


1. 付 [fù]付 [fù]交,给:支~。托~。~款。~梓(把稿件交付刊印)。~讫。~出。~与。~之一笑。~诸东流。量词,指中药(亦作“服”):一~药。……




1. 行 [háng]2. 行 [xíng]行 [háng]行列:字里~间。罗列成~。兄弟姐妹的次弟;排行:我~二,你~几?步行的阵列。量词。用于成行的东西:泪下两~。某些营业所:银~。花~。商行。行业:同~。各~各业。用长的针脚成行地连缀……





汉语拼音:fù zhū xíng dòng






  1. Fearlessly discovering and acting on them should be at the heart of the products, teams and companies we're trying to build.


  2. and the dark earth dream as it was expanded hosted destructive scripts that humanity then attuned unto and acted out.


  3. If it is possible to reduce the number of UK warheads further, Britain will be ready to do so.


  4. A rescue plan involving 30 police officers attached to the Wuhan Railway Administration is to be launched in the next few days, they said.


  5. "The co-production treaty had existed about 10 years but had never been used, " said Emile Sherman, one of the producers.


  6. Don't get so caught up in your passion that you jump in and take action on a fatally flawed idea.


  7. The process of taking action to accompany your dreams will in turn inspire you to get up each day and feel ready to take on the world.


  8. Or as if it had been a conflict between two equally compelling duties that required action?


  9. I got tired of looking at all those leaves in my yard, so I got up off the couch and went into action.


  1. 而应该付诸行动

    We actually have to do something about it.

  2. 于是他们迅速付诸行动。

    So they snapped into action.

  3. 他的意向已付诸行动。

    His intention took shape in action.

  4. 我们怎样才会付诸行动

    is how we would actually do that. Okay?

  5. 付诸行动的梦想是神圣的。

    Your dreams grow holy put into action.

  6. 不想付诸行动的性吸引?

    Sexual attraction without the desire to act on it?

  7. 她们都在启发我们付诸行动。

    she is teaching us to walk the walk.

  8. 然而却不去应用它,不付诸行动。

    and then not use it, not apply it.

  9. 那么让我们将这些想法付诸行动。

    So let's try them.

  10. 扬言要举行罢工,却从未付诸行动。

    The threatened strike never materialized.

  11. 杰罗德。洛夫是时候付诸行动了。

    Jarrod Lough Its time to put my training into use.

  12. 是将我们的计划付诸行动的时候了。

    It's time to put our plan into action.

  13. 这些建议已经被采纳并正付诸行动。

    These recommendations have been adopted and are being actioned.

  14. 最终,我们让私欲付诸行动,不顺服神。

    Finally we allow it to turn into an action of disobedience to god's ways.

  15. 他说, 不付诸行动的盲目乐观毫无价值

    Optimism associated with inaction is useless, he says.

  16. 人类调谐入暴力并开始将它付诸行动。

    Humanity tuned into the violence and began to act it out.

  17. 帮助他人须付诸行动一次意想不到的交谈

    Helping Others Is Easier Said Than Done

  18. 她得到了一个把她的怪念头付诸行动的机会。

    She gets a chance to act out her fantasies.

  19. 虽然听上去是共识,但巧实力不易付诸行动。

    It sounds like common sense, but smart power is not so easy to carry out in practice.

  20. 我们缺少的是投入资金把上述方案付诸行动。

    All we lack is the action to actually spend the money to put those into place.

  21. 这个项目流产了, 还未付诸行动就被弃用。

    The project was an abortion it was abandoned before it could be put into action.

  22. 有的感慨时间的稍纵即逝, 却不付诸行动去把握时间。

    Some regrets time flit, but not into action to grasp the time.

  23. 这种领导行为显然深得人心,但很难付诸行动。

    This leadership bit was clearly deeply felt, if difficult to act on.

  24. 制定战略并在各方面付诸行动,看看故事怎么发展。

    Strategize and work all the angles to see how the story turns out.

  25. 该是各国政府齐心协力, 将口号付诸行动得时候了。

    It is time that governments work closely together and back up their verbal commitment by actions.

  26. 该是各国政府齐心协力,将口号付诸行动的时候了。

    It is time that governments work closely together and back up their verbal commitment by actions.

  27. 但直到晚得多, 这项政策是赎回和付诸行动。

    It was not until much later that the Policy was redeemed and put into action.

  28. 亲爱的母亲,愿我把曾向你许下的诺言,付诸行动。

    May I give action to the words I promise to you, dear Mother.

  29. 对于将辞职的要挟付诸行动,她已做好了思想准备。

    She is prepared to carry out her threat to resign.

  30. 要想摆脱职业野葛的缠绕,可将以下忠告付诸行动。

    You can cut through career kudzu by putting the following advice into action.



【拼音】fù zhū xíng dòng



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