


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……







汉语拼音:bù sǐ xīn



  1. They like to organize projects, and complete it firmly, they are less than those who did not give up the Yellow River.


  2. But with the scientists did not give up ambitions to secretly study the possibility of human reproduction.


  3. Yun Jiang persisted in appealing to him. "It is lucky to meet you. Anyway, please enlighten me more or I can't sleep even if I go home. "


  4. Made a Mo for a while, really some deathless hearts.


  5. They gathered a bundle of wood, piled it up at the foot of the pine, and set fire to it.


  6. Bud dry dead wood did not give up . . . when the flowers open.


  7. She still snuck off to see you, right?


  8. Now that you say you like to see a film , do you know who am I ?


  9. Wait meeting, thief unwilling to give up, answer again, half body went in.


  1. 不到黄河不死心

    refuse to give up until all hope is gone

  2. 永远别不到黄河不死心。

    Never got to go all the way down.

  3. 弄墨顿了一下,实在有些不死心。

    Made a Mo for a while, really some deathless hearts.

  4. 但是,波提乏的妻子是一个恶毒的妇人。她不死心。

    But boys and girls, this was an evil woman and she did not give up.

  5. 合议庭不死心,再问一次为什么钱一定要汇到海外?

    Full Court did not give up,again why we must exchange money overseas ?

  6. 可怜的母亲不死心,还要抱着垂死的孩子再找医生。

    The poor woman was clutching at a straw when she took her dying child another doctor.

  7. 一个人不到山穷水尽的时候, 他都不会死心。

    Until all is over one's ambition never dies.

  8. 说不断,只不过是一颗颗不死的心在做怪。

    Said constant is only one finally die in the hearts of so strange.

  9. 亡我之心不死

    have not given up the wild ambition to subjugate us.

  10. 朱诺报复之心不死。

    The Vengeance of Juno was not yet satiated.

  11. 但是朱诺报复之心不死。

    But the vengeance of Juno was not yet satiated.

  12. 心不死爱还在,轮回后重新再来。

    Does not lost hope loves also, after the samsara, again.

  13. 终于, 我们有想起了毛主席的话帝国主义亡我之心不死!

    Finally, we remand us of chairman Maos famous wordsthe imperialism never abandon its intention to destroy us !

  14. 心死就不伤悲明知爱很珍贵。

    I obviously know love is precious but only the heart died was there no pain.

  15. 为何你的嘴里总是那一句为何我的心不会死?

    Why is it the same word you always say? Why couldn't my heart die away?

  16. 不到黄河心不死。

    Ambition never dies until there is no way out.

  17. 我愿为探寻灵魂不死而生活,决不半心半意。

    I want to live for immortality, and I will accept no compromise.

  18. 我责备埃蒂尔不应该让他其心不死,想入非非。

    I accused Ethel of having led him on, of having encouraged him.

  19. 杀不死我。

    It will not kill me.

  20. 不死的神灵

    immortal deities.

  21. 不死的灵魂

    the immortal soul.

  22. 他们可能对你死心。

    They may feel dead to you.

  23. 神仙不死的人物

    One not subject to death.

  24. 摇滚乐是不死的

    Rock and roll can never die

  25. 茄棵上吊不死人。

    Sur melongena arbeto neeblas pendigi homon.

  26. 奋战到底,不死不休。

    Fight to the last gasp.

  27. 我是不死之身。

    That I'm immortal.

  28. 不死之王胸针

    Brooch of the Immortal King.

  29. 工作勤奋,累不死人。

    Hard work never killed anybody.

  30. 英雄铭刻,传奇不死!

    Heros get remembered, Legends never die!


  1. 问:不死心拼音怎么拼?不死心的读音是什么?不死心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不死心的读音是,不死心翻译成英文是 unresigned



歌手: 郑元畅 所属专辑:《畅一首歌》 发行时间:2009-09-25 所属公司:艾回 歌曲标签:喜悦粤语寂寞经典流行90后

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