


1. 食 [shí]2. 食 [sì]3. 食 [yì]食 [shí]吃:~肉。~欲。吃的东西:~品。粮~。零~。丰衣足~。俸禄:“君子谋道不谋~”。日月亏缺或完全不见的现象:日~。月~。食 [sì]拿东西给人吃:~母(乳母)。食 [yì]……


木料,泛指一切原料或资料:~料。教(jiào )~。素~。题~。就地取~。能力,资质:~干(gàn )。大~小用。因~施教(jiào)。棺木:寿~。……



汉语拼音:shí cái



  1. Ingredients to avoid: Saturated fat and trans fats, which encourage the body to produce that wrong sort of cholesterol.


  2. As a matter of fact, I'd have to say that China is a very good place to find these things, from what I've discovered in my travels.


  3. The sage stays green even when the weather gets cold, I explained. We always use it for Thanksgiving, and that's still a week away.


  4. is a dish consisting essentially of meat, onion and potatoes left to bake in the oven all day in a heavy pot and on a low heat.


  5. Bring out each item at a time, very ceremoniously, even if it is only an old stock cube or a rubbery carrot or such.


  6. Many of the best sushi-ya have no menus; the meal is closer to a degustation parade of what's best on the day -- so sit back and enjoy.


  7. "The reason is the rising cost of imported supplies following the collapse of the Icelandic krona, " said the report.


  8. If it contains fish or it's some kind of "gumbo" , it's probably the stuff they're trying to get rid of.


  9. The low exchange rate in addition to high tariffs have doubled the company's expenses and challenged its profitability, " said the report. "


  1. 没食材了,达芙妮

    This is everything, Daphne.

  2. 世间最贵的食材

    One of the most expensive luxury foods by weight in the world.

  3. 我能用一种食材

    I do this thing where I'll take an ingredient.

  4. 用到更多食材的一餐

    A meal which included more ingredients.

  5. 今天主要的食材是火龙果!

    The star ingredient of the day is dragon fruit!

  6. 用水是否有效地清洁食材?

    Can we clean our food effectively by using water only ?

  7. 使用秋天的食材和自然的颜色。

    They use Autumn color and fruit. From nature.

  8. 因此, 食材最好切成大块状。

    Therefore, the best ingredients cut into large pieces.

  9. 看着你这位厨艺大师买食材

    watching a master chef shop for groceries.

  10. 我太想念处理食材烹饪下厨了

    I'm dying to get back to real food.

  11. 克丽丝蒂,食材是你签收的吗

    Christy. did you sign for this produce?

  12. 新鲜食材加上橄榄油似乎是关键所在。

    Fresh ingredients and a reliance on olive oil seem to do the trick.

  13. 他们用最简单的食材能做出什么

    what they do with simple fare.

  14. 将来我们可能用食材来制造东西吗?

    Could we be manufacturing from food stuffs in the future?

  15. 把上述食材用搅拌器搅拌好后冷藏。

    Combine all of the ingredients in a blender and serve chilled.

  16. 现在的问题是,他们如何处理这些食材?

    So the question is, how do they deal with this material?

  17. 吉恩买回为妻子的晚餐准备的食材。

    Gene Bonti bring home ingredients for that nights'dinner he will cook for his wife Bobbie.

  18. 我私家汤的绝密食材, 就是什么都没有。

    The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is nothing.

  19. 品尝用本地有机食材制作的美食和饮料!

    Enjoy food and drinks made from local products.

  20. 女人的白天花在烹饪和晒干食材上。

    The woman's day was spent cooking and drying out foodstuffs.

  21. 在食材表面涂一层油脂, 或在食材表面裹一层面粉等。

    Spreading a little oil on the surface of the food material or using flour on the surface of it.

  22. 贝蒂把你要吃的食材浸在汤里煮。

    Betty Dip your food in the soup to cook it.

  23. 一些普及的食材已经能够令我们拥有养生的秘诀。

    Some popular Chinese foods have been regarded as the secret of health.

  24. 干邑白兰地也用于浸渍食材,给砂锅炖菜提味。

    Cognac is also used to macerate and flavour ingredients and casseroles.

  25. 成为一名大厨,感受到寻找食材的重重困难!

    Become a Master Chef, and find out just how hard it is to find the ingredients for food!

  26. 但在殖民时期, 人们只能食用当地现有的食材。

    In Colonial times, people had to eat whatever was available to them locally.

  27. 用料理机打碎冰块儿后依次加入上述食材。

    In a blender crush the ice and add the remaining ingredients in order.

  28. 将各种食材散铺在寿司饭上层的则称为散寿司。

    Toppings served scattered over a bowl of sushi rice is called chirashisushi.

  29. 这一过程成功的关键是对食材清单的精确跟踪。

    The key concept in the successful implementation of this process is accurate inventory tracking.

  30. 园艺除了能让您全身动起来, 还能提供新鲜的食材。

    Gardening keeps you active and provides fresh food.


  1. 问:食材拼音怎么拼?食材的读音是什么?食材翻译成英文是什么?

    答:食材的读音是shícái,食材翻译成英文是 Food Ingredients

  2. 问:食材产地信息拼音怎么拼?食材产地信息的读音是什么?食材产地信息翻译成英文是什么?

    答:食材产地信息的读音是shícái chǎndì xìnxī,食材产地信息翻译成英文是 Origin



“食材”是个多义词,它可以指食材(制作食物时所需要使用的原料), 食材(书籍名称)。

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