


1. 研 [yán]2. 研 [yàn]研 [yán]细磨(mó),碾:~磨。~药。~墨。深入地探求:~究。钻~。~京练都(dū)(晋代左思作《三都赋》构思了十二年,后遂用“研京练都”形容经年累月地构思文章)。研 [yàn]古同“砚”,砚台……






核算:~时。~量(liàog )。~日程功。测量或核算度数、时间、温度等的仪器:晴雨~。湿度~。主意,策略:~策。~谋。谋划,打算:~划。~议。姓。……



汉语拼音:yán jiū shè jì






  1. In fact this was just a cover story as the two pieces of research were designed to work together.


  2. I did not study design, and I had no classes; I think this job doesn't require a degree, even if design schools are very important.


  3. Study Design. Patients with a thoracolumbar injury had a reconstruction of the anterior column using an tricortical iliac crest autograft.


  4. Study Design. A case of acute celiac artery compression syndrome after spinal fusion in a patient with Scheuermann kyphosis is reported.


  5. As a preceding study of the module of portable ECG detecting system, the software and hardware are designed in this paper.


  6. Study Design. Retrospective review of a multicenter prospectively collected series of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) patients.


  7. Study Design. Cadaveric study of a diagnostic test for cervical spine instability.


  8. Aim: To understand the effect and related problems of clinical trials about acupuncture therapy for knee osteoarthritis.


  9. Study Design. In vitro evaluation of a chemical, injectable intervention for discectomy induced destabilization.


  1. 研究设计回顾历史队列研究。

    Study Design. Retrospective review with historical cohort.

  2. 现代智能家居的研究设计

    The Research and Design of Modern Smart House

  3. 研究设计队列研究证据等级2级。

    Study Design Cohort study Level of evidence, 2.

  4. 研究设计回顾性病例系列。

    Study Design. Retrospective case cohort series.

  5. 研究设计回顾性病例对照。

    Study Design. Retrospective casecontrol series.

  6. 研究设计队列研究, 证据水平2级。

    Study Design Cohort study Level of evidence, 2.

  7. 原粮除尘装置的研究设计

    Study and Desing of Dust Cleaning Device for Unprocessed Grain

  8. 研究设计前瞻性, 多中心, 队列研究。

    Study Design. Prospective, multicenter, cohort study.

  9. 研究设计对照配对回顾性队列研究。

    Study Design. A retrospective matched cohort study with control group.

  10. 你的研究设计应该再严谨一些。

    Your research design should be more rigorous.

  11. 十吨牵引力两栖牵引车研究设计

    The Research and Develop of an Amphibious Tractor

  12. 新型单行玉米收获机的研究设计

    Study and Design of New Type Single Row Corn Combine

  13. 再度研究设计应用钢板梁悬索桥

    Renewal Research, Design and Application of Suspension Bridge Stiffened by Steel Plate Girder

  14. 小型联合收割机的输送风机研究设计

    Design and Research of the Wind Conveyer in Miniature Combine

  15. 研究设计。前瞩性的关于影像的队列研究。

    Study Design. A prospectie, radiographic cohort study.

  16. 这些研究设计的很精巧,但非常简单。

    Now these studies are ingenious, but they're simple.

  17. 立旋式水稻中耕机的研究设计

    Study and design of vertical rotary cultivator for use in paddy field

  18. 理解设计和贯彻连贯,有效的研究设计的程序。

    Understanding of the Process of Devising and Implementing a Coherent and Effective Research Design.

  19. 小型轮式拖拉机轮距变换装置的研究设计

    Design of the Track Vary Installation about the Small Wheel Tractor

  20. 新型架空索道脱挂抱索器的研究设计

    Research and Design of a New Detachable Grip of Cableway

  21. 本研究设计了四个实验任务,构成两个实验。

    Based on the understanding above, this experiment designs four subtest, which form two experiments.

  22. 一种新型铝锭码垛机械手的研究设计

    Research and Design of a New Aluminum Ingot Stacking Robot Arm

  23. 研究设计该研究是一项前瞻性放射学队列研究。

    Study Design This is a prospectie radiographic cohort study.

  24. 新型玉米茎秆粉碎破茬机的研究设计

    Crashing Costs Research and Design of a New Chopper of Corn Straw and Stubble

  25. 结合生产实际,研究设计出了镶片分流模。

    Combined with the actual production, insert porthole die is designed.

  26. 为科学研究设计的固定在特定轨道的人造卫星。

    A manned artificial satellite in a fixed orbit designed for scientific research.

  27. 本论文研究设计了一款调频无线对讲机。

    This thesis studies and designs a wireless interphone of frequency modulation.

  28. 在研究设计与资料蒐集方面,本研究均质量并重。

    Research design and data collection are both qualitative and quantitative.

  29. 迫切需要对帕西姆卷烟机的进行研究设计。

    It needs urgently to carry on research and design a new MWC of PASSIM makers.

  30. 迫切需要对帕西姆卷烟机得进行研究设计。

    It needs urgently to carry on research and design a new MWC of PASSIM makers.


  1. 问:研究设计拼音怎么拼?研究设计的读音是什么?研究设计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:研究设计的读音是yán jiū shè jì,研究设计翻译成英文是 research design

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