


1. 摄 [shè]2. 摄 [niè]摄 [shè]拿,吸取:~取。~像。~影。~食。保养:~生。~重(zhòng )。珍~。代理:~行(xíng )(代职务)。~政(代君主管理国家)。捕捉:勾~。迫近:“~乎大国之间”。古同“慑”,怕,……





汉语拼音:shè rù



  1. The two groups that had not restricted their caloric intake during the test period did not show more cortisol production.


  2. points out that Dairylea promotes the fact that this product contains half of a child's recommended daily calcium intake.


  3. Eating too much saturated fat (like the kind found in this classic breakfast) can cause high cholesterol.


  4. In 1997, the United States Institute of Medicine established levels for how much Vitamin D healthy people need.


  5. And, clearly talk with your medical team if you have any questions about how much you should be consuming.


  6. He asked her to come back a month later by which time he himself had cut down on his own sugar intake.


  7. She said babies in her study might have received more DHA than those in this study.


  8. Try eliminating or at least greatly reducing your intake of, sugar, dairy, processed food, meats, fried foods and what you know is junk.


  9. Eat a low-fat, well-balanced diet, exercise regularly, keep your weight under control, and have no more than five alcoholic drinks a week.


  1. 浓集性摄入

    concentrative uptake.

  2. 允许日摄入量

    acceptable daily intake

  3. 削减糖的摄入。

    Cut back on sugar.

  4. 暂定耐受摄入量

    provisional tolerable intake

  5. 导致阻碍你摄入氧气

    The muscle in your ventricle that's.

  6. 如果摄入不足,需要补充。

    If not, take a supplement.

  7. 暂行每日容许摄入量

    temporary ADI

  8. 但摄入环节更加有趣

    But consumption was where it started getting really enjoyable.

  9. 饮食中减少盐的摄入。

    Reduce salt in your diet.

  10. 饮食中减少盐得摄入。

    Reduce salt in your diet.

  11. 这些肯定是你摄入的。

    It has to be something you're ingesting.

  12. 我们怎样才能少摄入脂肪?

    How can we eat less fat ?

  13. 暂定可略每日摄入量

    tentative negligible daily intake

  14. 务必保证足够的水分摄入。

    Make sure that you drink plenty of fluids.

  15. 摄入的食物和我们休戚相关。

    We really are what we eat.

  16. 长期摄入镉会损害肾功能。

    Chronic exposure to cadmium would affect the kidney function.

  17. 这些钾肯定是你摄入的

    It has to be something you're ingesting.

  18. 限制干奶期精料的摄入

    Restrict concentrate intake during dry period

  19. 在睡觉前摄入一组奶制品。

    Fill in a dairy group before sleep.

  20. 这次显灵甚至被摄入电影。

    The apparition was even caught on film.

  21. 医生建议我减少盐的摄入。

    The doctor advised me to reduce the salt uptake.

  22. 暂定每日可耐受摄入量

    PTDI provisional tolerable daily intake

  23. 他们浑然不觉正在摄入的毒药?

    Were they oblivious to the poisons they were ingesting?

  24. 由于过量摄入咖啡碱而中毒。

    poisoning resulting from excessive intake of caffeine containing products.

  25. 取决于感染度和初乳摄入

    Depends on degree of involvement and colostrum intake

  26. 尽量限制糖和咖啡因的摄入。

    Try to limit your sugar and caffeine intake.

  27. 摄入咖啡因能预防阿默氏病

    Does caffeine intake protect from Alzheimers disease.

  28. 应该增加 保持还是减少液体摄入?

    Should you increase, maintain, or decrease the number of fluids?

  29. 他们肯定要摄入大量的水份。

    They will certainly need to take in plenty of liquid.

  30. 他们肯定要摄入大量的水份。

    They will certainly need to take in plenty of liquid.


  1. 问:摄入拼音怎么拼?摄入的读音是什么?摄入翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摄入的读音是shè rù,摄入翻译成英文是 to take in; to absorb; to consume

  2. 问:摄入率拼音怎么拼?摄入率的读音是什么?摄入率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摄入率的读音是shè rù lǜ,摄入率翻译成英文是 uptake rate

  3. 问:摄入食物拼音怎么拼?摄入食物的读音是什么?摄入食物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摄入食物的读音是shè rù shí wù,摄入食物翻译成英文是 dietary intake



中文名称 摄入 英文名称 intake

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