


1. 血 [xuè]2. 血 [xiě]血 [xuè]人或动物体内循环系统的不透明液体,大多为红色,主要成分为“血浆”、“血细胞”和“血小板”。味咸而腥:~型。~脂。~压。~糖。~迹。~汗。~泪。~洗。~书。~雨腥风。~海深仇。人类因生育而……




凝结,气体变为液体或液体变为固体:~结。~固。~冻。~集。~脂。~滞。聚集,集中:~聚。~重(zhòng )。~神(聚精会神)。~思。~眸。~睇(注视)。~练。……





汉语拼音:xuè yè níng gù



  1. The experimental results indicated that the satin woven is not easy to cause the blood-coagulation and has better blood-compatibility.


  2. And at the same Dantes felt himself flung into the air like a wounded bird, falling, falling, with a rapidity that made his blood curdle .


  3. For years, scientists have known that platelets -- which help blood to clot -- stay close to the walls of blood vessels as they circulate.


  4. They included, among others, several conferences on blood coagulation and a conference on fibrinolysis.


  5. It was found from clinical patients of the blood viscosity, blood coagulation higher raised blood rheology changes can cause the disease.


  6. Conclusions: Stroke mechanisms are ariable in HI-infected patients, with a relatively high incidence of vasculitis and hypercoagulability .


  7. They also have lower counts of fibrinogen, an essential blood clotting protein that in high does in an indicator of future heart disease.


  8. The doctor also gave his some aspirin to help thin the blood and avoid clotting.


  9. The gland has openings between the lizard's teeth and releases chemicals that both dilate blood vessels and prevent blood clotting.


  1. 血友病患者的血液凝固不良。

    A haemophiliac's blood will not cloth properly.

  2. 血小板的作用与血液凝固有关。

    The functions of platelets are related to the clotting of blood.

  3. 想到这就使我的血液凝固。

    It chilled my blood to think of it.

  4. 血小板是血液凝固的必须成分之一。

    Platelets are one of the components required to make blood clot.

  5. 纤维蛋白是一种促使血液凝固的蛋白。

    Fibrin is a protein that encourages blood to clot.

  6. 七窍全部流血,血液凝固,牙齿被打得暴突。

    The seven head orifices had all bled, blood that had since dried and hardened.

  7. 伤口处的血液凝固了,在皮肤上留下了开口的大洞。

    The blood had dried on the wounds, leaving gaping holes in the skin.

  8. 伤口处的血液凝固了,在皮肤上留下了开口的大洞。

    The blood had dried on the wounds, leaving gaping holes in the skin.

  9. 血小板的第二种功能是为血液凝固提供活性表面。

    The second function of platelets is to provide a surface that promotes blood clotting.

  10. 有时窦腔内血液凝固而形成血栓, 血栓可钙化为静脉石。

    Sometimes the blood inside antrum antrum is caky and form thrombus, thrombus but stone of vein of calcic melt into.

  11. 哈弗大学研究表明,压力可以使血压冲高并引起血液凝固。

    According to a study at Harvard University, stress can ratchet up blood pressure and turn up the risk of clotting.

  12. 目得研究海带胞壁多糖对血栓形成和血液凝固得影响。

    Objective To study the effect of cell wall polysaccharide of Thallus Laminariae on thrombosis and blood coagulation.

  13. 目的研究海带胞壁多糖对血栓形成和血液凝固的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of cell wall polysaccharide of Thallus Laminariae on thrombosis and blood coagulation.

  14. 该药是一种重组蛋白质, 叫第8因子, 能有效地帮助血液凝固。

    The drug is a recombinant protein, called Factor VIII, which is necessary to help blood clot.

  15. 奥利弗这时感到浑身的血液都凝固了。

    Oliver felt his blood turn cold.

  16. 由于水的表面张力很高, 血液得以凝固。

    Clotting is efficient because of the high value of surface tension of water.

  17. 有助于断肢再植得成功, 能阻止创口血液过早凝固。

    Conduce to the success of replantation of severed limb, can stop cut blood premature and caky.

  18. 有助于断肢再植的成功, 能阻止创口血液过早凝固。

    Conduce to the success of replantation of severed limb, can stop cut blood premature and caky.

  19. 以使血液可以随之凝固

    so the blood's coagulating along the way.

  20. 这意味着你得血液不会凝固, 你会控制不住地出血。

    This means your blood does not clot and you will bleed uncontrollably.

  21. 这意味着你的血液不会凝固,你会控制不住地出血。

    This means your blood does not clot and you will bleed uncontrollably.

  22. 腹部穿刺放液时发现没有凝固的血液,故考虑腹腔内积血。

    Abdominal paracentesis yielded uncoagulated blood and hemoperitoneum was suspected.

  23. 腹部穿刺放液时发现没有凝固得血液,故考虑腹腔内积血。

    Abdominal paracentesis yielded uncoagulated blood and hemoperitoneum was suspected.


  1. 问:血液凝固拼音怎么拼?血液凝固的读音是什么?血液凝固翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血液凝固的读音是xuè yè níng gù,血液凝固翻译成英文是 blood clotting; blood coagulation

  2. 问:血液凝固性拼音怎么拼?血液凝固性的读音是什么?血液凝固性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血液凝固性的读音是xuè yè níng gù xìng,血液凝固性翻译成英文是 coagulation of blood

  3. 问:血液凝固试验拼音怎么拼?血液凝固试验的读音是什么?血液凝固试验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血液凝固试验的读音是xuè yè níng gù shì yàn,血液凝固试验翻译成英文是 blood coagulation test

  4. 问:血液凝固时间计拼音怎么拼?血液凝固时间计的读音是什么?血液凝固时间计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血液凝固时间计的读音是,血液凝固时间计翻译成英文是 coagulometer



血液从流动的液体状态变成不能流动的胶冻状凝块的过程即为血液凝固(blood coagulation)。这是由凝血因子参与的一系列蛋白质有限水解的过程。血液凝固的关键过程是血浆中的纤维蛋白原转变为不溶的纤维蛋白。多聚体纤维蛋白交织成网,将很多血细胞网罗其中形成血凝块。在血液凝固过程后1~2小时,血凝块在血小板的作用下发生收缩并析出的淡黄色液体,这种液体被称为血清。与血浆相比,血清缺乏纤维蛋白原和少量参与血凝的其他血浆蛋白质,又增添了少量血凝时由血小板释放出来的物质。

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