






1. 车 [chē]2. 车 [jū]车 [chē]陆地上有轮子的交通工具:火~。~驾(帝王的马车)。~裂(中国古代一种残酷的死刑,俗称“五马分尸”)。前~之鉴。用轮轴来转动的器具:纺~。水~。用水车打水:~水。指旋床或其他机器:~床。用旋……



汉语拼音:lā jī chē



  1. Garbage Truck Driver: Hey get out of the road! Go on!


  2. Earth-moving trucks are dredging the narrow, sewage-filled river, and garbage trucks pass through three times a week.


  3. Allied Waste was able to find the truck number specifically that had come to their door and tell them where it was heading.


  4. The garbage truck comes only twice a week, why are the garbage bins still so clean?


  5. A neighborhood child admires the truck from behind a gate. The playground a few blocks up the alley attracts even more children.


  6. And this is when my taxi driver told me what I now call, "The Law of the Garbage Truck. "


  7. Folks who wouldn't see each other any other time were drawn together at the garbage area, called by the truck.


  8. Industry standard, steel container of approximately 2 cubic yards or meters designed to dump into the rear of a rear loading garbage truck.


  9. William is Going Green by James Martin II - This story is about a garbage truck named William who lives in a big city collecting garbage.


  1. 投票选择建筑垃圾车!

    Vote for construction garbage vehicles!

  2. 投票选择建筑垃圾车!

    Vote for construction garbage vehicles!

  3. 听起来像台湾的垃圾车。

    That sounds like a Taiwanese garbage truck.

  4. 可怜的伙计垃圾车破晓时过来

    Poor fella. Trash truck comes at dawn.

  5. 向许多瓶子和垃圾车挥手“再见”。

    Wave"bye-bye" to the bottles and the garbage truck.

  6. 你觉得他当时正在垃圾车里睡觉

    You think he was sleeping in that dumpster and.

  7. 得把他从工作中的垃圾车里吊出来

    They had to fish him out of a working garbage truck.

  8. 满载重物的垃圾车笨重地驶过街道。

    The heavilyloaded garbage truck lumbered down the street.

  9. 收集到的垃圾由专门的垃圾车运到垃圾转运站。

    Collected garbage from the garbage truck specially shipped to refuse transfer station.

  10. 收集到得垃圾由专门得垃圾车运到垃圾转运站。

    Collected garbage from the garbage truck specially shipped to refuse transfer station.

  11. 我们需要在垃圾车来前就做好垃圾分类。

    We need to sort the garbage out before the truck comes.

  12. 压缩式垃圾车油缸受力分析及校核

    Analyzing and Verifying of the Forced Cylinder in Compression Refuse Collector

  13. 垃圾车每隔一个星期来收一次花园废料。

    The garbage truck collects garden waste every two weeks.

  14. 垃圾车每隔一个星期来收一次花园废料。

    The garbage truck collects garden waste every two weeks.

  15. 现在我不仅仅是坐在垃圾车里,我开着垃圾车。

    I didn't just ride in the trucks now. I drove the trucks.

  16. 后装压缩垃圾车推板油缸摆放方式的比较

    Comparison between Modes of Place of Compression Refuse Collector Push Pedal Oil Cylinder

  17. 他们的母亲在指挥他们清除破烂, 好让垃圾车运走。

    Their mother enlisted them to remove junk for a trash pickup.

  18. 他们的妈妈在批示他们清除破烂,好让垃圾车运走。

    Their mother enlisted them to remove junk for a trash pickup.

  19. 台湾居民甚至需要自己动手将垃圾装到垃圾车里。

    In Taiwan, householders even have to chuck their own rubbish into the truck.

  20. 在美国的一处垃圾填埋场,一辆垃圾车正在卸载垃圾。

    A garbage truck dumps its load at a U.S.landfill.

  21. 干嘛不把她剁成几块然后扔到垃圾车里?

    Why not just chop her up in pieces and stutt her in the dumpster

  22. 活动快结束时,碎纸片被一辆垃圾车运往回收站。

    At the end of the event, a garbage truck took away the shredded papers for recycling.

  23. 或者会被一辆装满热腾腾得垃圾臭汁得垃圾车撞飞。

    May be get hit by a truck full of hot garbage juice.

  24. 或者会被一辆装满热腾腾的垃圾臭汁的垃圾车撞飞。

    May be get hit by a truck full of hot garbage juice.

  25. 将大量昂贵的高爆炸性军械放置到垃圾车的储备军火中

    cascading expensive, high explosive ordnance onto stockpiles of junk cars

  26. 垃圾车每周只来收集两次, 垃圾桶怎能保持如此乾净?

    The garbage truck comes only twice a week, why are the garbage bins still so clean ?

  27. 无论何时,只要有人投入垃圾,垃圾车就会放出一段音乐。

    Wherever someone throws in some rubbish, it produces a piece of music.


  1. 问:垃圾车拼音怎么拼?垃圾车的读音是什么?垃圾车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:垃圾车的读音是lājīchē,垃圾车翻译成英文是 dump truck



“垃圾车”是个多义词,它可以指垃圾车(五月天演唱歌曲), 垃圾车(回收运输废物车辆)。

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