


1. 可 [kě]2. 可 [kè]可 [kě]允许:许~。认~。宁~。能够:~见。~能。~以。不~思议。值得,认为:~怜。~悲。~亲。~观。~贵。~歌~泣。适合:~身。~口。~体。尽,满:~劲儿干。大约:年~二十。“潭中鱼~百许头”。表示……


1. 圈 [quān]2. 圈 [juàn]3. 圈 [juān]圈 [quān]环形,环形的东西:圆~。花~。~套。画~。周,周遭:跑了一~儿。范围:势力~。画环形:~阅。~点。~定。划界,围住:~地。~闭。圈 [juàn]养家畜的棚栏:……


1. 可 [kě]2. 可 [kè]可 [kě]允许:许~。认~。宁~。能够:~见。~能。~以。不~思议。值得,认为:~怜。~悲。~亲。~观。~贵。~歌~泣。适合:~身。~口。~体。尽,满:~劲儿干。大约:年~二十。“潭中鱼~百许头”。表示……





汉语拼音:kě quān kě diǎn







  1. Considering how little money and time were spent on the quest and how much fun the participants had, it is a remarkable achievement.


  2. Some of the reworked articles are commendable journalism, but do not quite stand the test of time.


  3. That makes Friday's jump on the back of a way-better-than-expected payrolls report worth noting.


  4. From a military point of view, pigeons still had much to recommend them as late as the First World War.


  5. Despite the remarkable reduction in poverty , daily life for most Chinese families is still a struggle to get by .


  6. Everyone then gave him a big round of applause for his beautiful playing.


  7. So, contrary to popular perceptions, America's economy has not significantly outperformed Europe's in recent years.


  8. Ferguson took comfort from his team's performance.


  9. In some ways, the new friction in relations between America and China is remarkable only for taking so long to make itself felt.


  1. 安化黑茶文化底蕴深厚, 千年茶史可圈可点。

    Anhua dark tea has a rich culture background in the long tea history.

  2. 从右后卫改打中后卫不是件容易的事,他的完成却可圈可点。

    Shifting from RB to CB is not easy but Paulo has done a commendable job there.

  3. 这是一场非常精彩的比赛!大羽的表现可圈可点!

    This is a very splendid competition! Li Jinyu sought limelight!

  4. 车开慢点可预防交通事故。

    Driving slower helps prevent traffic accidents.

  5. 接触点可选择的方头螺钉。

    Square head set screw with optional point.

  6. 这点可从上面得引述中看出来。

    This is not only evident in the quotation cited earlier.

  7. 这点可从上面的引述中看出来。

    This is not only evident in the quotation cited earlier.

  8. 最后还可吃点馒头。

    And to end up with there'll be some steamed bread.

  9. 矩形作用点可让您定义矩形四个边的位置。

    The rectangle hot spot allows you to define location of the rectangles four sides.

  10. 要是茶太浓, 可加点热水。

    If the tea is too strong, add some hot water.

  11. 要是茶太浓,可添点热水。

    If the tea is too strong, add some hot water.

  12. 在乌克兰规划其未来之际, 以下五点可供考虑。

    Here are five points to consider as Ukraine maps its future.

  13. 初步认为该位点可作为衔取欲和游戏欲的辅助选择标记。

    The results showed T allele had positive effect in locomotion, excitability and exploration.

  14. 反转了域名后,可将点号想象成子目录。

    After your reversed domain name, the dots are intended to represent subdirectories.

  15. 可变落点的再入机动飞行器姿控系统设计

    Attitude Control System Design of the Maneuverable Reentry Vehicle for Variable Target

  16. 可进行点动,单次,连续操作,并可中途停机或回程。

    Possessing inching. single and continuous shearing, and interrupting and retuming at any position.

  17. 在计算机制图技术中, 图象空间中的一种可寻址点。

    In computer graphics, an addressable point in an image space.

  18. 通过专用控台, 可将礼宾花高空发射, 可单台点控或多台串联。

    JYFF SingleHead Confetti Spray Machine The machine could be pla.

  19. 她竟然要你替她喂猫喂四个星期 这可有点过分了!

    She wants you to feed her cats for four weeks that a bIt'steep!

  20. 这么多不同种类的养老金,你想要了解可得费点劲儿。

    With all these different pensions, you're going to have a job to keep track.

  21. 您现在拥有了一组定义业务流程中的可变点的元数据。

    You now have a set of metadata defining the points of variability in the business process.

  22. 信道提供可扩展性点以将消息在特定协议间来回转换。

    The channel provides the extensibility point to convert the messages to and from the specific protocols.

  23. 可汗大点兵。

    Than Khan has ordered men to fight.

  24. 在街上走可要小心点。

    You must walk the street with your eyes open.

  25. 可配置汽车点烟器及变压器。

    With cigar lighter device and transformer of any car.

  26. 备有标准砝码可进行多点校准。

    Installed with standard weight and collated in many site.

  27. 凯特丹,我可请教你点事情吗

    Katie Dan, can I ask you something

  28. 这点您可相信我

    Trust me on that one.

  29. 可配套在点焊, 碰焊, 对焊, 缝焊的场合。

    Can be complementary in the spot, touch welding, butt welding, seam welding occasion.

  30. 它们翅翼展开可达二点七五米。

    They have a wing span of around 2.75 meters.


  1. 问:可圈可点拼音怎么拼?可圈可点的读音是什么?可圈可点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:可圈可点的读音是kěquānkědiǎn,可圈可点翻译成英文是 Worth marking with circles.; Used to describ...




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