




1. 好 [hǎo]2. 好 [hào]好 [hǎo]优点多或使人满意的,与“坏”相对:~人。~汉。~歹。~事多磨。身体康健,疾病消失,生活幸福:您~。安~。友爱,和睦:友~。相~。容易:~办。~使。~懂。完成,完善:办~了。表示应允、赞成……


1. 吗 [má]2. 吗 [mǎ]3. 吗 [ma]吗 [má]什么:干~?吗 [mǎ]〔~啡〕用鸦片制成的有机化合物。(嗎)吗 [ma]助词,表疑问,用在一般直陈句尾:昨天布置的事办了~?助词,表示含蓄的语气,用在句中停顿处,点出话题:……



汉语拼音:nǐ hǎo






  1. "Well, " he said, "I saw you across the street there. I thought it was you. I was just coming out to your place. How are you, anyhow? "


  2. He is tied up in a meeting just now. Can I ask him to call you back?


  3. Hello, my love, I know it's been a year since I've been gone, I hope it hasn't been too hard for you to overcome.


  4. On the first day of classes at a Los Angeles high school, several American boys came up to a Chinese boy and said: "Hi, what's up? "


  5. Well, I 'll have to discuss the matter with my manager. may I call back tomorrow ?


  6. Summer at the end of the family, the boy to leave. the girl tearfully to send in his ear and whispered, "said : my leg, you marry? "


  7. Hey there, Delilah, I've got so much left to say if every simple song I wrote to you would take your breath away, I'd write it all.


  8. How're you doing? B: I'm all right. A: What's the matter? B: Nothing.


  9. "But you -- How are you? " cried Elizabeth. "You look pale. How much you must have gone through! "


  1. 梅,你好吗

    How are you, May

  2. 噢,你好吗?

    Oh,how do you do?

  3. 你好, 李!你好吗

    Hi Li. How are you doing

  4. 萨拉,你好吗

    How are you, Sarah

  5. 噢,你好吗?

    Oh, how do you do?

  6. 嘿,你好吗?

    Hello, how are you?

  7. 唐尼 你好吗

    Donny, how are you, man?

  8. 喂!你好吗?

    Hi, there! How're you doing?

  9. 你好吗,很好

    How's it going? It's awesome. Awesome.

  10. 你好, 尼尔。你好吗?

    A Hello, Neil. How are you

  11. 妹妹,你好吗

    What up, little sis?

  12. 晚安, 你好吗?

    Good evening, how are you?

  13. 你好,神父你好吗?

    Hello revenant. How are you

  14. 晚安,你好吗?

    Good evening, how are you?

  15. 刘云,你好吗

    How are you, Liu Yun

  16. 不好意思。你好吗。

    Excuse me. How ya doin.

  17. 你好吗, 小狗?

    How are you, Doggie ?

  18. 梅勒妮,你好吗

    How are you, Melanie

  19. 你好吗,加思?

    How you doing Garth!

  20. 你好, 美玲。你好吗

    Hello, Meiling. How are you

  21. 莫妮卡,你好吗

    Hey, Monica. What's up?

  22. 喂,琼,你好吗

    Hello Joan. How are you

  23. 你好吗?,苏珊?

    How are you, Susie?

  24. 塞丽娜,你好吗?

    Serena,hi.How are you?

  25. 喂,汤姆,你好吗

    Hello, Tom, how are you

  26. 你好吗 李小姐?

    How are you, Miss Li

  27. 早上好,平。你好吗

    Fine. When do you want to visit the Great wall.

  28. 你好吗,埃米特

    Hey, what's up, Emmett?

  29. 你好, 埃里卡。你好吗

    Hello, Erika. How are you

  30. 你好吗, 杰西卡?

    How cheer'st thou, Jessica ?


  1. 问:你好吗拼音怎么拼?你好吗的读音是什么?你好吗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:你好吗的读音是Nǐhǎoma,你好吗翻译成英文是 how do you do

  2. 问:你好吗?拼音怎么拼?你好吗?的读音是什么?你好吗?翻译成英文是什么?

    答:你好吗?的读音是Nǐhǎo ma ?,你好吗?翻译成英文是 how are you?



“你好吗”是个多义词,它可以指你好吗(许熙泽演唱歌曲), 你好吗(宋祖英演唱歌曲), 你好吗(黄思婷演唱歌曲), 你好吗(洪卓立演唱歌曲), 你好吗(王诗安同名专辑歌曲), 你好吗(郁可唯演唱歌曲), 你好吗(中岛美雪演唱歌曲), 你好吗(周杰伦演唱歌曲)。

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