









汉语拼音:guǎng gào cí



  1. Here is kind of a little jingle, a couple of statements, some stuff that reminds me of him.


  2. Even the weasel "helps" did not prevent the FTC from demanding that this ad be with-drawn.


  3. If almost every comment anyone submits ends up in your moderation queue, there's probably a problem with your spam words list.


  4. The message itself is usually short , often no more than a slogan which the public identifies with the product .


  5. Nike Inc. 's "Just do it" message of individual empowerment and athletic achievement plays as well in Jakarta as it does in Jefferson City.


  6. If its message were confined merely to information, advertising would be so boring that no one would pay any attention.


  7. A few of these claims are downright lies, some are honest statements about a truly superior product.


  8. "Qingyuan is preferred for industrial transfer" is not just a slogan.


  9. And childhood heard of that message: ShuYuJingErFengBuZhi, son to raise and close not to stay.


  1. 押韵动听的广告词

    advertising jingles

  2. 帮我想一下广告词。

    Help me to come to think of advertising verbals.

  3. 高分在线求经典广告词!

    High marks seek the classics advertising verbals on line!

  4. 这可当作这则广告的绝妙广告词。

    This will make great copy for the advertisement.

  5. 浅析商业广告词翻译的机趣效果

    Commercial Advertising Translating Creates the Effect of Smartness

  6. 这类广告词通常都是讲的事实。

    The claim is usually a statement of fact.

  7. 这类广告词通常都是讲得事实。

    The claim is usually a statement of fact.

  8. 被雇来写广告词或宣传材料的人。

    a person employed to write advertising or publicity copy.

  9. 给我灵感,还记得漱口水的广告词吗?

    Inspiring me. Remember the mouthwash jingle?

  10. 我下一本烹饪书,有好的广告词了。

    Finally, a blurb for my next cookbook.

  11. 我认为这些颜色和广告词搭配得很好。

    I think those colors will work well together and the lettering looks good.

  12. 不管怎么样,很多人抱怨许多广告词非常诱导人。

    In any case, many people complain many jingle very induce people.

  13. 今年我们公司要招聘几个撰写广告词的好手。

    Our company wants to employ someone who can write good copy this year.

  14. 今年我们公司要招聘几个撰写广告词的好手。

    Our company wants to employ someone who can write good copy this year.

  15. 他还经常亲自出马,编写或改写苹果的广告词。

    He often wrote or rewrote the text of Apple's advertisements himself.

  16. 这是一个培训黑客培训班涛涛工作室得广告词。

    This is one grooms the hacker grooms the advertisement word of Ban Taotao atelier.

  17. 这是一个培训黑客培训班涛涛工作室的广告词。

    This is one grooms the hacker grooms the advertisement word of Ban Taotao atelier.

  18. 洁具得牌子叫加勒,帮我想几句广告词吧!

    Clean utensil brand is called Galle,is helps me to think of several advertising verbals!

  19. 洁具的牌子叫加勒,帮我想几句广告词吧!

    Clean utensil brand is called Galle, is helps me to think of several advertising verbals!

  20. 并说,该广告词已至少被翻译成二十九种语言。

    And reports say it has been used to advertise diamonds in at least twentynine languages.

  21. 这句篡改广告词得新编版中超笑言揭示出中超得混乱。

    Tamper with this new version of the ad reveals more than Xiaoyan over the chaos.

  22. 这句篡改广告词的新编版中超笑言揭示出中超的混乱。

    Tamper with this new version of the ad reveals more than Xiaoyan over the chaos.

  23. 如果你广告词也能念好我就去喝杯红茶庆祝一下。

    If you can read too, I'll treat myself to a Snapple.


