






1. 信 [xìn]2. 信 [shēn]信 [xìn]诚实,不欺骗:~用。~守。~物。~货。~誓旦旦。不怀疑,认为可靠:~任。~托。~心。~念。崇奉:~仰。~徒。消息:~息。杳无音~。函件:~件。~笺。~鸽。~访。随便,放任:~手(随手)……





汉语拼音:lǐ xiǎng xìn niàn



  1. The establishment of ideals and beliefs is not a spontaneous process, but rather the result of a conscious effort.


  2. The ideals and beliefs of the contemporary university education is the heart of the ideological and political education.


  3. Could this young senator with an idealistic message survive the pressure of a race for the presidency?


  4. Finally, the article tries to put forward a seven adult faith education for college students to achieve the ideal measures.


  5. It is an important subject of keeping the advanced quality of the Party members to adopt a firm and right ideal and conviction.


  6. the fourth part is to explore to realize the path of ideals and belief education in the domain of the scientific development concept.


  7. The right spirit once in people's soul, an organization form, as an ideal, faith, value, can produce vast corporeal force.


  8. The diversified background brings about a series of new challenges on the ideal and belief education of contemporary university students.


  9. Practice as human essence decides that people are always living in the two dimensions of both real and ideal world.


  1. 坚定理想信念

    corroborate the ideal and belief

  2. 新时期党员理想信念问题新探

    On the Idea and Belief of the Party members in the New Period

  3. 三观教育与大学生的理想信念培养

    Education of Three Outlooks and Cultivation of College Students'Ideals and Beliefs

  4. 三个面向是新时期理想信念教育的方向

    The'Three Orientations'Is the Direction of Ideal and Belief Education in the New Period

  5. 特别是年轻人,浮躁的多了,对理想信念的思考少了。

    Especially the young, the more impetuous of the ideals and beliefs less thinking.

  6. 要以三观教育为核心,培养坚定的理想信念者。

    Consider the Three Outlooks as the core of education and develop resolute believers of ideals.

  7. 理想信念的确立不是自发的过程,而是自觉努力的结果。

    The establishment of ideals and beliefs is not a spontaneous process, but rather the result of a conscious effort.

  8. 你必须遵照法则, 有全然的爱和理想的信念。

    Bide within the Law you must, in perfect Love and perfect Trust.

  9. 坚定的共产主义理想和信念,来自于理论上的清醒。

    Steadfast communist ideal and faith are oriented from the theoretical disenchantment.

  10. 因为理想和信念的内在世界造救了我们的行动。

    Because the inner world of ideals and belief shapes our actions.

  11. 将与那些怀有共同理想和信念的朋友一起干这件事

    And with the people that are going to follow me and help me do things.

  12. 我是抱着信念和理想而来的。

    I came here out of conviction and idealism.

  13. 就是因为我们有理想, 有马克思主义信念, 有共产主义信念。

    It was precisely because we had ideals and a belief in Marxism and communism.

  14. 镌刻于宅门的楹联, 都表达着主人的理想, 祈求和信念。

    It was the earnest and dogmatic way in which she presented her political convictions that put everyones back up.

  15. 但我决不对我的理想踌躇不前,不会对我的梦失去信念

    But I refuse to falter to in what I believe or lose faith in my dreams.

  16. 我愿重申瑙鲁对联合国理想与宗旨的承诺和坚定信念。

    I wish to reaffirm Nauru's commitment and abiding faith in the ideals and objectives of the United Nations.

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