




1. 散 [sàn]2. 散 [sǎn]散 [sàn]分开,由聚集而分离:分~。解~。涣~。~落。~失。~逸。分布,分给:~布。~发(fā)。天女~花。排遣:~心。~闷(mèn)。解雇:他干的不好,让那家饭店给~了。散 [sǎn]没有约束,……


1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……



汉语拼音:lǎn sàn dì



  1. However, that was impossible, because there in the front row, slumped in his seat, was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard.


  2. To roll the body about indolently or clumsily in or as if in water , snow, or mud .


  3. The pleasant family When in an hour they crowded into a cab to go home, I strolled idly to my club.


  4. Occasionally, I moved slowly and dowdily, but sometimes I awakened in a sudden and bustled up to look after my aims.


  5. These boys sloped up to the stage in their tatty blazers, with long hair flapping while their cultured parents clapped indulgently.


  6. Police crowded the spectators back to the viewing stand . Urban sprawlcrowded the small farmers out of the immediate area .


  7. It was miles off, visible only through binoculars: leggy in an ice mirage, loping, sloth-like, mythically remote.


  8. Unoccupied sluggish person, find time do things. 2, Create the feeling of a kind of fondness of English from the bottom of heart.


  9. They saw him slouch forward after breakfast, and, like a mendicant, with outstretched palm, accost a sailor.


  1. 懒散地消磨时光

    laze time away

  2. 懒散地打发日子

    lounged the day away.

  3. 懒散地混过下午

    laze away the afternoon.

  4. 他懒散地虚度光阴。

    He lounged away the time.

  5. 他们懒散地闲荡着。

    They lolled and lolloped about.

  6. 懒散地垂着或放着

    To hang or rest limply

  7. 在阳光下懒散地闲荡

    Loll around in the sun.

  8. 他懒散地伸开双腿。

    He sprawled his legs.

  9. 他吃饱后懒散地躺着。

    He lay in a coma of repletion.

  10. 懒散地工作漫无目的地走动

    Work or move in a leisurely aimless way.

  11. 他们一天又一天懒散地闲荡着。

    They lolled and lolloped about day after day.

  12. 你可不能一直懒散地过一辈子。

    You can t go on lazing your life away.

  13. 我整个早上全都懒散地混过去了。

    I spent the morning only lazing.

  14. 在吊床中懒散地打发了一下午时光

    lazed the afternoon away in a hammock.

  15. 干一些无聊或随便的事懒散地工作

    fool around Informal To engage in idle or casual activity putter

  16. 我发现他懒散地伸开双腿躺在床上。

    I found him sprawled on the bed.

  17. 麦琪懒散地问,她正伏卧在地毯上看书。

    Meggie asked idly, flat on her stomach on the carpet reading a book.

  18. 他四肢伸开正懒散地靠在扶手椅上看电视。

    He was lying sprawled in an armchair, watching TV.

  19. 人们懒散地躺在食堂里搭起的临时床铺上。

    People are sprawled on makeshift beds in the cafeteria.

  20. 她坐在池塘边的躺椅上, 懒散地打发这个下午。

    She lazed away the afternoon in a deckchair by the pond.

  21. 我与她闲谈时,她叉开腿懒散地躺在沙发上。

    While I was talking with her, she sprawled her legs in the sofa.

  22. 羽毛懒散地躺在尘埃中,心满意足,忘了它们的天空。

    Feathers in the dust lying lazily concent have forgotten their sky.

  23. 玛丽一边说一边懒散地把一根毛线缠绕在手指上。

    As she spoke, Mary idly twined a piece of wool round her finger.

  24. 我派使者帮助你,但你却懒散地坐着把他们赶跑。

    I have sent you servants, but you sat idly by as they were pushed away.

  25. 王太子查理懒散地坐在椅子上,正把玩着一封信。

    Dauphin is sitting on the chair lazily, he is looking a letter.

  26. 索丕又一次没有成功,他带着难受的心情,懒散地走开了。

    Soapy, with disgust in his heart, loafed along, twice unsuccessful.

  27. 母亲不断地批评他懒散。

    Mother constantly picked at him for being sloppy.

  28. 他一直懒懒散散地在太阳下逛荡。

    He lazed away in the sun.

  29. 懒散像铁锈,它比劳碌更快地锈蚀人。

    Sloth like rust, consumes faster than labor wears.

  30. 他们懒懒散散地混过了漫长的夏天。

    They lazed away the long summer days.


  1. 问:懒散地拼音怎么拼?懒散地的读音是什么?懒散地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:懒散地的读音是,懒散地翻译成英文是 dowdily

  2. 问:懒散地闲荡拼音怎么拼?懒散地闲荡的读音是什么?懒散地闲荡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:懒散地闲荡的读音是,懒散地闲荡翻译成英文是 loll

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