


1. 好 [hǎo]2. 好 [hào]好 [hǎo]优点多或使人满意的,与“坏”相对:~人。~汉。~歹。~事多磨。身体康健,疾病消失,生活幸福:您~。安~。友爱,和睦:友~。相~。容易:~办。~使。~懂。完成,完善:办~了。表示应允、赞成……







汉语拼音:hǎo wèi kǒu



  1. Without enough sleep, it may be hard to be active or to make good food choices.


  2. "I came out to see if I could get an appetite for breakfast. But what are you doing here? " said the gentleman suspiciously.


  3. He wasn't the most cultured of defenders, but he had a heart like a lion and a stomach for battle.


  4. Appetite One of the major pleasures in life is appetite, and one of our major duties should be to preserve it.


  5. You know, no one will have a good appetite when he is really depressed.


  6. Unfortunately I can't make all the tasty stuff be completely healthy for you. But I can show you how to develop a taste for healthy food.


  7. A very good appetite, the owner, and the weight of the guests are not suitable for such a dinner oh.


  8. Ability to ensure good appetite to eat the next thing, people who want to gain weight, this must be remembered.


  9. Expectations that China will curb its voracious appetite for commodities has sent prices lower for everything from crude oil to soybeans.


  1. 好胃口的人

    A person with a hearty appetite.

  2. 我祝你有好胃口。

    Ive always been blessed with a good appetite.

  3. 劳苦的工作给了他好胃口。

    Hard work has given him an appetite.

  4. 辛苦了这么久会有好胃口的。

    And doing all that good can work up quite an appetite.

  5. 钱可以买到食物,却买不到好胃口。

    Money can buy food, but not an appetite.

  6. 马丁是好胃口杂志的美食评论家

    Martin is a food critic for Bon Appetit.

  7. 好胃口!女人们会选择每天花75分钟用来享受美味。

    Bon appetit! Women opted to spend 75 minutes a day eating.

  8. 不知道什么原因,婚礼的钟声总是能破坏你的好胃口。

    Often, and for understandable reasons, good taste goes out the window when the wedding bells chime.

  9. 幸而胃口好

    to be blessed with a good appetite.

  10. 他的胃口好。

    He has a good appetite.

  11. 祝您胃口好。

    Wish you a good appetite.

  12. 祝你们胃口好

    Uh, bon appetit.

  13. 我幸而胃口好。

    I am blessed with a good appetite.

  14. 饭前练英语,让你胃口好。

    Practice English before you eat to whet your appetite.

  15. 买了,万一孩子们的胃口好了呢

    Yeah, just in case the kids get their appetites back.

  16. 极好的胃口

    a keen appetite.

  17. 爱希礼告诉我他喜欢胃口好的女孩。

    Ashley Wilkes told me he likes to see a girl with a healthy appetite.

  18. 肥胖者多数嗜睡,胃口好,易形成恶性循环。

    Most obese drowsiness, appetite is good, easy to form a vicious cycle.

  19. 它上面用阿拉伯文写着祝你胃口好。

    It says bon appetit in Arabic.

  20. 这个游戏最后是什么结局?别吊我胃口好吗?

    Tell me what happened at the end of the game, don't keep me in suspense, all right?

  21. 混合型混合以上两种证状, 胃口好且易便秘或腹泻。

    mixed mixed these two kinds of cards like, a good appetite and easy to constipation or diarrhea.

  22. 要不然就是在说,牙好,胃口就好

    Or you know, My, what big teeth you have.

  23. 最近胃口很好。

    I have such an appetite these days.

  24. 大多数婴儿胃口极好。

    Most infants have a ravenous appetite.

  25. 热天我的胃口不好

    My appetite flags in the hot weather.

  26. 她胃口很好 状况不错

    She's feeding well. Sshe's doing great.

  27. 这孩子胃口不好,常常哭。

    The boy was off his feed and cried a great deal.

  28. 他是个胃口极好的人。

    He is a capital knife and fork.

  29. 胃口不好,这可不像你了。

    It's not like you to be off your food.

  30. 维也纳人有一种偏好一定要照顾好自己的胃口。

    The Viennese penchant for ensuring that their stomachs are well looked after is reflected in the great number of eating establishments.



更多外文名:/ Spain / Switzerland (German title)Il gusto dell'amore.....Italy

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