








1. 正 [zhèng]2. 正 [zhēng]正 [zhèng]不偏斜,与“歪”相对:~午。~中(zhōng )。~襟危坐。合于法则的:~当(dāng)。~派。~楷。~规。~大光明。~言厉色。拨乱反~。合于道理的:~道。~确。~义。~气。……



汉语拼音:sī fǎ gōng zhèng



  1. Ms Yingluck must oversee the search for justice, but she will have to ensure that it does not degenerate into a witch-hunt.


  2. The court called Gill's actions during the murder trial an attempt to "subvert justice. "


  3. There were "extreme limitations" to the process, she said; but the goal should be the highest quality of justice within them.


  4. Judicatory justice should be right each pursuit of a case, and rather than is certain a pursuit of the case.


  5. The obstacle having discussed judicial fairness realization mainly reaches the main body of a book overcoming a problem.


  6. Justice depends on who you know and how wealthy you are.


  7. Therefore, in factor of the realization of judicial justice, the judicatory is fair to be placed in the key position doubtless.


  8. The setting up of withdrawal system is the demand of judicial justice as well as the extension of natural justice principle in modern laws.


  9. The National Prosecuting Authority says it will charge him with corruption and "defeating the ends of justice" .


  1. 司法公正与司法独立

    On Judicial Fairness and Judicial Independence

  2. 串谋妨碍司法公正

    conspiracy to pervert the course of justice

  3. 自由裁量与司法公正

    Discretion and Judicial Justness.

  4. 成文法体制下的刑事司法公正

    Criminal Judicial Justice under Written Law System

  5. 论公诉检察官与维护司法公正

    On Public Prosecutor and Promoting Judicial Fairness

  6. 诉辩交易与司法公正和效率

    On plea bargaining or judicial justice and efficiency

  7. 作伪证和妨碍司法公正是没什么?

    Perjury and obstruction ofjustice are nothing?

  8. 司法公正与海事诉讼程序的独立

    Judicial Impartiality and Proceedings of Admiralty Action

  9. 讨论了司法公正的相对性和绝对性。

    The relativity and absolutism of judicial justice discussed.

  10. 我们没法儿建立司法公正 因为我们缺乏资源。

    we cannot help to create justice because we do not have the resources.

  11. 审判独立是确保司法公正的必要条件。

    Judicial independence is a necessary advantage of ensuring judicial fair.

  12. 司法公正是构建和谐社会的一个基本前提。

    Justice is to build a harmonious society a basic premise.

  13. 排山倒海的电子信息也许会压倒美国的司法公正。

    A deluge of electronic information may overwhelm American civil justice.

  14. 程序正义和实体正义是司法公正的两个方面。

    Procedural justice and substantial justice are the two sides of the justice of the legal system.

  15. 只能说明油元的势力比司法公正更重要。

    It just shows that the power of oil money counts for more than justice.

  16. 媒体监督用怀支的目的是为了促进司法公正。

    The target of medium's supervision towards judiciary is to promote the judicial justice.

  17. 确立无罪推定原则与否反映不同的司法公正观念。

    To or not to affirm the principle of presumption of innocence reflects different views on judicial justice.

  18. 我希望我走了以后他们能继续为司法公正而战。

    I hope they continue to fight for equal justice after I'm gone.

  19. 无此便不能确保司法公正和效率目标得实现。

    Otherwise, judicatory impartiality and efficiency can not be ensured.

  20. 无此便不能确保司法公正和效率目标的实现。

    Otherwise, judicatory impartiality and efficiency can not be ensured.

  21. 国家公诉机关将以贪污和妨碍司法公正起诉他。

    The National Prosecuting Authority says it will charge him with corruption and defeating the ends of justice.

  22. 再次之前,他已被指控作伪证、妨碍司法公正和渎职。

    He's already charged with perjury, obstruction of justice and misconduct.

  23. 律师就证券经纪盗窃客户股票妨碍司法公正罪成候判

    solicitor guilty of perversion over securities broker s theft of shares.

  24. 司法鉴定公正

    judicial expertise fair.

  25. 我们需要建立一个独立和公正的司法系统。

    And we need to build an independent and just judicial system.

  26. 论定式合同中不公正条款的司法规制

    On the judicial rules of the unjust clauses in formatted contracts

  27. 公正的审判员只不过为司法调整辩护而已。第五十六句。

    The just judae just justifies the adjustment of justice.

  28. 报告指责司法系统执法前后不一且有失公正。

    The report accuses the judicial system of inconsistency and partiality.

  29. 我们必须要有一位公正, 诚实的司法部长。

    We have to have an attorney general who is candid, truthful.

  30. 司法制度的公正性

    the fairness of the judicial system


  1. 问:司法公正拼音怎么拼?司法公正的读音是什么?司法公正翻译成英文是什么?

    答:司法公正的读音是sī fǎ gōng zhèng,司法公正翻译成英文是 judicial justice

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