


1. 语 [yǔ]2. 语 [yù]语 [yǔ]话:~言。汉~。英~。~录。~汇。~重心长。指“谚语”或“古语”:~云:“皮之不存,毛将焉附”。代替语言的动作:手~。旗~。说:细~。低~。语 [yù]告诉:不以~人。……





汉语拼音:yǔ sù







  1. By repeating each important piece of information or each number or letter as they spell it out you automatically slow the speaker down.


  2. Wait for your boss to take a breath, then try this comeback line: "I want to hear what you're saying. You've got to slow down. "


  3. Before he speaks, the GFW's father always pauses a few seconds and then when he talks, adopts a measured tone and a considered pace.


  4. "Truthful people will not dramatically alter their speech rate within a single sentence, " he said.


  5. But the speed of the conversation got faster and faster, until it seemed to me that they would fight.


  6. Who Almost to the town, the young man suddenly said, very slowly talk with "you speak mandarin? "


  7. "Hi, I've read the paper about his new theorem, " I said, too fast. "Is John Durant available? "


  8. He talks loudly and fast , and waves his hands about a lot when he gets excited.


  9. When you get excited about something it's easy to start talking faster and faster.


  1. 降低你的语速。

    Reduce your rate of speech.

  2. 语速还不是那么自然

    The flow isn't natural.

  3. 她一点也没放慢语速

    Did not slow her down at all.

  4. 我的语速是不是很快

    Amam I talking really fast?

  5. 说起话来语速适中, 抑扬顿挫

    Speak at an average speed in rhythmic patterns

  6. 我听不清这么快的语速。

    My ear will not accept such violent accelerandos.

  7. 我听不清这么快的语速。

    My ear will not accept such violent accelerandos.

  8. 他说英语时语速缓慢、有板有眼。

    His English was slow and measured.

  9. 计算机测定失语症语速的相关分析

    Correlative Analysis of ComputerAided Measuring Language Speed of Aphasia

  10. 读朗读正确的语音,语调和语速。

    Reading Correct pronunciation, intonation, and reading speed.

  11. 我们的语速同样能传达许多信息。

    The speed at which we talk can also convey a great deal.

  12. 要注意讲演的语速并保持轻快。

    People will lose interest if you do not move your talk along at a lively pace.

  13. 她说话时语速飞快,而且带着怨恨。

    She said it quickly and with venom.

  14. 你讲话的时候语速可以放慢点吗

    You're gonna have to slow down when you're talking to me.

  15. 随着他得讲述,他得语速加快,声音更加响亮。

    As he narrates, he speaks faster and his voice grows louder.

  16. 随着他的讲述,他的语速加快,声音更加响亮。

    As he narrates, he speaks faster and his voice grows louder.

  17. 注意一下她们讲话得语速, 使用停顿得技巧。

    Notice how they pace their speech, and how they use pauses.

  18. 注意一下她们讲话的语速,使用停顿的技巧。

    Notice how they pace their speech, and how they use pauses.

  19. 中央电视台对播音员的语速有严格的规定。

    CCTV has strict regualtions for the talking speed of its announcers.

  20. 在训练自己的发声系统时, 要留意自己的语速。

    As you are training your vocal system, watch the speed of your speaking.

  21. 还有些人语速很快,或者吐词不清晰。

    Some people speak quickly or do not talk clearly.

  22. 他讲话时语速慢而谨慎,从不乱阵脚。

    He speaks slowly and deliberately and is rarely rushed.

  23. 例如,发声和语速是如何来表现说话者的情绪的。

    For example, how the emotion is expressed in the phonation and speechspeed of a speaker.

  24. 在汉语语音识别中语速,音量和音调调整的研究

    Research on Adjustment of Speech Velocity, Volume and Tone in Chinese Speech Recognition

  25. 不同语速下语音倒频谱某些特点的初步探讨

    Research on some characteristics of speech cepstrum in various speech rate

  26. 同样更感人,激发性的部分,可以用更快的语速表达。

    Also more emotional, and motivational portions of your sermon may be preached at a higher speed.

  27. 想让对方加口才快语速,只叙述要点的时候。

    let other Canadian eloquence fast rate of speech, only when the narrative elements.

  28. 美式英语语速快是美国口语的显著特征之一。

    One of the truly indicative aspects of the American sound is the rapid American English.

  29. 第一个发言者开始讲话了,语速很快,声音相当大。

    The first speaker began to talk, very fast and rather loudly.

  30. 她的语速很快, 然而最后的几句话却慢了下来。

    Her voice was swift, yet ever the last words fell lingeringly.


  1. 问:语速拼音怎么拼?语速的读音是什么?语速翻译成英文是什么?

    答:语速的读音是yǔsù,语速翻译成英文是 Talking speed.; The number of syllables in a uni...

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