山游你去不去?

    Are you going on the weekend excursion to the western hills?

  27. 究竟去不去,你自己拿主意吧。

    You'd better decide for yourself whether to go or not.

  28. 约翰声称无论我们去不去他都要去。

    John asserts that he will go whether we do or not.

  29. 我们去不去野餐端看天气而定。

    Whether we go on a picnic or not depends on the weather.

  30. 不是去不去新人王冠军赛的问题。

    Getting into the championships is not the problem.

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