







汉语拼音:tiān chéng







  1. 谓合于自然。

    《庄子·寓言》:“ 颜成子游 谓 东郭子綦 曰:‘自吾闻子之言,一年而野,二年而从……七年而天成。’” 郭象 注:“无所復为。” 成玄英 疏:“合自然成。”

  2. 不假人工,自然而成。

    《宋书·谢灵运传论》:“至於高言妙句,音韵天成,皆暗与理合,匪由思至。” 唐 韩愈 《上襄阳于相公书》:“阁下负超卓之奇材,蓄雄刚之俊德,浑然天成,无有畔岸。” 宋 曾巩 《墨池记》:“ 羲之 之书晚乃善,则其所能,盖亦以精力自致者,非天成也。” 沉宗畸 《题居庸秋望图》诗:“天成隘阻设雄关,九塞古称兹独壮。”



  1. As he was on his way to heaven, the emperor Huang asked a soldier to call all of his sons so he could choose.


  2. As with these, so with the child; her garb was all of one idea with her nature.


  3. Humanity and nature of such integration to achieve a totally natural feeling, so I do not not like it.


  4. The Korean countryside is quite mountainous, with villages in the little stretches of valleys between the rugged, unadorned crags .


  5. Hope your birthday is happy, and hope it's followed by days and weeks and months and years of happiness for you.


  6. With its natural marine environment, Taiwan provides us with a sustainable living.


  7. Firstly, the thesis analyzes how Leu converted artistic conception from a poetic theory into a theatrical theory.


  8. Tiancheng agricultural development Co. , LTD. With you to create a better tomorrow!


  9. Glittering and translucent get rid of shows body, be full of the light to feel; Its interior has fruity transition, all like nature itself.


  1. 杜鹃在山坡, 林下自然种植, 宛如天成。

    Cuckoo in the hillsides, natural forest cultivation, like heaven.

  2. 天成农业发展有限公司与您携手共创美好明天!

    Tiancheng agricultural development Co. , LTD. With you to create a better tomorrow!

  3. 谋事在天,成事在人

    Man proposes, God disposes

  4. 第二天就成这样了

    the next day I got this.

  5. 他上任没几天,就成了公司里最不得人心的人。

    Within a few days of taking office he had become the most unpopular man in the company.

  6. 我知道,要不是多亏了他,我很可能参加不成第二天的决赛。

    I knew that if it hadn't been for him I probably wouldn't be jumping in the finals the following day.

  7. 功夫大师是靠后天锻炼而非浑然天成。

    Kung fu masters are made not born.

  8. 没几天,孩子就成了全学院人得宠儿。

    In a very little while the boy became the favourite of the whole college.

  9. 没几天,孩子就成了全学院人的宠儿。

    In a very little while the boy became the favourite of the whole college.

  10. 采用极品极品缅玉玛瑙打磨而成,做工细腻,浑然天成!

    Using Need Need Burma jade from polished agate, delicate work, unaware of heaven!

  11. 谋事在人成事在天

    Man proposes and God disposes.

  12. 谋事在人,成事在天。

    Man proposes, God disposes.

  13. 有句谚语说谋事在人, 成事在天。

    One proverb has it that the man proposes, the God disposes.

  14. 成事在天, 谋事在人。并非事事遂心愿。

    Man proposes, God disposes. Not everything as you would like it to.

  15. 可是, 在投机买卖上, 真所谓? ? ? ? , 成事在天。

    In matters of speculation, however, though man proposes, money disposes.

  16. 天没下雨,结果成了件幸事。

    It didn't rain, which turned out to be a stroke of luck.

  17. 第七天,就看到天花成脐形

    Day seven, they show the classic scars of smallpox umbilication.

  18. 他声称只用两天就把文章写成了。

    He claims to have written the article in two days.

  19. 赌博成瘾众多前妻天啊我好奇钱都到哪去了。

    Gambling problem, multiple ex wives Gee, I wonder where the money went.

  20. 习惯天成礼法严

    Or the stricter net of custom

  21. 心语自然,美丽天成!

    Natural heart whisper, endowing beauty!

  22. 佳偶天成, 金玉良缘。

    Happy couple God disposes. Golden fate God bestows.

  23. 佳偶天成,金玉良缘。

    Happy couple God disposes. Golden fate God bestows.

  24. 妙趣天成的玛瑙鼻烟壶

    Wonderful snuff bottles of agate

  25. 广州金天成印刷包装广场

    Guangzhou jintianchen print and packaging piazza

  26. 甘肃金润天成商贸有限公司。

    Gansu golden way trading co., Ltd.

  27. 特色天成得自然奇观红海滩。

    The Red Beach is a spectacle of nature.

  28. 这件雕塑作品浑然天成、大气磅礴。

    The sculpture is natural, grand and magnificent.

  29. 每天成吨得货物运抵该机场。

    Tons of freight are flown into the airport every day.

  30. 远离尘世喧嚣,典雅品质浑然天成。

    It is away from the Noise of the city, elegant quality of nature itself.


  1. 问:天成拼音怎么拼?天成的读音是什么?天成翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天成的读音是tiānchéng,天成翻译成英文是 Be wrought as if through the invisible hands of n...

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