







汉语拼音:chūn huí



  1. All the things waked up , the spring was back , the little flower came out again , just be like a small warm smiling face .


  2. The elated feeling of springtime after the long cold winter was augmented by his excitement of marrying his wife in the coming summer.


  3. Everything recovery, the spring returns to the land, the new year as the reincarnation of the time began a new movement.


  4. The bear's nightly visits continued until the spring, when the forests became green again and the birds began to sing.


  5. During the 2009 spring thaw, Wyoming pronghorn retrace their autumn steps (and splashes) to return to the Grand Teton National Park region.


  6. On Tomb Sweeping Day, spring, nature, scene of thriving vitality everywhere, it is an excellent picnic time.


  7. Quarter of the earth sleeping quietly awake, and stretching exercise together, relieved the weary filled into the brilliant in the Spring.


  8. In the winter received a greeting card, or a blessing of the message, but also allow me to read out the winter to spring back, Blossoming.


  9. Though they are now associated with Easter, pysanky were an integral part of spring rituals prior to the advent of Christianity.


  1. 春回大地,万物复苏。

    Nature wakes in spring.

  2. 春回大地,万象更新。

    Spring comes round to the earth again and everything looks fresh and gay.

  3. 不久便将春回大地。

    Spring will soon return.

  4. 春回大地后,春光明媚。

    After spring returns to the earth, the sights of spring are bright and enchanting.

  5. 然而春去春回长大成人滋味

    The feeling of growing up as the time goes by

  6. 袭我以次次春回的怅惘。

    In my heart, oh, spring, its flaming with listless or lust.

  7. 阳历四月, 大地春回, 万象更新。

    Solar calendar in April, earth spring is answered, every phenomenon is newer.

  8. 随着春回大地,百花开始绽放。

    As spring warms the good earth, all flowers begin to bloom.

  9. 春回大地,万物复苏,所有生命都焕发出青春。

    Spring answer the earth, everythings on earth anabiosises, all life coruscate gives youth.

  10. 我也是在大地春回及时前来掠食蜉蝣的鸟。

    And I am the bird that swoops down to swallow the mayfly.

  11. 春回大地,万象更新,天目湖迎来了春色五月。

    The return of Spring, and all things take on a new aspect. Tianmu Lake will greet to the spring scenery of May.

  12. 春回大地, 万物复苏是令人异常喜悦得一段时光。

    The return of spring, and the revivification of nature, is a period hailed with uncommon delight.

  13. 春回大地,万物复苏是令人异常喜悦的一段时光。

    The return of spring, and the revivification of nature, is a period hailed with uncommon delight.

  14. 春去春又回,激情如火的浪漫,却早就凋谢,不再散发幽香阵阵。

    Spring spring back, romantic passion, but long ago withered away and no longer distributed delicate fragrance.

  15. 飘落之时将至, 当春回时, 我会再来与你分享法得喜悦。

    Though going to fall, When spring returns I shall appear again To share the joy of the Dharma with you.

  16. 飘落之时将至,当春回时,我会再来与你分享法的喜悦。

    Though going to fall, When spring returns I shall appear again To share the joy of the Dharma with you.

  17. 中风回春丸

    Apoplexy Recover Pill.

  18. 春,无论如何也会回到人间。

    Anyhow, Spring will return to us.

  19. 这回发表的06春夏裙装丢掉腰身, 宽松极了, 拖拖拉拉, 大胆不羁。

    The outfit of 06 Chun Xia skirt that publish this time desertion girth, extremely comfortable, dilatory, bold unruly.



春回 本品系以人参、鹿茸、蚕蛾、补骨脂、淫羊藿、蛇床子、玉竹、山楂等11味中药为原料制成的口服液或胶囊剂。动物试验证明,在细胞水平和亚细胞水平,均显示抑制脂类过氧化的过程,对老龄大鼠心、脑、肾、肝与睾丸组织中的sod活性有提高作用。曾对317例健康老人进行临床试用观察、结果提示有协调生理效应及稳定机体内外环境的适应能力,对老年人脏器功能衰退、内分泌和免疫功能低下有一定恢复作用。可作为老年保健剂,用于老年衰退性疾病***。

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