


衬在底下或铺在上面:~高。~平。~背。~脚石(喻被人用来往上爬)。用来衬、铺的东西:~子。~褥。替人暂付款项:~款。~付。~支。陷沉,淹没:~没(mò ㄇㄛˋ)。~陷。填补空缺:~补。……





汉语拼音:diàn hòu



  1. You may be sent out to the advance, flank or rear, and a great amount of flexibility and independent thinking will be required.


  2. Type high: The height of type or engravings when mounted on wood or metal in order to make an impression.


  3. Fixation Way of Tracheal Cannulation Tube After Put off Teeth Pad


  1. 请把抽屉腾空后垫上干净得纸。

    Please line the drawer with clean paper after you have emptied it.

  2. 请把抽屉腾空后垫上干净的纸。

    Please line the drawer with clean paper after you have emptied it.

  3. 检查前刹车垫和后刹车衬。

    Inspect the front brake pads and rear brake linings.

  4. 当对方把茶杯垫翻过来后,她会发现下面有一把钥匙。

    When your partner turns over the coaster she finds a key taped to the bottom.

  5. 大鼠眶下神经断扎后触须垫的神经支配

    Innervation of the vibrissa pad after the rat infraorbital nerve transected and ligated

  6. 去除牙垫后气管插管固定方法

    Fixation Way of Tracheal Cannulation Tube After Put off Teeth Pad

  7. 我把其中的一个软垫垫在他脑后。

    I put one of the cushions behind his head.

  8. 储槽内加布垫后灭菌物品无菌的观察

    Observation of Asepsis of Sterile Articles after Placement of Cloth Pad in Storage Tank

  9. 安装如示意图, 加密封垫后均匀锁紧联接螺栓。

    Installation flange connecting valve is on diagram. Lock down the connecting bolt after add sealing washer.

  10. 经理在考察了我们的财务状况后同意先垫付账单。

    The business manager told me that someone paid our bill.

  11. 经理在考察了我们得财务状况后同意先垫付账单。

    The business manager told me that someone paid our bill.

  12. 有条件的话可在皮草干燥后垫特氟隆垫布压熨。

    After drying the articles are ironed or pressed with Teflon foil if possible.

  13. 有条件得话可在皮草干燥后垫特氟隆垫布压熨。

    After drying the articles are ironed or pressed with Teflon foil if possible.

  14. 双手垫臀预防麻醉术后患者尾骶部红肿的护理

    Nursing of Putting Both Hands Under Buttocks to Prevent Caudal Swelling after Anesthesia

  15. 水泥晾干后将除尘地垫放入铝合金框架内。

    After cement become dry, put the dedusting doormat into the alloy frame.

  16. 校准后将框架连同调整垫铁一齐焊接在预埋的锚固钢板上。

    Then weld the frame and steel shim with builtin fitting.

  17. 把后轮垫高

    Block up the rear wheel.

  18. 修理工把后轮垫高。

    The mechanics blocked up the rear wheels.

  19. 我一停车, 请用垫木把后轮塞住。

    Chock the back wheels when I stop.

  20. 他找到合尺寸的垫片后,问售货员。

    After he found the right size of the packing, approached a salesperson.

  21. 垫牌后每个玩家手中有五张牌。

    Each player had 5 cards after the discard.

  22. 垫牌后每个玩家手中有五张牌。

    Each player had 5 cards after the discard.

  23. 垫片外侧载荷呈先升后降的规律。

    The loading of the outboard gasket first rises then descends.

  24. 我们得把后轮垫起来, 好歹我们有个备用胎。

    Maybe we have to block up the rear wheel. Fortunately we've got a spare wheel.

  25. 在决定生肖顺序的比赛中,猪是垫底,排在狗后。

    The pig finished last in the race that determined the zodiac's order, behind the dog.

  26. 第一次浇注混凝土后, 挠度可用垫片调整。

    After the first casting, the deflection can be checked and modified using shim plates.

  27. 垫片外侧载荷变化呈先升后降的规律。

    The loading of the outboard gasket has the rule of first rose then descended.

  28. 她拿起枕头垫在他背后, 使他能往后靠着。

    Reaching for pillows, she propped them behind, so that he could lean back.

  29. 鞋靴摆放在靠墙的防水垫上, 外套挂在门后。

    Shoes and boots go right onto the waterproof mat laid out next to the wall, , and coats go on the coat rack behind the door.

  30. 测量术后两组聚乙烯半月板垫片的旋转角度。

    The angle of rotation of polyethylene cushion was calculated.

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