









汉语拼音:rǔ jiāo qī



  1. The alkali resistance, plays the seal role, avoids the wall basic plane alkalinity matter to the surface layer latex paint destruction.


  2. Use a scrub brush if it looks as though the latex paint isn't coming off of your skin.


  3. "Two hundred bucks if you stay all night, " Nick said to me, carrying four gallons of apple-green latex from the trunk of his car.


  4. It's simple: just substitute ordinary latex paint with one of the beautiful shimmering metallic paints.


  5. Even if used in industrial latex paint, the said polymer can be slightly added to improve scrub resistance of film thereof.


  6. Chinese traditional style home is always like "four white ground" , the latex paint has been loved by ordinary people.


  7. Quality improvement, the company's ACID clean up the external walls of water emulsion paint, 5000, the quality assurance over 10 years.


  8. The bases that everybody can tell emulsion paint here is the colophony of avirulent sex and water, do not contain lead, mercuric part.


  9. Pigments are essential to the crotal temperature-fall coatings, but the pigments' dispersion is an initial problem to the latex paint.


  1. 丝光乳胶漆

    silk emulsion.

  2. 内用乳胶漆

    interior emulsion paint.

  3. 苯丙无光乳胶漆

    styrene acrylic matt latex paint

  4. 内用无光乳胶漆

    matt emulsion interior paint

  5. 合成树脂乳胶漆和密封剂

    Synthetic resin emulsion paint and sealer

  6. 高档乳胶漆和水性木器漆

    Top grade latex paint and watermanship carpentry Lacquer.

  7. 乳胶漆的保色耐候性

    Color Retention and Weatherability of Latex Coatings

  8. 新型乳胶漆用疏水剂的研制

    Development of New type of Hydrophobe for latex Paints

  9. 外墙硅丙乳胶漆配方的确定

    Determination of Formulation of Exterior Silicone Modified Acrylic Latex Paint

  10. 刷乳胶漆用比较牵引式刷的试验方法

    Test Method for Comparison of the Brush Drag of Latex Paints

  11. 乳胶漆的种类, 技术参数, 色级是 什么

    What type of emulsion paint, technical data, color grade regarding to it?

  12. 熟悉乳胶漆配方设计的过程及应用性。

    Familiar with the paint formulation and application process.

  13. 负离子内墙乳胶漆的研制及应用研究

    Development and Application of Negative Ion Emulsion Paint for Interior Wall

  14. 讨论了影响乳胶漆对比率的各种因素。

    Influencing factors on contract ratio of emulsion paints are discussed.

  15. 乳胶漆无气喷涂施工中微泡的控制

    Micro Bubble Control in Emulsion Paint Airless Spraying

  16. 高光乳胶漆的气味低,而且干燥速度快。

    High light latex paint, low odor, and dry fast.

  17. 浅议外墙乳胶漆墙面龟裂原因及防治

    On the Reasons of the Map Cracking in Exterior Emulsion Varnish Wall and the Prevention

  18. 增稠剂对乳胶漆的粘度和光泽的影响

    Influence of Thickeners on Viscosity and Gloss of Emulsion Paint

  19. 乳胶漆流变性的调整与增稠剂的选择

    Control of Rheology of Latex Paints and Selection of Thickeners

  20. 用于无气喷涂施工的内墙乳胶漆配方设计

    Composition Design of Interior Wall Coatings Used for Airless Spraying Application

  21. 乳胶漆是绿色环保涂料,但它成膜性较差。

    Emulsion paint is' green coating, but its property of film forming is poor.

  22. 多功能内墙乳胶漆是一种新型环境治理健康漆。

    Interior Latex Paint is a new type of environmental control health Chatham.

  23. 乳胶漆中缔合型增稠剂与分散剂的合理搭配

    The Reasonable Collocation of Associative Thickener with Dispersing Agent in Emulsion Paints

  24. 环保型高耐沾污性纯丙乳胶漆的研制

    Development of environment protective acrylic emulsion paint with high smudge resistance

  25. 屋子的四壁刷上了白色乳胶漆,看起来整洁干净。

    The four walls of the house have been painted with white emulsion paint and now it looks clean and tidy.

  26. 屋子的四壁刷上了白色乳胶漆,看起来整洁干净。

    The four walls of the house have been painted with white emulsion paint and now it looks clean and tidy.

  27. 油漆干了后,涂一层发红的土黄色乳胶漆。

    Once the paint is dry, apply a coat of the red ochre emulsion paint.

  28. 厨房、浴室的乳胶漆应具有防水、防霉、易洗刷的性能。

    The emulsioni paint of kitchen, bathroom should have the property of waterproof, mouldproof, easy rinse.

  29. 比如, 含防水配方的乳胶漆可以洗擦, 便于日后维护。

    For instance, may and rub the waterproof formula's latex paint, is advantageous will maintain the future.

  30. 比如,含防水配方得乳胶漆可以洗擦,便于日后维护。

    For instance, may and rub the waterproof formula's latex paint, is advantageous will maintain the future.


  1. 问:乳胶漆拼音怎么拼?乳胶漆的读音是什么?乳胶漆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乳胶漆的读音是rǔ jiāo qī,乳胶漆翻译成英文是 rubber-emulsion paint



乳胶漆是乳胶涂料的俗称,诞生于二十世纪七十年代中下期,是以丙烯酸酯共聚乳液为代表的一大类合成树脂乳液涂料。乳胶漆是水分散性涂料,它 是以合成树脂乳液为基料,填料经过研磨分散后加入各种助剂精制而成的涂料。乳胶漆具备了与传统墙面涂料不同的众多优点,如易于涂刷、干燥迅速、漆膜耐水、耐擦洗性好等。在我国,人们习惯上把合成树脂乳液为基料,以水为分散介质,加入颜料、填料(亦称体质颜料)和助剂,经一定工艺过程制成的涂料,叫做乳胶漆,也叫乳胶涂料。

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