




1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……



汉语拼音:chuáng shàng



  1. That made him all the more motivated to get out of his bed, overcome the pain, and start taking his restorative long walks again.


  2. He refused to move out of their bed or speak to her unless it was about the children.


  3. 'Roger! It's Mother! I brought a cup of coffee for her and I found her dead. She's dead. . . dead in her bed, 'she cried.


  4. Don't waste any of that excited energy - make up with your partner straight-away with some between the sheets action.


  5. Whilst you're all tucked up in bed reading your favorite fairy-tale or horror story you can read to the glow of this uncomplicated lamp.


  6. No fear of him turning over in his grave. The doors are well bolted, the lid is on tight.


  7. Billy was out of bed, groping along a wall, trying to find a way out because he had to take a leak so badly.


  8. For a system allegedly being strangled in its bed, U. S. capitalism seems to be in astonishingly robust shape.


  9. She went to bed at 9 and said she was always glad to get there.


  1. 到床上来。

    Come back to bed.

  2. 躺在床上。

    Lie down on the bed.

  3. 到床上睡觉

    go to bed.

  4. 床上活动度

    bed mobility.

  5. 安睡在床上?

    Safe in bed.

  6. 在床上翻身

    turn over in bed.

  7. 床上用品厂

    Bedclothes Factory.

  8. 床上凌乱不堪。

    The bed now was just messy.

  9. 床上用桌台

    bed tray

  10. 床上没有枕头。

    There is not a pillow on the bed.

  11. 病倒在床上

    be ill in bed.

  12. 从床上掉下

    Fall from bed.

  13. 被困在床上

    lay by the heels.

  14. 在床上辗转反侧

    tumBle restlessly in Bed

  15. 你没在床上?

    You're out of bed?

  16. 安卧在床上

    nestle oneself in Bed.

  17. 瘫倒在床上

    to sag down in the bed.

  18. 快到床上来。

    Come back to bed.

  19. 躺到床上去。

    Get on the couch.

  20. 你没在床上?

    You're out of bed?

  21. 乔坐在床上。

    Joe sat on the bed.

  22. 我回到床上。

    I went back to bed.

  23. 她回到床上。

    She got back into bed.

  24. 请躺在床上。

    Please lie on the bed.

  25. 他躺在床上。

    He is lying on the bed.

  26. 她躺在床上。

    She lay down on her bed.

  27. 在床上坐起来

    sat up in bed.

  28. 从床上跳下来

    leap out of bed

  29. 别从床上下来

    except for supplies.

  30. 她趴在床上。

    And she threw herself across the bed.


  1. 问:床上空间拼音怎么拼?床上空间的读音是什么?床上空间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:床上空间的读音是chuáng shàng kōng jiān,床上空间翻译成英文是 headroom

  2. 问:床上自娩拼音怎么拼?床上自娩的读音是什么?床上自娩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:床上自娩的读音是chuáng shàng zì miǎn,床上自娩翻译成英文是 born before arrival



床上是立方网推出的一款睡前导读应用,现已推出Android 1.0版。用户可以用它听音乐,读精品文章,赠送精美礼品给自己喜欢的用户,与同城的异性聊天交友,分享自己的照片给其他用户。

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