


1. 相 [xiāng]2. 相 [xiàng]相 [xiāng]交互,行为动作由双方来:互~。~等。~同。~识。~传(chuán )。~符。~继。~间(jiàn )。~形见绌。~得益彰(两者互相配合,更加显出双方的长处)。动作由一方来而有……









汉语拼音:xiāng yóu xīn shēng






  1. The looks is grown by the heart, then the appearance of personality will reveal in people's surface looks inevitably.


  2. Is so-called is mutually living ed by center, a person's spirit trait, always hidden in sent forth, and wore what don't narrate to.


  1. 相由心生。

    The face is the index of the heart.

  2. 心生欢喜欲歌唱

    To give your heart a song to sing

  3. 她令他心生爱慕。

    She turned his head.

  4. 她令他心生爱慕。

    She turned his head.

  5. 她让我心生敬畏。

    She filled me with a sense of awe.

  6. 寒嶔低鸣,悲从心生。

    Cicada's droning fills people with sorrow.

  7. 她突然对他心生同情。

    She felt a stab of pity for him.

  8. 尘因动起, 孽由心生!

    Dust from motion and sins from hearts.

  9. 尘因动起,孽由心生!

    Dust from motion and sins from hearts.

  10. 这种仪式使我们心生敬畏。

    This ceremony solemnized our hearts.

  11. 这种仪式使我们心生敬畏。

    This ceremony solemnized our hearts.

  12. 我心生起不变之大乐。

    Changless great bliss arises in my mind.

  13. 狮子的吼声也令人心生敬畏。

    The lions roar is impressive, too.

  14. 这常常导致国有企业彼此心生怨恨。

    That process often leads to rivalries among state firms.

  15. 我朝正确的方式做, 却心生害怕。

    I'm on the right way of doing this, and I'm afraid.

  16. 爱是她没有赴约也不心生怀疑。

    Love is not hoeing suspicious when she misers an appointment.

  17. 电影本身有点缓慢而让人心生寒意。

    The movie itself is kind of slow but creepy.

  18. 他对没有任何纪律惩罚而心生不满。

    He was unhappy that no disciplinary action was being taken.

  19. 环顾四周,尽都灰蒙蒙的 让人心生寒意。

    Everything just looks so gray around here, and looks so cold.

  20. 媒体却依然反复询问, 民众仍旧心生疑虑。

    But the media kept on asking and the people kept on doubting.

  21. 这些经历都会让我们心生埋怨,委屈不甘。

    These experience and would let our heart living to put blame on, discommode unwilling.

  22. 真是活活的演艺家,文艺家,使我心生嫉妒。

    The performing arts is alive, and artists, I feel jealous.

  23. 今穿胸国胸都穿通,他心生在甚么地方?

    Now these people have holed chest, where would their hearts end up?

  24. 望着他颀伟的背影, 她心生爱慕之情。

    Looking at his tall and strong figure, she felt some admiration for him.

  25. 望着他颀伟的背影,她心生爱慕之情。

    Looking at his tall and strong figure, she felt some admiration for him.

  26. 望着他颀伟得背影,她心生爱慕之情。

    Looking at his tall and strong figure, she felt some admiration for him.

  27. 世界杯令我们工作在联合国的人们心生妒忌。

    The World Cup makes us at the UN green with envy.

  28. 小时候,丑小鸭的故事另我心生敬畏和恐惧。

    When I was young I was awed and terrified by the story of the Ugly Duckling.

  29. 作为皇权的象征, 北京让拜见者心生敬畏。

    Beijing was built to show off the power of the emperor and leave visitors in awe.

  30. 我被弄得心生内疚,觉得自己很不负责任。

    I was made to feel guilty and irresponsible.


  1. 问:相由心生拼音怎么拼?相由心生的读音是什么?相由心生翻译成英文是什么?

    答:相由心生的读音是xiàngyóuxīnshēng,相由心生翻译成英文是 a person's appearance is determined by their per...



相由心生源自一个典故据说唐朝裴度少时贫困潦倒一天在路上巧遇一行禅师大师看了裴度的脸相后发现裴度嘴角纵纹延伸入口恐怕有饿死的横祸因而劝勉裴度要努力修善裴度依教奉行日后又遇一行禅师大师看裴度目光澄澈脸相完全改变告诉他以后一定可以贵为宰相依大师之意裴度前后脸相有如此不同的变化差别是因为其不断修善断恶耕耘心田相随心转 裴度年轻未达时算命先生说他有牢狱之灾,一段时间之后那位算命先生又见到了他,可却惊奇地发现他的灾祸已经破解了于是他问裴度是怎样化解的裴度说他没做过什么,只是归还了主人一条自己偶然拾到的玉带而已先生说正是这件善事救了裴度一命,而且以后会大富大贵裴度还带的唐传奇故事说明了凡事都有转机,人生在不断变化

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