




长形的东西从中间分开:~裂。~层。~面。截~。~肠。~魂。~线风筝。不继续,禁绝:~粮。~水。~炊。~奶。~档。~流。~种(zhóng )。~交。~片。~续。~子绝孙。判定,决定:判~。诊~。~狱(审理和判决罪案)。一定,绝对:~乎不可。~……





汉语拼音:zhěn duàn xìng



  1. However, the World Health Organisation estimates that up to 75% of the world population has no access to any diagnostic imaging services.


  2. Better and faster diagnostic tests are needed across the board for all emerging infectious diseases especially at the point of care.


  3. Their method, which uses IRT cameras to quickly identify potentially infected animals, is not intended to be a diagnostic test.


  4. The accuracy of symptoms in diagnosing gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) is complicated by the lack of a gold standard test.


  5. The findings, published in Molecular Medicine, attain significance as they may lead to a diagnostic test to determine fertility status.


  6. Study Design. Cadaveric study of a diagnostic test for cervical spine instability.


  7. In the basis of it, the reference model of quality assessment for diagnosis oriented process improvement is constructed.


  8. Was the execution of the index test described in sufficient detail to permit replication of the test ?


  9. The lexicon includes primary diagnostic statements, secondary diagnostic statements, modifiers, and statements for the comparison of ECGs.


  1. 诊断性刮宫

    diagnostic curettage.

  2. 诊断性切开

    exploratory incision.

  3. 诊断性放疗

    Diagnostic Radiotherapy.

  4. 睑板诊断性操作

    Diagnostic procedure on tarsus

  5. 诊断性智力测验

    Diagnostic Intelligence Test

  6. 诊断性人工气胸

    diagnostic artificial pneumothorax

  7. 外耳诊断性操作

    Diagnostic procedure on external ear

  8. 肩胛骨诊断性操作

    Diagnostic procedure on scapula

  9. 脊椎骨诊断性操作

    Diagnostic procedure on bone of vertebrae

  10. 尺骨诊断性操作

    Diagnostic procedure on ulna

  11. 诊断性分段刮宫

    diagnostic fractional curettage

  12. 面骨诊断性操作

    Diagnostic procedure on facial bone

  13. 诊断性窦道注射术

    Diagnostic injection of sinus tract

  14. 桡骨和尺骨诊断性操作

    Diagnostic procedure on radius and ulna

  15. 眼前房诊断性吸引术

    Diagnostic aspiration of anterior chamber of eye

  16. 胫骨和腓骨诊断性操作

    Diagnostic procedure on tibia and fibula

  17. 诊断性眼房水吸引术

    Diagnostic aspiration of aqueous of eye

  18. 诊断性扩宫和刮宫术

    Diagnostic dilation and curettage of uterus

  19. 腕骨和掌骨诊断性操作

    Diagnostic procedure on carpals and metacarpals

  20. 附图诊断性研究的筛选流程

    Fig The flow chart of screening diagnostic studies

  21. 错误型诊断性分节发音试验

    Error pattern diagnostic articulation test

  22. 丙泊酚在诊断性刮宫中的应用

    Application of Propofol in Diacritic Curettage

  23. 缺乏好得诊断性测试是不利得。

    The lack of good diagnostic test isn't fortunate.

  24. 缺乏好的诊断性测试是不利的。

    The lack of good diagnostic test isn't fortunate.

  25. 金标准试验是否独立于诊断性试验?

    Was the reference standard independent of the index test

  26. 足趾骨死骨切除术足趾骨诊断性操作

    Diagnostic procedure on phalanges of foot

  27. 运用诊断性评价揭示学生的前概念

    Using a diagnostic assessment to reveal preconception in biology teaching

  28. 一般在月经刚干净时做诊断性腹腔镜。

    It is usually performed soon after menstruation ends.

  29. 子宫内膜增殖症诊断性刮宫价值的评价

    Evaluation of diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia by curettage

  30. 特发性性早熟女孩骨龄评价的诊断性试验研究

    Diagnostic Test of Assessment of Bone Age in Girls with Idiopathic Precocious Puberty


  1. 问:诊断性交谈拼音怎么拼?诊断性交谈的读音是什么?诊断性交谈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诊断性交谈的读音是zhěn duàn xìng jiāo tán,诊断性交谈翻译成英文是 diagnostic interview

  2. 问:诊断性气胸拼音怎么拼?诊断性气胸的读音是什么?诊断性气胸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诊断性气胸的读音是zhěn duàn xìng qì xiōng,诊断性气胸翻译成英文是 diagnostic pneumothorax

  3. 问:诊断性试验拼音怎么拼?诊断性试验的读音是什么?诊断性试验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诊断性试验的读音是zhěn duàn xìng shì yàn,诊断性试验翻译成英文是 diagnostic test

  4. 问:诊断性自检测拼音怎么拼?诊断性自检测的读音是什么?诊断性自检测翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诊断性自检测的读音是zhěn duàn xìng zì jiǎn cè,诊断性自检测翻译成英文是 diagnostic self test

  5. 问:诊断性装假牙拼音怎么拼?诊断性装假牙的读音是什么?诊断性装假牙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诊断性装假牙的读音是zhěn duàn xìng zhuāng jiǎ yá,诊断性装假牙翻译成英文是 diagnostic setup

  6. 问:诊断性分诊断段刮宫拼音怎么拼?诊断性分诊断段刮宫的读音是什么?诊断性分诊断段刮宫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诊断性分诊断段刮宫的读音是zhěn duàn xìng fēn zhěn duàn duàn guā gōng,诊断性分诊断段刮宫翻译成英文是 diagnostic fractional curettage

  7. 问:诊断性雷达成像系统拼音怎么拼?诊断性雷达成像系统的读音是什么?诊断性雷达成像系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诊断性雷达成像系统的读音是zhěn duàn xìng léidá chéng xiàng xì tǒng,诊断性雷达成像系统翻译成英文是 Diagnostic Imaging Radar System

  8. 问:诊断性片段长度多态性拼音怎么拼?诊断性片段长度多态性的读音是什么?诊断性片段长度多态性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诊断性片段长度多态性的读音是zhěn duàn xìng piàn duàn cháng dù duō tài xìng,诊断性片段长度多态性翻译成英文是 diagnostic fragment length polymorphism

  9. 问:诊断性引擎启动系统控制器拼音怎么拼?诊断性引擎启动系统控制器的读音是什么?诊断性引擎启动系统控制器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诊断性引擎启动系统控制器的读音是zhěn duàn xìng yǐn qíng qǐ dòng xì tǒng kòng zhì qì,诊断性引擎启动系统控制器翻译成英文是 Diagnostic Engine Starting System Controller...

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