




1. 术 [shù]2. 术 [shú]3. 术 [zhú]术 [shù]技艺:技~。艺~。武~。学~。不学无~。方法:战~。权~。心~。古代城市中的道路。术 [shú]古同“秫”,黏高梁。术 [zhú]〔白~〕多年生草本植物,根状茎可入药……







汉语拼音:yì shù xíng shì



  1. Graffiti, like the other three elements, is an art form, a means of cultural expression.


  2. But he took this art form to new heights with the lavishly expensive video he made in 1983 for the title track of the "Thriller" album.


  3. It may be the only art form that remains legal and yet savoured by people across every social stratum.


  4. Music is undoubtedly one of the oldest art forms, utilizing the human voice and body as natural instruments and means of self-expression.


  5. Constructions manifest the personality of peoples and civilizations, architectural art is one of the important form of art.


  6. But all of them make it obvious that in op art, the link between art and illusory perception is an artistic style in and of itself.


  7. Mrs Kan has turned the Japanese tradition of publicly downplaying the achievements of loved ones into something of an art form.


  8. I learned to feel emotion through this type of art form, and I find that it is one of the most important parts of it.


  9. Celadon ceramics is an age-old art. Through a history of thousands of years, it has taken on a soft, serene and elegant quality.


  1. 论艺术形式的崇高

    On sublime of artistic form

  2. 艺术手法和艺术形式研究。

    The research of artistic techniques and forms.

  3. 大众喜闻乐见的艺术形式

    a democratic art form

  4. 大众喜闻乐见的艺术形式

    a democratic art form

  5. 齐瓦当的艺术形式特征

    The Art Features of Qi Eaves Tiles

  6. 民主运动大众化的艺术形式

    A democratic movement democratic art forms.

  7. 把花涂变成艺术形式的人。

    Who made hwatu into an art form.

  8. 音乐与其他艺术形式迥然不同。

    Music is quite unlike any other art form.

  9. 工业设计是 21 世纪的艺术形式。

    Industrial design is the art form of the 19st century.

  10. 我所做的是一种艺术形式。

    What I do is an art form.

  11. 戏曲这种艺术形式滥觞于宋朝。

    Traditional opera originated in the Song dynasty.

  12. 相声这种艺术形式让老百姓喜闻乐见。

    Cross talks are an art form people love to see and hear.

  13. 他们甚至演变到独唱的艺术形式。

    They eventually developed their own solo art form.

  14. 雕刻是一种可触摸的艺术形式。

    Sculpture is a tangible art form.

  15. 雕刻是一种可触摸得艺术形式。

    Sculpture is a tangible art form.

  16. 每种艺术形式都有本身的局限。

    Every form of art has its limitations.

  17. 每种艺术形式都有本身得局限。

    Every form of art has its limitations.

  18. 昆曲是一种非常优美的艺术形式。

    It is a very beautiful art form.

  19. 插花作为艺术形式发展于平安时代。

    This Japanese form of flower arranging evolved during the Heian period as an art form.

  20. 戏剧和电影都是重要的艺术形式。

    Both the theatre and the cinema are important forms of art.

  21. 论李劼人长篇三部曲的现代艺术形式

    On the Modern Artistic Style of Li Jieren's Novel Trilogy

  22. 舞蹈是一种令人激动的艺术形式。

    Dance is an exciting art form.

  23. 京剧是一门古老而高贵的艺术形式。

    Beijing opera is an old and noble art form.

  24. 这场运动把工艺视为一种艺术形式。

    The movement revered craft as a form of art.

  25. 绝大多数艺术形式几乎不具备互动性。

    Most art allows very little participation.

  26. 手风琴丢掉了自己的特色,艺术形式呆板。

    The accordion has lost its characteristic, and its art form becomes stiff.

  27. 电视新闻纪录片是一种特殊的电视艺术形式。

    TV News Documentary is a special kind of art.

  28. 绘画是造型艺术中最主要的一种艺术形式。

    Painting plays an important part in plastic arts.

  29. 辞章是有效地表达话语信息的艺术形式。

    Chinese textual analysis is an artistic device to express efficient message.

  30. 短篇小说是一种很难掌握的艺术形式。

    The short story is a difficult art form to master.




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