


1. 汲 [jí]汲 [jí]从井里打水:~水。~引(a.汲水;b.吸取)。〔~~〕形容心情急切、努力追求,如“~~于富贵”。姓。……




1. 教 [jiào]2. 教 [jiāo]教 [jiào]指导,训诲:~习。~头。~正。~师。~导。管~。请~。~学相长。因材施~。使,令:风能~船走。指“宗教”:~士。~主。~皇。~堂。姓。教 [jiāo]传授:~课。你~给我做。……


教导,教诲:~诫。~蒙(教育儿童)。~迪(教诲开导)。教(jiào )~。培~。可以作为法则的话:家~。典式,法则:不足为~。解释词的意义:~诂(解释古书中的字、词句的意义。亦称“~故”、“诂~”、“故~”)。~读(日文借用汉字写日语原有的……



汉语拼音:jí qǔ jiào xùn



  1. Faced with it , some of them can stand up to it . draw useful lessons from it and try hard to fulfill what they are determined to do.


  2. Mr. Whitson said he hoped we would learn something from this experience. Teachers and textbooks are not always right.


  3. Other regimes will learn lessons from the Iran debacle and are likely to be better prepared for the next twitterised revolution.


  4. There are lessons to be learned from emerging sectors like my own--microfinance--that have defied convention.


  5. God helps by facing man with the results of his actions and demanding that the balance should be restored.


  6. But it should better take into account the lessons of the last crisis -- and begin the introduction of the Danish model.


  7. In short order, students would be handcuffed and humiliated, parents mortified and lessons learned at a harsh cost.


  8. "The key is that they take stock now, after phase one, and see what works, what isn't working, and extract lessons learned, " he said.


  9. I take failure as a means to move ahead in life because I analyze my shortcomings and use what I learn to do better next time.


  1. 失败了别忘了汲取教训

    If you fail, don't forget to learn your lesson

  2. 如果你失败了,千万别忘了汲取教训。

    If you fail, don't forget to learn your lesson.

  3. 我们从这场灾难中仍不断汲取教训。

    We are still absorbing the lessons of this disaster.

  4. 人们似乎没有从这场灾难中汲取教训。

    No lesson seems to have been learnt from this tragedy.

  5. 人们似乎没有从这场灾难中汲取教训。

    No lesson seems to have been learnt from this tragedy.

  6. 我们可以从他们的成败得失里汲取教训。

    We can learn from their successes and failures as well.

  7. 大家也只能希冀球队教练从中汲取教训。

    One can only pray that the team's manager learns something from it.

  8. 我希望大家能从自己的错误中汲取教训。

    I wish that people actually learn from their mistakes.

  9. 就连那些不幸的经历,你也能从中汲取教训。

    Even the bad experiences can be learned from.

  10. 笑对自己的过失, 从中汲取教训, 并引以为豪!

    Laugh at your mistakes and praise yourself for learning from them.

  11. 笑对自己得过失,从中汲取教训,并引以为豪!

    Laugh at your mistakes and praise yourself for learning from them.

  12. 另一个是懒惰,不汲取教训,并正在洗澡与粪肥。

    The other is lazy and does not learn the lessons well and is showered with manure.

  13. 这削弱了他们评价成就和为今后汲取教训的能力。

    This impaired their ability to take stock of their achievements and draw lessons for the future.

  14. 全球多个政府一直希望在事件弄个明白以后汲取教训。

    Various governments around the world have been watching for lessons to be gleaned the event.

  15. 这道题测试你有没有很快地从错误中汲取教训。

    This tests whether you learn quickly from your mistakes.

  16. 现在就让我们向后人表明,我们能够从历史中汲取教训吧!

    Let us now show posterity we are able to learn from history.

  17. 汲取别人教训, 本人才会背运。

    Happy is the man who learns from the misfortunes of others.

  18. 附加议定书是汲取这些教训的体现。

    The additional protocol is the embodiment of those lessons.

  19. 我们需要从中汲取经验教训,并且越早越好。

    And it's something we need to learn, and we need to learn it really soon.

  20. 他们自以为从过去的错误中汲取了教训。

    They imagined that they had learned from the mistakes of the past.

  21. 欧洲人从这个纪念品上,我们应该汲取什么教训?

    The European What lessons should we draw from this memento

  22. 在这一方面, 应当从成功和失败中汲取经验教训。

    In this context, lessons should be drawn from both successful experiences and failures.

  23. 我们已经同心协力,从过去的失败和悲剧中汲取了教训。

    Together, we have learned from our failures and the tragedies of the past.

  24. 今年的根除工作从以前的工作中汲取了教训, 分两阶段进行。

    Drawing on lessons learned from previous efforts, this year's eradication efforts were conducted in two phases.

  25. 我们也汲取了许多教训。

    We have all learned many lessons.

  26. 我们应该从中汲取什么经验教训?

    What lessons shall we draw from that?

  27. 我会从过去一年令人郁闷的经历中汲取两条教训。

    I would draw two lessons from the depressing experience of the past year.

  28. 这些令人恐惧的事件结束之后, 有许多教训值得汲取。

    There were several lessons to be learned after the horrific events.

  29. 这些令人恐惧的事件结束之后,有许多教训值得汲取。

    There were several lessons to be learned after the horrific events.

  30. 你可以汲取别人的经验教训。

    You may profit by the experience of others.

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