













汉语拼音:xiàn zài wán chéng shí



  1. a The present perfect simple is often used to talk about finished actions and events.

  2. It's a quiz to check how much you haudio-videoe understood the lesson.

  3. Because their discovery took place in 1932 and is not ongoing, the correct verb tense is simple past, not present perfect.

  4. The present perfect is also used for long actions and situations which started in the past and went on until very recently.

  5. We also use the present perfect to talk about a series of repeated actions which have happened up to the present.

  6. When we talk about past events which have no present importance, we do not use the present perfect.

  7. This is a one-month learning English difficult to understand a tense, present perfect, but are also familiar with the points slowly.

  8. We use the present perfect tense to talk about things that happened in the recent past , but are connected to the present.

  9. They were all concerning about the past tense and the present perfect.


  1. 现在完成时

    present perfect.

  2. 现在完成时用法

    Using the present perfect verb tense

  3. 现在完成时和一般过去时

    Present Perfect and Simple Past Tense

  4. 被动语态的现在完成时

    The Present Perfect Tense in the Passive Voice

  5. 现在完成时和过去完成时都属于完成时态。

    The present and past perfect tenses both belong to the perfect tense.

  6. 它们是用作现在完成时和过去完成时的助动词。

    They are used as auxiliaries to the present and past perfect tenses.

  7. 用现在完成时的被动语态改写下列句子。

    Rewrite the following sentences using the Present Perfect Passive Voice.

  8. 法语里没有和英语中的现在完成时完全对应的时态。

    There is no exactly equivalent French tense to the present perfect tense in English.

  9. 法语里没有和英语中得现在完成时完全对应得时态。

    There is no exactly equivalent French tense to the present perfect tense in English.

  10. 现在完成进行时

    present perfect progressive

  11. 用所给动词的一般现在时, 将业进行时或将来完成时填空。

    Fill in the blanks with verbs given FutureFuture Proguessive or the Future Perfect Simple.

  12. 将来完成时

    future perfect tense.

  13. 现在时和过去时

    past tense and present tense

  14. 现在完成式型。

    It is possible he may have called while we were out.

  15. 复习一般现在时。

    To revise the simple present tense.

  16. 当这次交易完成时

    When this transaction is completed.

  17. 休斯完成时还剩下15秒

    Hughes finished with 15 seconds in hand

  18. 动词必须用现在完成时态。

    The verb must be in the present perfect tense.

  19. 掌握现在完成时态的用法。

    To grasp the usage of the present perfect tense.

  20. 现在完成时态的被动语态

    The present perfect passive voice

  21. 我们完成时已超出原定时间。

    We finished later than we had intended.

  22. 仓库的手工配置现在完成了。

    The manual configuration for your repository is now complete.

  23. 现在时运差将来总有好运气。

    The worse luck now the better another time.

  24. 此计时器从登录完成时开始计时。

    This timer starts when logon completes.

  25. 和现在完成时态连用的时间副词

    Adverbs of time with the present perfect tense

  26. 英语现在完成体时间状语探析

    Inquiry into and Analysis of Adverbial of Time in Present Perfective of English

  27. 把这个动词从现在时改为过去时。

    Change this verb from the present into the past tense.

  28. 在安装完成时, 买方应签发安装证书。

    Upon the completion of erection, the Buyer shall issue the Certificate of Erection.

  29. 工作完成时,你也必须让他们知道。

    You must also let them know when the work is complete.

  30. 这本书完成时大约有四百页。

    When finished, the book will probably have 400 page.





现在完成时: 1.表示从过去某一事件发生到现在或将继续持续下去 2.过去发生的事对现在造成的影响 3.表示现在已经完成的动作 4.构成 主语+have/has +动词的过去分词.