


1. 丁 [dīng]2. 丁 [zhēng]丁 [dīng]天干的第四位,用于作顺序第四的代称:~是~,卯是卯。成年男子。人口。从事某种劳动的人:园~。丁 [zhēng]〔~~〕象声词,形容伐木、下棋、弹琴的声音。……







汉语拼音:dīng xiāng huā



  1. In the morning she phoned her mother to wish her a happy Mother's Day, and her mother told her about the beautiful lilacs in the garden.


  2. Lilac flowers to suffer to suffer a large pool of leaves, like a peach and a little green, lilac in between these small peach head exposed.


  3. Diane and I followed a flagstone path down the side past a hedge of miniature lilacs that stood naked for winter.


  4. The yard is full of lilac flowers , Full of beautiful purple flowers. I will always be here with her, As her faithful guardian all my life !


  5. Chinese pink with deeply toothed rose-lilac flowers with a purplish eye; usually raised as an annual.


  6. nodding daffodils; the pendulous branches of a weeping willow; lilacs with drooping panicles of fragrant flowers.


  7. It took a while before I remembered I was not lilac, I was looking at Lilac tweed.


  8. the day of azure blue color , resemble the bai yun like lacerate cotton , the brick wall that ochre draws , the lilac of lilac color .


  9. So many lilac flower, flower with flower position, looks like a beautiful painting.


  1. 丁香花疑案

    the doubting case of lilac.

  2. 丁香花开了。

    The lilacs are in flower.

  3. 丁香花的姑娘篮。

    Lilac flower girl basket.

  4. 小院丁香花开时

    When Lilacs Lost in the Dooryard Bloom

  5. 雨后丁香花的芬芳

    the fragrance of lilacs after a rain

  6. 丁香花开得正茂盛。

    The lilacs are Blooming luxuriantly.

  7. 房里有丁香花味。

    The room smelted of lilacs.

  8. 我送她一束丁香花。

    I gave her a bunch of lilac.

  9. 瓶中的菖兰和丁香花

    Vase with Gladioli and Lilac

  10. 丁香花每年春天都绽放。

    Until then, lilacs bloom every spring.

  11. 空气中弥漫着丁香花的芬芳。

    The air was filled with the scent of lilac.

  12. 空气中弥漫着丁香花得芬芳。

    The air was filled with the scent of lilac.

  13. 你记得雨后丁香花发出的清香吗

    Do you remember the fragrance of lilacs after a rain

  14. 花园里的丁香花确实需要除除草了。

    The lilacs really need weeding.

  15. 丁香花现已落令,所以售价如此昂贵。

    The price is so high because lilacs are out of season now.

  16. 淡紫色的丁香花的确在灿烂地怒放着!

    The lavenderlilacs were indeed in glorious bloom!

  17. 他们家自己的院子里散发着丁香花的芬芳。

    Their own yard is redolent with lilacs.

  18. 慢慢行,浅浅笑于与丁香花姑娘的作比。

    Time line, light and laughter in lilac for girls than.

  19. 听到草地旁,画眉在丁香花里唱着歌。

    And hear the thrushes singing in the lilacs round the lawn.

  20. 他可以到小河边去采摘一簇丁香花。

    He may pitch on some tuft of lilacs over a river.

  21. 丁香花的香气扑面而来,让人有种陶醉的感觉。

    Lilac blossoms blow against our faces, people have a sense of intoxication.

  22. 我听到草地边丁香花丛中, 画眉在歌唱。

    And hear the thrushes singing in the lilacs round the lawn.

  23. 几码远外, 丁香花在雨里沉甸甸地挂在枝上。

    A few yards away, the lilacs hung heavy in the rain.

  24. 八岁那年,我的祖母带我去丹佛参加丁香花节。

    When I was eight years old, my grandma took me to a lilac festival in Denver.

  25. 过了好一会儿, 我才记起我不是紫丁香, 我是在看丁香花呢。

    It took a while, I remember I am not lilac, I was looking at tweed.


  1. 问:丁香花拼音怎么拼?丁香花的读音是什么?丁香花翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丁香花的读音是dīngxiānghuā,丁香花翻译成英文是 lilac

  2. 问:丁香花油拼音怎么拼?丁香花油的读音是什么?丁香花油翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丁香花油的读音是dīngxiānghuāyóu,丁香花油翻译成英文是 clove bud oil

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