


年纪小,初出生的:~儿。~虫。~苗。~年。小孩儿:~教(jiào )。~师。扶老携~。对儿童爱护:“~吾幼,以及人之幼。”……


1. 鸟 [niǎo]鸟 [niǎo]脊椎动物的一纲,温血卵生,全身有羽毛,后肢能行走,前肢变为翅,一般能飞:~类。候~。益~。~语花香。……



汉语拼音:yòu niǎo



  1. and then, strange to relate, the roc comes and carries them both away in her claws, for food for her young ones.


  2. In a year, some 17 chicks were to be taken hack to the wild--Tongariro National Park's ten plus seven from two other nearby forests.


  3. if the chicks eyes open Large, lift your head, ready to take off on its daring greater is the top grade birds, you can select.


  4. Ostrich for service industry development, the company line in two forms to the realities of society to provide young, species of birds.


  5. The young birds are not afraid of courageous people, people who domesticated strong, easy to tune.


  6. The first care of the young bird as soon as fledged, and able to trust to his wings, is to perform the obsequies of his father.


  7. It was interesting to watch the bird trying to protect its young.


  8. Wide-winged and long-lived, albatrosses are rarely seen onland, preferring to stay out on the ocean except to mate and raise their young.


  9. Specific bird species may also be declining due to predators that are taking over their homes, nests, and harming their eggs and babies.


  1. 留巢性幼鸟

    nidicolous young.

  2. 离巢性幼鸟

    nidifugous young.

  3. 喂养幼鸟的鸟妈妈

    a mother bird feeding her young

  4. 幼鸟已出壳了。

    The baby birds have hatched.

  5. 幼鸟长出了羽毛。

    The young birds feathered.

  6. 羽毛未长齐的幼鸟

    young bird not yet fledged.

  7. 然后再回吐给幼鸟

    for regurgitation to their chicks.

  8. 雌鸟可能无法给幼鸟喂食。

    The hen may not be able to feed its young.

  9. 亲鸟开始为幼鸟寻找食物。

    Parent birds began to hunt for food for their young.

  10. 喂养照顾并训练幼鸟飞翔

    feed, care for, and rear young birds for flight

  11. 幼鸟的胸部是长满斑点的。

    Baby robins have spotted breasts.

  12. 幼鸟发出的微弱而尖细的叫声。

    The short weak cry of a young bird.

  13. 这些鸟在那里筑巢并哺育幼鸟。

    There the birds nest and bring up their young.

  14. 那么鸟蛋和幼鸟就会受到威胁。

    Then, the bluebird's eggs and babies aren't protected.

  15. 那只鸟飞回巢去喂幼鸟了。

    The bird went back to the nest to feed her young.

  16. 那只鸟飞回巢去喂幼鸟了。

    The bird went back to the nest to feed her young.

  17. 幼鸟像母亲那样飞翔和筑巢。

    As the mother bird flies and builds her nest, just so youth bird does.

  18. 以鸟来举例, 它们会照顾它们的幼鸟。

    Take the Birds, for example, they take care of their young.

  19. 羽毛刚长齐的或刚会飞的幼鸟

    young bird that has just fledged or become capable of flying

  20. 雏鸟刚长齐飞行用羽毛的幼鸟

    A young bird that has recently acquired its flight feathers.

  21. 母鸟给幼鸟喂食时, 常聚集在一起。

    The mother birds stay together while they're feeding the chicks.

  22. 羽毛未丰的没有飞行必需的羽毛, 用于幼鸟

    not having the feathers necessary to fly, used of a young bird

  23. 树栖型苍鹭幼鸟练飞习性的观察

    Study on flying practice of young bird of Ardea cinerea

  24. 羽毛未丰的没有需要飞行的羽毛。用于幼鸟

    Not having the feathers necessary to fly. Used of a young bird.

  25. 一旦它们团聚,幼鸟会吞下反哺的鱼。

    Once they're reunited, baby gets to chow down on regurgitated fish.

  26. 刮风或是下雨, 母鸟就用翅膀护着幼鸟。

    When it blows or rains, the mother bird covers the young with her wings.

  27. 幼鸟从鸟巢里掉下来了, 还不会飞。

    The baby bird toppled from the nest unable to fly yet.

  28. 甚至一只幼鸟也能看到高空中的鹰。

    And even a very young bird can see a hawk high in the sky.

  29. 刮风或是下雨时,母鸟就用翅膀护着幼鸟。

    When it blows or rains, the mother bird covers the young with her wings.

  30. 甚至一只幼鸟也能看到高空中得鹰。

    And even a very young bird can see a hawk high in the sky.


  1. 问:幼鸟学拼音怎么拼?幼鸟学的读音是什么?幼鸟学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:幼鸟学的读音是yòu niǎo xué,幼鸟学翻译成英文是 neossology

  2. 问:幼鸟羽拼音怎么拼?幼鸟羽的读音是什么?幼鸟羽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:幼鸟羽的读音是,幼鸟羽翻译成英文是 neossoptile

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