




1. 得 [dé]2. 得 [děi]3. 得 [de]得 [dé]获取,接受:~到。~失。~益。~空(kòng)。~便。~力。~济。心~。适合:~劲。~当(dàng )。~法。~体。满意:~意。扬扬自~。完成,实现:饭~了。~逞。~志(多……







汉语拼音:lǎn dé lǐ nǐ



  1. " Girl, you okay, you look very strange. " ? Before that I a young man again. You're weird, talk to the hand.


  2. I do not care whether you are human or shinigami or even a hollow!


  3. I'm sick of hearing your stories, talk to the hand.


  4. You're not worth my time. Go away!


  1. 你的故事我都听腻了, 懒得理你。

    I'm sick of hearing your stories, talk to the hand.

  2. 我才懒得理你是人类或者是死神还是虚!

    I do not care whether you are human or shinigami or even a hollow!

  3. 你懒得理我, 我却一旁痴傻等待

    You were lazy about it, you made me wait around

  4. 谁要理你呢

    No one cares.

  5. 不会有人理你

    but nobody's listening.

  6. 你这样她才不会理你。

    She's not gonna buy this for a second.

  7. 过来爸爸这,才不理你

    Come here, you. No, no.

  8. 你就是再努力, 也没人理你。

    Even if you try harder, people still won't pay attention to you.

  9. 你就是再努力,也没人理你。

    Even if you try harder, people still won't pay attention to you.

  10. 如果被喊号码 我不会理你

    I don't respond to being called a number.

  11. 过没几个礼拜, 就没人会理你了。

    Ln a couple of weeks, no one would give a shit about you.

  12. 假使他是个女人, 他会理你, 他会跟你往来?

    If he were a woman, would he pay any attention to you? Would he have anything to do with you?

  13. 你真运气, 你做了那些事情后我还理你!

    You're lucky I'm still speaking to you after what you did!

  14. 你能忍受没人理你不把你当回事吗?

    You could deal with never being heard, never being taken seriously

  15. 你要是敢去,我就去找教练 让他别理你。

    If you try, I'm gonna go to the coach and tell him to ignore you.

  16. 请你转过身去,这样我可以理你后面的头发。

    Face round, please, so that I can cut your hair at the back.

  17. 我受够你这种不负责任的态度了,我根本不想理你。

    I am fed up with your irresponsible attitude. I don't want to talk to you.

  18. 当他有许多话急着说出来的时候,他是不会理你的。

    When he was anxious to have much to say, he is not the rationale for you.

  19. 我知道我近来都不理你 但我现在真的需要你,还有加布。

    I know we're not talking right now, But I really need you. and Gaby.

  20. 王阿, 这些人不理你, 不事奉你的神, 也不敬拜你所立的金像。

    They neither serve your gods nor worship the image of gold you have set up.

  21. 直到你理出头绪。

    Till you get it right.

  22. 我帮你理下领结。

    Let me fix your tie.

  23. 我帮你理下领结。

    Let me fix your tie.

  24. 你理短发的确很帅。

    Short hair really becomes you.

  25. 宝贝,我帮你理下领结

    Baby,let me fix your tie.

  26. 宝贝,我帮你理下领结。

    Baby, let me fix your tie.

  27. 你懒得做的事情是什么呢?

    What can't you be bothered to do?

  28. 你理一个发要多少钱?

    How much do you charge for a haircut?

  29. 请坐这儿,我就给你理。

    Sit right here, I'll be with you right away.

  30. 如果你懒得动,我只好自己走了。

    If you can't be bothered to move, I will have to fetch it myself.



黄鸿升,艺名小鬼,台湾歌手、演员、主持人、作家、艺术家、自创品牌AES(Alien Evolution Studio)主理人。黄鸿升对潮流时尚独具品味,是当今台湾潮流艺术界代表人物。2009年首张个人 黄鸿升专辑《Love Hero 爱&英雄》受到多个奖项的肯定。2011年第二张个人大碟《黑心伤品》,黄鸿升首度尝试作词交出“黑心三部曲”《涩谷》《黑心》《平行时空》以及五月天怪兽作曲的《漩涡》四首作品。目前正在拍摄三立八点档华剧《剩女保镖》,2012年7月31日起每周一至周五晚八点播出。2012年9月12日首播黄鸿升最新歌词作品“何仲祈之歌”《忘了怎么快乐》。

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