




1. 助 [zhù]2. 助 [chú]助 [zhù]帮助协同,辅佐:辅~。帮~。~手。~人为乐。~桀为虐。拔苗~长(zhǎng )。爱莫能~。相传为殷代的租赋制度。助 [chú]古同“锄”,除去。……







汉语拼音:bāng zhù tā rén



  1. His primary concern is not with his own welfare, but he focuses on how much more he can help others, revealing a fine character.


  2. She praised his years of hard work and, typically, reminded him to use his education to help others.


  3. What I most admire about her is her strong belief that we have the responsibility to help others become better persons.


  4. Even if your intention is to help people, try expanding it to a vision of helping humanity, as if humanity itself is a conscious entity.


  5. Anyone witha sense of humor and a desire to help others can apply.


  6. But the end result is often the ability to be far more productive and helpful to others.


  7. Make it a habit to do good for those who may not know all their life. Be helpful unconditionally.


  8. If you're feeling frustrated or overwhelmed by the news of a disaster, volunteering to help can be a great way to cope.


  9. It's more fun to do research and help others do research if you care about the field (or at least some aspect of it).


  1. 帮助他人。

    Helping others.

  2. 帮助他人。

    Helping others.

  3. 乐于帮助他人的

    Eager to render services or help others.

  4. 帮助他人挖掘潜能。

    to help them reach their potential.

  5. 帮助他人实现其梦想。

    And helping people realize their dreams.

  6. 她从不费神去帮助他人。

    She never puts herself out to help people.

  7. 我的人生目标是帮助他人。

    My goal in life is to help others.

  8. 是同情让我们去帮助他人。

    It's empathy that makes us help other people.

  9. 这就是帮助他人的好机会。

    This is an opportunity to really help someone.

  10. 他付出了多少去帮助他人?

    How much has he given of himself to help others

  11. 我非常赞同帮助他人的提议。

    I really like the idea of helping people.

  12. 帮助他人,我们完成了我们的使命?

    That by helping others we fulfill our own destiny?

  13. 以帮助他人为荣,以耻笑他人为耻。

    Help others, do not deride.

  14. 我有天赋,我用它来帮助他人。

    I have a gift, and I use it to help people.

  15. 我有天赋,我用它来帮助他人。

    I have a gift, and I use it to help people.

  16. 我有天赋,我用它来帮助他人。

    I have a gift, and I use it to help people.

  17. 使用我的才干和恩赐帮助他人。

    Using my talents and gifts to help others.

  18. 丹尼。普若非特比我懂帮助他人。

    Denny Proffitt knows more about helping other people.

  19. 死守财富是耻辱,而帮助他人是光荣。

    Dying wealthy is a disgrace, while helping others is an honor.

  20. 谁规定你就得扮演上帝,帮助他人

    When have you been appointed to play God?

  21. 你将帮助他人远离你所患的疾病。

    You will help prevent others from catching your illness.

  22. 我从未见过任何人如此帮助他人。

    I have never seen anyone more devoted to helping others.

  23. 她喜欢独处, 从不费神去帮助他人。

    She likes to keep herself to herself and never puts herself out to help others.

  24. 相比追逐私利,玛丽更乐意帮助他人。

    Mary's much more interested in doing things for other people than feathering her own nest.

  25. 这份礼物激使史都华去帮助他人。

    That gift inspired Stewart to help others.

  26. 爱是为帮助他人而愿意忍受痛苦,爱是勇气。

    Love is uncomplaining for help others, love is courage.

  27. 您有一种特别的热情, 帮助他人达到梦想。

    You have a particular passion for helping others to achieve their dreams.

  28. 亲社会行为是指个体倾向于帮助他人的行为。

    Prosocial behavior is defined as a conduct which intend to help others.

  29. 把帮助他人而得到得欣慰作为其最好得回报。

    Let the satisfaction of helping others serve as its own best reward.

  30. 继续抵抗尽力逃脱,帮助他人逃脱不接受特殊待遇。

    Continue to resist Try to escape and aid other to escape Not accept parole or other favors.

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