







汉语拼音:zuò cāo



  1. It's a treat to do some stretches to the music on the radio. We are stuck at the desks all day long .


  2. to diminish research endownments However, my enthusiasm waned. The time I spent at exercises gradually diminished.


  3. However, my enthusiasm waned. The time I spent at exercises gradually diminished.


  4. The community is important, and people identify with their own community, even if it means doing exercises in front of everybody.


  5. Let's do some exercises to warm up a bit.


  6. Not sure to very violent static, can choice some comparative relaxed static as jogging, doing exercises.


  7. All of the students ran out to do physical jerks after classes.


  8. Doing exercise everyday is good to your health.


  9. On the street you can see various groups of people, often elderly, doing gymnastic exercise together.


  1. 我们受益于每天做操。

    We benefit from daily exercise.

  2. 我们得益于每天做操。

    We benefit from daily exercises.

  3. 也可以在体育馆里做操。

    They may also exercise in the gym.

  4. 我吃早饭前的第一件事是做操。

    I do my exercises first thing, before I have my breakfast.

  5. 她总是平明时分起床, 然后去跑步做操。

    She always gets up at dawn to go jogging and do morning exercises.

  6. 她总是平明时分起床,然后去跑步做操。

    She always gets up at dawn to go jogging and do morning exercises.

  7. 全校在课间时都在院子里排成一行行做操。

    The whole school lines up in the yard between classes and does exercises.

  8. 我和你一样开始也是臀位,做操是累点,但还是很有效的。

    I like you, is the beginning of breech presentation, exercise is tired, but still very effective.

  9. 他们在做集体操。

    They're doing group exercises.

  10. 做伸展操或学瑜珈。

    Do stretching exercises or learn yoga.

  11. 充真操做上课顷刻间意味着课中少花时分。

    Making full of time in class means we can spend less time after class.

  12. 做完操之后,教师吹哨让学生解散。

    The teacher piped the pupils down after doing drills.

  13. 我做韵律操,那是,就像,真的很酷。

    I do rhythmic gymnastics, which is, like, really cool.

  14. 为了保持体形优美,她多年来一直坚持做健身操。

    In order to keep an elegant figure, she has been doing body-shaping exercises for many years.

  15. 为了防止我们的肌肉受伤,我们必须在运动前先做热身操。

    To prevent our muscle from getting hurt, we need to do warm up before exercise.

  16. 录像里有坐着就可以做的健身操。

    The video has exercises you can do while you are sitting down.

  17. 建议在跑步之前做一下健美操来放松一下肌肉

    Calisthenics is recommended to relax the muscles before a run.

  18. 为练成完美的体型, 她每周做四次健身操。

    She does gymnastic exercises four times a week in the quest for achieving the perfect figure.

  19. 大家去做操吧。

    Let's go and do exercises.

  20. 我真的喜欢做有氧健身操。

    I really enjoy doing aerobics.

  21. 她每周做两次有氧操。

    She does the aerobics twice every week.

  22. 白鹭洲公园做操的人们

    Egret Island Park for exercise of the people.

  23. 让咱们先做做操热一下身。

    Let's do some exercises to warm up a bit.

  24. 每天做操对他有好处。

    He benefits by daily exercises.

  25. 很好, 每天做操会对身体有好处。

    Good! You can benefit by diaily exercises.

  26. 艾伦正在做操, 他做的是第六套广播体操。

    Allen is exercising, the exercise he is doing is the sixth set of broadcast gymnastics.

  27. 在此以后, 他开始定期做操, 不过起先有些勉强。

    After that, reluctantly at first, he began exercising himself regularly.

  28. 做操与其它方法一样是减掉不必要的体重的好方法。

    Exercise is as good a way as any other to lose unwanted weight.

  29. 然而, 我的热情减退了。我在做操上花的时间逐渐减少了。

    However, my enthusiasm waned. The time I spent at exercises gradually diminished.

  30. 我一星期做三次踩跨步健身操。

    I do step three times a week.




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