


1. 好 [hǎo]2. 好 [hào]好 [hǎo]优点多或使人满意的,与“坏”相对:~人。~汉。~歹。~事多磨。身体康健,疾病消失,生活幸福:您~。安~。友爱,和睦:友~。相~。容易:~办。~使。~懂。完成,完善:办~了。表示应允、赞成……


1. 好 [hǎo]2. 好 [hào]好 [hǎo]优点多或使人满意的,与“坏”相对:~人。~汉。~歹。~事多磨。身体康健,疾病消失,生活幸福:您~。安~。友爱,和睦:友~。相~。容易:~办。~使。~懂。完成,完善:办~了。表示应允、赞成……







汉语拼音:hǎo hǎo xué xí



  1. If I desire to be a good designer , I know , I must study hard now and feed myself some knowledge on designing.


  2. She had a little rest after lunch , but she worked hard in class all day , She played basketball after school , and then walked home.


  3. Now has his own big weekend occasionally go to the Internet, his mother said: "You do not go to the Internet, at home, study hard. "


  4. His father often got angry, and yet young Zuo Si was as naughty as ever and would not study hard.


  5. As a matter of fact, Mother does not ask me to thank her in words, but does expect me to be hasty and fit for study.


  6. Eg: He never did well at university , because he was always out drinking beer and chasing the skirt.


  7. e. g. He never did well at university , because he was always out drinking beer and chasing the skirt.


  8. You claim that you were incorrectly sent off during the league game, well it is about time that you read the rules a little better.


  9. Warm current into my mind, to be certain good study, don't live up to everybody, don't live up to foster their own hard teacher.


  1. 好好学习,努力,加油!

    Good good study, effort, refuels!!!

  2. 你今年要好好学习。

    You must get down to your studies this year.

  3. 我希望你能好好学习

    I want you focused on school.

  4. 这一课需要好好学习。

    The lesson needs to be well rubbed in.

  5. 这能督促你们好好学习

    That will keep you honest, okay?

  6. 他嘱咐儿子要好好学习。

    He urged his son to study hard.

  7. 老师经常鼓励我好好学习。

    Teachers often encourage me to study hard.

  8. 我们的老师规劝我们好好学习。

    Our teacher gives us exhortation to study hard.

  9. 你们要好好学习, 谨遵信守。

    Learn them and be sure that you obey them.

  10. 他们深受激励,决心好好学习。

    They were so determined to learn and they were so strongly motivated.

  11. 从这儿以后,我们要好好学习。

    From now on we'll study hard.

  12. 六年级了,要好好学习英语。

    It's grade six already, should study English hard.

  13. 乖女儿,你真该好好学习了

    Honey, you really have to buckle down.

  14. 我猜我要好好学习下芭蕾知识

    I guess I'll bone up on the ballet.

  15. 你再不好好学习,小心被打屁股。

    Be careful. If you don't work hard, I'll spank your bottom.

  16. 如果我好好学习,成绩不至于这麽差。

    If I studied diligently, my grade would not be this awful.

  17. 努力生活,开心创造,好好学习,天天向上。

    Dnt be lazy hun, make ur life happily, study hard, be good.

  18. 为了更好的服务于人民,我好好学习。

    To serve the people well, I study hard.

  19. 我现在要好好学习并且广泛阐述给别人。

    I shall now study well and expound it widely to people.

  20. 他对动词一无所知,由于他没有好好学习功课。

    He didnt know a thing about the verb, for he had not studied his lessons.

  21. 他对动词一无所知,因为他没有好好学习功课。

    He didn't know a thing about the verb, for he had not studied his lessons.

  22. 这么大了, 还不知道好好学习, 真不成器。

    It is disappointing to see someone that is old enough to be sensible but fools around all day.

  23. 家长叮咛孩子,到了学校一定要好好学习。

    The parent urged his child again and again that he must study hard at school.

  24. 这么大了,还不知道好好学习,真不成器。

    It is disappointing to see someone that is old enough to be sensible but fools around all day.

  25. 他总是告诉我们要好好学习,但不是时时刻刻学习。

    He always tells us to study hard but not all the time.

  26. 一年之际在于春,我要好好学习,天天向上!

    I am going to study English right now!

  27. 然后他好好学习了一下,又考了第三次、第四次。

    Then he studied and took it a third and even a fourth time.

  28. 感谢老师近年来的照顾,我们一定会好好学习。

    Thanked teacher recent years s attendance, we certainly will study well.

  29. 我的父亲使劲浑身解数让我好好学习,但没有用。

    My father tried very hard to motivate me into studying, but it didn't work.

  30. 要是你上大学,就得好好学习,不能虚度光阴。

    If you go to college, you must work hard, not fool around.


  1. 问:好好学习,天天向上拼音怎么拼?好好学习,天天向上的读音是什么?好好学习,天天向上翻译成英文是什么?

    答:好好学习,天天向上的读音是hǎohǎoxué xí,tiāntiānxiàngshàng,好好学习,天天向上翻译成英文是 study hard and make progress every day



“好好学习”是个多义词,它可以指好好学习(iPhone软件), 好好学习(江苏卫视电视节目), 好好学习(杭州电视台节目)。

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