








1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……



汉语拼音:kè hù xū yào



  1. The client needs to understand that there's going to be a period of few to no features while you get things stabilized.


  2. Researching and developing new products and services to meet customers' needs and prove profit referred to as financial engineering.


  3. One of clients requires a in-store digital sign for a last minute project. We would need a quick turnaround on this project.


  4. Major clients require a combination of good research, operational infrastructure and a tightly managed back office, she says.


  5. The corporate logo of IPM reveals the service promise of the company : Market and Customer Focus and World- class Professional Service .


  6. A premium customer might have funds readily available, but typical customers require a two-day period before the funds are available.


  7. IBM customers demand a more complete lifecycle solution than Rational was ever capable of providing as a separate entity.


  8. The customer needs to make sure they are not about to remove the last good copy of their data from the system.


  9. If your client wants a contract, call it a contract.


  1. 客户需要我方改善之处?

    What are some of the things they would like to see improved ?

  2. 贵公司客户需要标定证书吗?

    Does your customer need calibration certificate?

  3. 灌装头个数可据客户需要添加。

    Filling head amount can be added as customer request.

  4. 事实上是客户需要做这事儿。

    In fact it really was the clients who had to do it.

  5. 如客户需要接布盘, 需另行订购。

    Cloth required client such as disk access, to be ordered separately.

  6. 假如你的客户需要合同,就要注明是合同。

    If your client wants a contract, call pt a contract.

  7. 客户需要更灵活而有扩展性的程序。

    Customers wanted more flexible and extensible programs.

  8. 模切板或客户需要加装特殊配件。

    Die cutting plate or added with special accessories according to the requirement of customers.

  9. 若贵客户需要其他丝绸货品,亦请告知。

    Should your customers requite other silks, please let us know.

  10. 我厂宗旨不断创新, 不断开发。追求客户需要。

    Our tenet is unceasing innovations, unceasing developments and unceasing pursuit of customer needs.

  11. 如客户需要商检, 我们可以提供商检证。

    We will send you the commodity inspection certificate should the inspection be required by the customer.

  12. 真空包装、散装,根据客户需要可定立规格。

    Vacuum packaging, bulk, according to customer's demand, can establish specifications.

  13. 同时也可根据客户需要订制各类产品。

    At the same time can also customize various products according to customer needs.

  14. 理解顾客预期,能制订创新并响应客户需要。

    You should understand customer expectations, and be able to formulate innovative response to clients needs.

  15. 除表中所列参数外,可根据客户需要设计。

    We shall design according to customer's requests besides these specifications in the above table.

  16. 也可根据客户需要订制特殊规格的螺纹元件。

    Components of screw thread with special specifications are also tailored available.

  17. 可根据客户需要制作其它尺寸的永磁起重器。

    Dimension can be changed if client requiring.

  18. 我们会了解客户需要,提供一站式的清洁服务。

    Since no two customers have identical janitorial needs, HLES cleaning programs and tailored for each individual client.

  19. 不锈钢管可根据客户需要选择氩弧焊或高频焊。

    The stainless steel pipe may be welded in the way of argon protected welding and high frequency welding upon the customers request.

  20. 客户需要对任何因头寸卖出而引起的账户赤字负责。

    After the position is closedthe client is liable for any resulting deficit the client's account.

  21. 把手上根据客户需要可安装投币锁,使卖场便于管理。

    Using special fixed setting, so that the handle will not revolve.

  22. 如果客户需要跨网段的服务, 那么就需要增加一种代理软件。

    If client need service which cross VLAN, we should supply agent software.

  23. 客户需要律师间皮瘤有钱烧也都高调处理案件的情况。

    Clients needing mesothelioma lawyers have money to burn as well, both dealing in high profile cases and situations.

  24. 我想这个事情比较麻烦的,客户需要和他们行政部讨论下。

    I think this issue is troublesome and the customer need to consult with their administration department.

  25. 控件,这些控件不需要客户端脚本。

    Controls, which do not require client script.

  26. 部分页更新不需要客户端脚本。

    Partialpage updates require no client scripting.

  27. 也就是说,我们需要客户的一个单独的、集中的视角。

    That is, we need a single, centralized view of our customers.

  28. 实名登记需要客户和服务提供人之间相互信任。

    The real name registration calls for mutual trust between customers and service providers.

  29. 聘用第三方为分承包方需要客户的书面同意。

    The written consent of the customer is required prior to engaging third parties as subcontractors.

  30. 最终情况依赖于我们的客户的需要。

    It ultimately depends on our customers needs.

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