


末了(liǎo ),完了(liǎo),与“始”相对:年~。~场(末了一场)。~极。~审(司法部门对案件的最后判决)。~端。靡不有初,鲜克有~(人们做事无不有开头,而很少能坚持到底)。从开始到末了:~年。~生。饱食~日。人死:临~。送~。到底……


1. 结 [jié]2. 结 [jiē]结 [jié]系(jì),绾(wǎn ):~网。~绳。~扎。条状物打成的疙瘩:打~。蝴蝶~。聚,合:~晶。~识。~盟。~交。~集。~合。~党营私。收束,完了(liǎo):~账。~局。~案。~果。~论。……





汉语拼音:zhōng jié zhě



  1. Sheldon, I owe you an apology. Sheldon Taking the train was a stroke of brilliance ! I've actually got a shot at a Terminator.


  2. As for "Terminator" , it was somewhat expected since the season finale in April, which did not help in the overall rating.


  3. That she's actually not her mother, but a machine. That her real mother is most likely dead.


  4. It left Tabarez in no doubt that the Reds front man is one of the most lethal finishers on the planet.


  5. Plus, the terminators would probably expect him to be receiving training at a place of that nature.


  6. Not exactly. She came to infiltrate my camp, but I knew that she was a machine right away.


  7. To a child, a stepmother is the personification of the end of that dream. The stepmother stands in the way of their happiness.


  8. You could see in every training session and every game you played with him that he was still one of the best finishers in the world.


  9. I said 'What was so special about you? ' Why was a machine sent to kill your mother before you were even born?


  1. 数字俚语将成英语终结者

    Digital Slang Wont Kill Formal English.

  2. 混沌终结者装备重型火焰喷射器

    Chosen Terminator with Heavy Flamer

  3. 无烟锅厨房油烟的终结者

    Nonmist boiler help to control pollute in the kitchen.

  4. 你确定把这终结者留在

    You sure it was a good idea.

  5. 这是电影终结者中的一幕。

    This is a shot of Terminator, the movie.

  6. 我!就是正义的朋友!小强终结者!

    Me! Im the friend of Justice! Xiao Qiang killer!

  7. 到科比展现终结者本色的时候了。

    Time for Kobe to go Kyra.

  8. 我想太阳是姚明的最终终结者。

    I think the Suns are the ultimate Yao stopper.

  9. 她没有爱说闲言碎语, 只是语言终结者。

    She is not a gossip, she is a verbal terminator.

  10. 威廉姆斯的目标是成为防守终结者。

    Williams's goal is becomes defends end matter.

  11. 希望他像终结者一样, 废除这一体制。

    He would slay the system, like the Terminator.

  12. 我让胆小的狮子看起来像个终结者。

    I made the Cowardly Lion look like the terminator.

  13. 一个远程溢出存在的终结者3战争机器。

    A remote overflow exists in Terminator 3 War of the Machines.

  14. 谦恭观念艺术得终结者救世主华纳老板。

    Concept art for Terminator Salvation courtesy Warner Bos.

  15. 谦恭观念艺术的终结者救世主华纳老板。

    Concept art for Terminator Salvation courtesy Warner Bos.

  16. 终结者当上加州州长你不感到奇怪?

    Aren't you surprised the Terminator is the governor of California ?

  17. 终结者这段古怪的多事的历史的最后一场,

    Last scene of all, That ends this strange eventful history,

  18. 而如今得科比, 最好得比赛终结者, 最好得比赛缔造师。

    But here and now, Bryant has elevated his game asasas the games best closer.

  19. 而如今的科比, 最好的比赛终结者, 最好的比赛缔造师。

    But here and now, Bryant has elevated his game asasas the games best closer.

  20. 罗是一个有才华的球员, 也是可怕的终结者。

    Ronaldo is a brilliant player, and a terrific finisher.

  21. 罗是一个有才华得球员,也是可怕得终结者。

    Ronaldo is a brilliant player, and a terrific finisher.

  22. 一个终结者, 你有理由不对他致敬鞠躬吗

    Everybody bow down or meet your demise!

  23. 狼, 是陆地上生物最高的食物链终结者之一。

    Thewolf, is that dry land mounts maximal chain of living things one of terminator.

  24. 狼,是陆地上生物最高得食物链终结者之一。

    Thewolf, is that dry land mounts maximal chain of living things one of terminator.

  25. 赛后,终结者亚昆塔接受了天空体育的采访。

    After the game the striker gave an interview to Sky.

  26. 他最有名的角色包括终结者和野蛮人柯南。

    His most famous roles include The Terminator and Conan the Barbarian.

  27. 五子棋终结者, 是个五子棋的小游戏, 没事就下来玩了玩。

    Gobang Terminator is a Gobang the game, nothing to play down the play.

  28. 另外,终结者也会希望他在那种地方接受训练。

    Plus, the terminators would probably expect him to be receiving training at a place of that nature.

  29. 施瓦辛格将在终结者续集里出演一个角色。

    Arnold Schwarzenegger has been offered a role in a sequel to The Terminator.

  30. 嘿,这部新的终结者可能还真的有点看头呢。

    Hey, this new Terminator flick just might be worth checking out after all...


  1. 问:终结者拼音怎么拼?终结者的读音是什么?终结者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终结者的读音是zhōngjiézhě,终结者翻译成英文是 The Terminator

  2. 问:终结者2拼音怎么拼?终结者2的读音是什么?终结者2翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终结者2的读音是Zhōngjiézhě 2,终结者2翻译成英文是 Terminator 2: Judgment Day

  3. 问:终结者外传拼音怎么拼?终结者外传的读音是什么?终结者外传翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终结者外传的读音是Zhōngjiézhě wàizhuàn,终结者外传翻译成英文是 The Sarah Connor Chronicles

  4. 问:终结者 (棒球)拼音怎么拼?终结者 (棒球)的读音是什么?终结者 (棒球)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:终结者 (棒球)的读音是,终结者 (棒球)翻译成英文是 Closer



“终结者”是个多义词,它可以指终结者(圣诞特别版), 终结者(穿越火线游戏人物), 终结者(sfc游戏), 终结者(外传电视剧), 终结者(终结者系列电影), 终结者(测绘疑惑终结者), 终结者(同名网页游戏)。

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