


1. 被 [bèi]2. 被 [pī]被 [bèi]睡觉时覆盖身体的东西:~子。~单。棉~。毛巾~。羽绒~。~褥。盖,遮覆:~覆。泽~后世(恩惠遍及后代)。遭遇,遭受:~灾。~难(nàn)。介词,用在句中表示主讲是受事者:他~(老板)辞退了……







汉语拼音:bèi zhǐ kòng



  1. But after she fled and married a man of her own choice, she was charged with bigamy and sentenced to six months in jail.


  2. A sergeant witnesses an Iraqi, who was alleged to have abused a woman in Kuwait, hauled up by a crane to be shot by fellow Iraqi soldiers.


  3. He was accused of ordering his victims to be dissolved in barrels of acid by his henchman, known as "the soup-maker" .


  4. A man has been charged in the American state of Tennessee with shooting dead of his wife and several of her relatives.


  5. Suspects accused of trying to carry out a bomb plot against New Yorks appeared in court.


  6. The book opens with an account of a man who rips his own testicles off with a cord after a tantrum involving allegations of infidelity.


  7. Nigerian man accused of trying to blow up a transatlantic flight last December has sacked the defence team at his trial in Detroit.


  8. Commentators and bloggers often use the word "gate" when a politician is accused of trying to hide the truth.


  9. He's been accused of trying to grab more power and of tolerating routine abuses by the security forces.


  1. 他被指控偷窃。

    He was accused of theft.

  2. 被指控侵犯人身

    to be charged with assault

  3. 他被指控贩毒。

    He was charged with trafficking in drugs.

  4. 被指控殴打囚犯

    Be accused of punching detainees

  5. 他被指控通敌。

    He was accused of collaborating with the enemy.

  6. 他们被指控违约。

    They were sued for breach of contract.

  7. 他被指控为同犯。

    He was accused as an accomplice.

  8. 他被指控偷汽车。

    He was accused of stealing the car.

  9. 他被指控作伪证。

    He was accused of giving false witness.

  10. 易被指责的, 易被指控的

    Liable to be accused or indicted.

  11. 否认指控, 否认被指控的罪状

    to deny an accusation

  12. 他被指控剥削童工。

    He is accused of exploiting child labor.

  13. 他被指控窜改账目。

    He was accused of doctoring the accounts.

  14. 她被指控隐匿凶手。

    She was accused of sheltering a murderer.

  15. 他被指控侵吞公款。

    He was charged with pocketing public monies.

  16. 他们,他们可能会被指控。

    Theythey could face charges.

  17. 他们,他们可能会被指控。

    Theythey could face charges.

  18. 他被指控虐待犯人。

    He is alleged to have mistreated the prisoners.

  19. 他被指控冒充警官

    He is charged with impersonation of a police officer.

  20. 他被指控骗取钱财。

    He was accused of obtaining property by deception.

  21. 他们被指控煽动叛乱。

    They were charged with sedition.

  22. 他被指控窝藏逃犯。

    He was accused of giving shelter to a hunted outlaw.

  23. 他们被指控收受赃物。

    They were charged with receiving stolen goods.

  24. 警官被指控虐待囚犯。

    Officers were accused of maltreating prisoners.

  25. 政府被指控压榨人民。

    The government was accused of milking the people.

  26. 他们被指控侵犯版权。

    They were sued for breachinfringement of copyright.

  27. 警察被指控篡改证词。

    The police is accused of tampering with the evidence.

  28. 杰克被指控是特务。

    Jack was accused of being a spy.

  29. 她被指控为同谋犯。

    She was accused as an accomplice.

  30. 他被指控为同谋犯。

    He was accused for an accomplice.

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