


1. 同 [tóng]2. 同 [tòng]同 [tóng]一样,没有差异;相~。~一(a.一致,统一;b.共同的一个或一种)。~侪(同辈)。~庚(同岁)。~年。~胞。~人(a.在同一单位工作的人;b.同行业的人)。~仁(同人)。~仇敌忾。……


1. 祝 [zhù]祝 [zhù]表示对人对事的美好愿望:~福。~寿。~捷。~辞。馨香祷~。古代指男巫。在神庙里管香火的人:~融。庙~。断:~发(fà)(断发,后指僧尼削发出家)。姓。古同“注”,敷涂。……



汉语拼音:tóng zhù



  1. The same words present different wishes each year. Wish your every smooth day!


  2. Have a safe on-calliday and a happy new year, don't forget to login while you enjoy your eggnog.


  3. Bless HAPPINESS wherever you go!


  1. 所有的家人同我一道祝你未来幸福。

    All the family join me in wishing you a happy future.

  2. 同祝快乐永与你相伴!

    Bless HAPPINESS wherever you go!

  3. 1914年8月,这里举办了一个沉闷悲伤的小型晚宴,而当时法国、德国、奥地利和比利时的同盟国委员会成员却正在举杯同祝未来和平。

    In August 1914 , there was a dismally sentimental little dinner, when the French, German, Austrian and Belgian members of the committee drank together to the peace of the future.

  4. 祝大家有一个平安同有意义的复活假期!

    I wish all having a peaceful and meaningful Easter holiday!

  5. 祝大家有一个平安同有意义得复活假期!

    I wish all having a peaceful and meaningful Easter holiday!

  6. 祝你幸福与成功与日同增。

    May each year brings you greater happiness and great success.

  7. 同贺生日快乐, 祝你健康, 成功。

    We all join in best wishes for your very happy birthday and many years of health and prosperity.

  8. 牧师邀请信徒同来到圣餐桌前,然后为圣餐祝谢。

    The minister invites the people to the Lord's table and then gives thanks to God.

  9. 祝普天下的芸芸众生,同进入观音大家族,同受上帝的恩典。

    I hope that all beings in the world will join our Quan Yin family, and together receive and enjoy the grace of God.

  10. 祝普天下得芸芸众生, 同进入观音大家族, 同受上帝得恩典。

    I hope that all beings in the world will join our Quan Yin family, and together receive and enjoy the grace of God.

  11. 众所周知,爱是两人同床共梦,祝你们爱河无边,福海无际。

    It's known that love is a dream shared by two. Wishing you a world of happiness and love.

  12. 在此新年之际,我同夫人向你及你的家人致以节日的问候,并祝你们新年快乐、事业有成、家庭幸福。

    On the occasion of the New Year, may my wife and I extend our warmest greetings, wishing you a happy New Year, your career greater success and your family happiness.

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