


1. 搁 [gē]2. 搁 [gé]搁 [gē]放置,引申为停滞:~笔。耽~。~置。~浅。搁 [gé]禁(jīn )受,承受:~得住打。~不住揉搓。……





汉语拼音:gē xia



  1. Annoyed, I told him I'd expected him much earlier, but I left my dinner and let him in.


  2. What you have to do is to put the glass down, rest for a while before holding it up again.


  3. So the matter rested. Within the family it was accepted that Ruth and Martin were engaged, but no announcement was made.


  4. The manager had to put his work aside for a time for an urgent accident.


  5. Before following her in her round of seeking, let us look at the sphere in which her future was to lie.


  6. While other quakes ripple towards Tokyo like a rug being flicked, this kind pumps the whole city violently up and down, then side to side.


  7. eg. Families looking to move abroad have had to put their dreams on hold.


  8. Laugh often. Ask for what you want. Hang a hammock; lie in it. Find work you love. Let go of fear.


  9. "That is exactly what I expected, " she said.


  1. 他搁下未完成的图画。

    He left the picture unfinished.

  2. 所以,时辰正在你身边搁下一杯水。

    Keep a bottle of water with you at all times.

  3. 我们就那样把这事搁下吧,好吗

    Shall we leave it at that

  4. 在战争期间,这项决定暂时搁下了。

    The decision was held in abeyance during the war.

  5. 我们就那样把这事搁下吧,好吗?

    Shall we leave it at that?

  6. 我的服务员麻利地撤走盘子并搁下我的账单。

    My waitress whipped the plate away and put down my bill.

  7. 我看我们最好还是搁下民族主义这个话题吧。

    I think we'd better leave the subject of Nationalism.

  8. 然而, 他却搁下自己的问题来减轻我的负担。

    Yet this young man set aside his struggle to lift the burden from my shoulders.

  9. 他把工作暂时搁下以便有更多时间陪儿子。

    He put aside his work to spend more time with his son.

  10. 经理不得不暂时搁下手头的工作去处理一件紧急事故。

    The manager had to put his work aside for a time for an urgent accident.

  11. 经理不得不暂时搁下手头得工作去处理一件紧急事故。

    The manager had to put his work aside for a time for an urgent accident.

  12. 人有一个无法放弃,无法搁下的事业,才能变得无比坚强。

    We become indomitable after we are dedicated to a career.

  13. 拉车是他理想的职业, 搁下这个就等于放弃了希望。

    Rickshaw paling was, to him, the ideal profession and quitting it meant giving up all hope.

  14. 拉车是他理想得职业,搁下这个就等于放弃了希望。

    Rickshaw paling was, to him, the ideal profession and quitting it meant giving up all hope.

  15. 如果他搁下正事去跟别的孩子玩儿,那是不可原谅的。

    It is very inexcusable in him if he stops to play with any other boys.

  16. 忙搁下杯子。咬紧牙齿,用坚强的意志压住这阵泛溢。

    He hastily set down his glass and tightly clenched his teeth together, trying to use his will power to suppress the flow.


  1. 问:搁下拼音怎么拼?搁下的读音是什么?搁下翻译成英文是什么?

    答:搁下的读音是,搁下翻译成英文是 discontinue

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