






1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……





汉语拼音:guān jiàn yào sù



  1. All that said, the two essential components in the outlook for those companies are profits and the cost of debt.

  2. The length of time available for the mineralizing process may be the key factor necessary to form supergiant deposits.

  3. From doctors' viewpoint, the other key to stay healthy is to have regular medical checkup, for prevention is better than cure.

  4. The air force is one of the key elements in modem warfare and its main weapons are combat aircraft.

  5. For the Activity Streams standard to be a viable linchpin of the decentralized social web, it must also adhere to these principles.

  6. The pillars, he said, are key elements that can be used to measure progress on good governance.

  7. In today's post, we share with you Key Points to help you become efficient in the field of Photography. . .

  8. Conclusion: One of the key factor to high yield was to control hyphae form keep its proper bran. . .

  9. During this session, the Parties will discuss the key elements of the Protocol and will agree on the next steps in the negotiation process.


  1. 创意也是今日表类的关键要素。

    Creativity is also a key element in today's watches.

  2. 它是否保留了原作的关键要素

    Does it retain the key elements of the original short story

  3. 图像是任何演示文稿的关键要素。

    pie chart Images are key elements of every presentation.

  4. 速度是所有田径运动项目的关键要素。

    Speed is the essential ingredient of all athletics.

  5. 爵士的第二个关键要素就是节奏。

    The second major element of jazz is rhythm.

  6. 在关键要素工作表中汇总组织数据

    Organizational data is summarized in the Key Factors Worksheet

  7. 公众意识是成功减灾的一个关键要素。

    Public awareness is understood as a core element of successful disaster reduction.

  8. 在治疗中, 尤其要抓住瘀血这个关键要素。

    In treatment, blood stasis that an important factor should be se.

  9. 避免咬边是提高焊接速度过程中得关键要素。

    Avoiding the undercut is the key factor to raise the welding speed.

  10. 因此, 培训和监督成为尽心尽职的一个关键要素。

    Training and monitoring, therefore, becomes a key element in due diligence.

  11. 企业获得成功和取得经验教训的关键要素是一样的。

    The key factors for success and lessons learned by enterprises were identified.

  12. 介绍了六西格玛管理的特征以及成功关键要素。

    Characteristics and critical to triumph characteristics of six sigma management are expatiated.

  13. 他倡导说,锻炼和好的饮食习惯是健康生活的关键要素。

    He advocated exercise and a good diet as the key to a healthy life.

  14. 事件流、或者工作流程流,是业务用例的一个关键要素。

    The flow of events, or workflow, is a key element of a business use case.

  15. 的确,融资是全面,包容和可持续发展的一个关键要素。

    Indeed, financing is a critical element for comprehensive, inclusive, and sustainable development.

  16. 干砂的充填及紧实是实型铸造工艺技术中的关键要素。

    Sand fill and compaction are essential factors of successful EPC.

  17. 总之, 这些企业前景的两个关键要素是利润和债务成本。

    All that said, the two essential components in the outlook for those companies are profits and the cost of debt.

  18. 生产优质无公害碧螺春茶的关键技术要素

    The Key Technology Factors of Producing Nuisanceless Biluochun Tea with High Quality

  19. 认为农业投资是促进广西农业增长的关键性生产要素。

    It is revealed that agriculture investment is a decisive factor.

  20. 在这种情况下, 分析三维要素的相互作用机制就成为了关键。

    In such cases, analysing how threedimensional elements interact is key.

  21. 激惹阈限是犬禀性中最关键而又最不被人理解的构成要素。

    Irritability threshold is the most critical and least understood aspects of the dog's temperament.


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