




1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……




1. 风 [fēng]2. 风 [fěng]风 [fēng]空气流动的现象。气象学特指空气在水平方向的流动:~向。~速。~级。~险。~波(喻纠纷或乱子)。~雨如磐(a.指风雨不断,天色黑暗,给人以重压的感觉;b.喻社会黑暗或境地艰难)。~花……



汉语拼音:mì bú tòu fēng







  1. Day by day its color is faded just like an old letter paper bald-headed pen rusty door lock closed iron house.


  2. Her hateful ugly leg got to be wrapped in long pants, all tight.


  3. The white cloth, the ancient "Shu can cursory airtight, " said the more the "black-white when" on.


  4. Also, due to the lack of a piston, an airless-pouch package allows designers to create airless containers in many shapes.


  5. It defies logic to imagine exerting airtight and sustained control over such a massive Internet network.


  6. As we look at it from here it appears to be an impenetrable green wall.


  7. Squashed into the compartment airtight, we do not talk, simply regards the respective school, I went back to his car.


  8. He surrounded himself with an impermeable wall of secretaries, personal assistants and yes-men.


  9. This blank wall of contradiction brought back vividly to Victor Henry his last trip to the Soviet Union with the Harriman mission.


  1. 我们的剑刃组成密不透风的墙壁。

    Our blades shall form an impassible wall.

  2. 重症监护病房, 一个密不透风得地方?

    The intensive care unit, any place with four walls?

  3. 重症监护病房,一个密不透风的地方?

    The intensive care unit, any place with four walls?

  4. 我们是作为一个密不透风的整体作战的。

    We fight as a single, impenetrable unit.

  5. 我生活在一个密不透风的玻璃小屋中。

    I am sealed in a cottage of glass that is completely airtight.

  6. 由这里望去, 它象是一堵密不透风的绿墙。

    As we look at it from here it appears to be an impenetrable green wall.

  7. 由这里望去, 它象是一堵密不透风得绿墙。

    As we look at it from here it appears to be an impenetrable green wall.

  8. 她那条可恨的腿包在长长的裤子里, 包得密不透风。

    Her hateful ugly leg got to be wrapped in long pants, all tight.

  9. 他抬手甩了出去,然后赶忙把头紧紧的抱了个密不透风。

    He lofts it into the air, and hugs his head in the deep secret embrace.

  10. 没有不透风的墙。

    Neniu muro ne tralasas murmuron.

  11. 没有不透风的墙,没有不能上吊的梁。

    No leak of the walls, no can't commit suicide by hanging of beam.

  12. 没有不透风的墙,因此我们便是风。

    English is to be used, not tested.

  13. 穿着不透风的化纤内裤情况会更糟。

    Circumstance of briefs of dress windtight chemical fibber is met more flooey.

  14. 世上没有不透风的墙,也没有不下雨的天。

    There is windtight wall on the world, also do not have the day of no less than rain.

  15. 特点仿皮做的是不透风保暖的效果很好!

    Features imitation leather do not ventilate the heat well!

  16. 把茶叶贮存在不透风得罐子里, 避开异味。

    Store tea in an airtight container away from strong smells.

  17. 特点真皮做的手套是不透风的但是透气很好!

    Features leather gloves do not ventilate the air, but very good!

  18. 在他们面前,把自己的缺点不透风地包裹起来。

    In front of them to their own shortcomings and do not ventilate wrapped up.

  19. 我关不密这扇门。

    I can't get this door to shut properly.

  20. 魔鬼巧心计,织网却不密。

    The devil is subtle, yet weaves a web.

  21. 雇员发现想告老板的密也不是那么容易的。

    Employees have never found it easy to squeal on employers.

  22. 您的新安全密钥项不匹配。请重新键入。

    Your new security key entries do not match. Please retype them.

  23. 阳强不能密,阴气乃绝

    inability of excessive YANG to conceal leading to exhaustion of YIN

  24. 另一组将结膜瓣行连续锁边缝合,成为一密不漏水的结膜瓣。

    Among them, one group sewed conjunctiva with successive chain shaped sutures, and another used common suture technics.

  25. 别与他交往过密,他这人不诚实。

    Don't be too familiar with him, he's a dishonest man.

  26. 但是不可能私密到审查支付额度及获奖者身份的程度。

    But they would not be privy to the amounts paid or the identities of the recipients.

  27. 他们要她不要泄露机密。

    They told her not to reveal the secret.

  28. 我是个很私密的人, 我不知道怎么对待媒体采访。

    I'm a private person and I didn't know how to deal with press interviews.

  29. 员工不应泄漏公司机密。

    Employees should not disclose any confidential information of their company.

  30. 员工不应泄漏公司机密。

    Employees should not disclose any confidential information of their company.



“密不透风”是个多义词,它可以指密不透风(汉语成语), 密不透风(费克申著推理小说)。

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