


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……









汉语拼音:bù xiè nǔ lì




做事非常努力,不泄气,不放弃。勤勉努力,毫不懈怠。懈:松懈。永不松懈的一 直努力。



  1. Marriage should be considered a strong commitment. and a promise that the couple will work hard to love and take care of each other.


  2. Africa's progress is the result of the hard work, talent and determination of people and governments across Africa, she said.


  3. You seem to be supportive of Kosovo's efforts to gain independence, so why shy away from the same principle for Abkhazia and South Ossetia?


  4. People are always trying to make great efforts in unique individual character for the brand .


  5. The persevering president will no doubt keep plugging away and for a while will be right to do so.


  6. Innovation: We advocate the spirit of innovation to be deeply rooted in the heart of every team members and save no endeavors to achieve it.


  7. After two month restless effort, the police finally tracked the criminal down in a southern city.


  8. Since its inception the company, after years of unremitting efforts, continue to grow.


  9. China continued to reform and open up and has made unremitting efforts to emerge from the international financial crisis.


  1. 履行这些原则需要不懈努力。

    To implement these principles requires painstaking effort.

  2. 教育孩子需要不懈努力和自我牺牲。

    The children's education demanded effort and selfsacrifice.

  3. 我们将继续为此做出不懈努力。

    We will continue to make unremitting efforts in this regard.

  4. 多亏你为我们所做的不懈努力

    Thanks to your tireless efforts on our behalf

  5. 多少年来,我们为此进行了不懈努力。

    We have been working hard at this for many, many years.

  6. 这栋大楼是他不懈努力的结果。

    This skyscraper is the solid materialization of his efforts.

  7. 历经家族几代人的不懈努力及深谋远虑

    It was only through our familys perseverance and foresight that we were.

  8. 只要你不懈努力, 你迟早会解决这个难题的。

    As long as you beep trying, you will be able to resolve this difficult problem sooner or later.

  9. 我们都非常感谢阿什当勋爵的不懈努力。

    We all owe our gratitude to Lord Ashdown for his tireless efforts.

  10. 由于两个原因他们的不懈努力是值得赞赏的。

    His strenuous effort is commendable for two reasons.

  11. 切记一夜成名通常需要付出15年的不懈努力。

    Remember that overnight success usually takes 15 years.

  12. 判断好的测试人员为追求完美而不懈努力。

    True or False A good tester relentlessly strives for perfection.

  13. 人们对他为和平所做的不懈努力表示敬意。

    The people saluted him for his tireless efforts for peace.

  14. 李渔为提高小说的社会地位作了不懈努力。

    Li Yu made great efforts to raise the social position of the story.

  15. 他靠自己的坚毅顽强和不懈努力发达起来了。

    With great perseverance and untiring industry, he prospered.

  16. 由于不懈努力,它很快赢得了一大群爱好者。

    Against all odds, it gained a lot of fans.

  17. 祖马承诺不懈努力解决南非面临得各种难题

    Mr. Zuma promised he and his government will work unremittingly to address all the issues of greatest concerns to South Africans.

  18. 祖马承诺不懈努力解决南非面临的各种难题

    Mr. Zuma promised he and his government will work unremittingly to address all the issues of greatest concerns to South Africans.

  19. 他们不懈努力,他们永不放弃,永不心灰意冷,永存信念。

    They are diligent untiringly, they are never give up, never lose hope, and always have faith.

  20. 我也要感谢主席团其他成员的坚定和不懈努力。

    I also express my gratitude to other members of the Bureau for their resolute and tireless efforts.

  21. 由于他的不懈努力, 这个帝国在他的治理之下繁荣兴旺。

    Thanks to his efforts, the empire has flourished during his reign.

  22. 公司自建立以来,经过多年的不懈努力,不断壮大。

    Since its inception the company, after years of unremitting efforts, continue to grow.

  23. 由于他的不懈努力,这个帝国在他的治理之下繁荣兴旺。

    Thanks to his efforts, the empire has flourished during his reign.

  24. 这些学者的不懈努力最终促成了政治社会学的诞生。

    Owing to these scholars great effort, Political Sociology came into being in the end.

  25. 经过五年的不懈努力,他终于搞到了那张邮票。

    Finally, he sweated the stamp for 5 years.

  26. 在他们的不懈努力下,经济状况开始逐渐有了起色。

    With a lot of effort, their economy has gradually edged up.

  27. 我们目睹了我队为赢回奖杯所作的不懈努力。

    We watched our teams heroic struggle to win back the cup.

  28. 因此,他靠了自己的坚毅顽强和不懈努力发达起来了。

    So, with great perseverance and untiring industry, he prospered.

  29. 经过不懈努力,法国已经在信息化方面取得了可喜成就。

    Through indefatigable effort, france had gained delectable success in informatization respect.

  30. 由于这种流行病的猖獗, 科学家不懈努力发明了最终的疫苗。

    As the epidemic rages, scientists patiently invent the ultimate vaccine.

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