







汉语拼音:hú hóu






  1. all that was required to evolve from early mammals , like lemurs , to humans , was a bit of fine - tuning.


  2. Lisbon Zoo said it had closed a hole in a fence from which the lemur is believed to have made its escape.


  3. Though zoos are good places to perform the research, more studies of lemur troops in the wild would be nice, she said.


  4. It has no monkeys, but lemurs' ancestors arrived there, possibly on floating mats of vegetation, probably more than 10 million years ago.


  5. The lemur design finally found a home -- in the form of Lurmen colonists living on the Maridun savannahs.


  6. Jake tries to keep up with Neytiri as she leaps up the core trunk like a lemur.


  7. We hit the road with our guide, heading for the best place to see baby lemurs up close, some 80 kilometres northeast.


  8. It was, the researchers said, something like a combination "lemur monkey. "


  9. Near monkeys, lemurs , glasses monkeys often known as the original monkeys or lower primates.


  1. 金竹驯狐猴

    Golden bamboo lemur Hapalemur aureus

  2. 我爱狐猴的眼睛

    I love the lemur eyes.

  3. 狐猴一种体形较

    Any of several small arboreal, mostly nocturnal primates chiefly of the family Lemuridae of Madagascar and adjacent islands, having large eyes, a long slim muzzle, and a long tail.

  4. 而雄性环尾狐猴几乎是漠不关心。

    Ringtailed lemur males could care less.

  5. 想观看飞行狐猴的夜间行为吗?

    Want observations describing the nocturnal behavior of the flying lemur

  6. 任一种狐猴, 特别是马卡罗狐猴

    any of various lemurs, especially the species Lemur macaco

  7. 狐猴任一种狐猴, 特别是马卡罗狐猴

    Any of various lemurs, especially the species Lemur macaco.

  8. 爱德华?马格瑞姆先生一只狐猴?

    mr. edward magorium a lemur

  9. 跳跃而行的狐猴在一片石尖上休息。

    The leaping lemur comes to rest on a splinter of stone.

  10. 营救狐猴并指引他们安全到达出口!你能做到么?

    Rescue the Lemurs and guide them to the exit!

  11. 胖子跟那谁,就是那个长得像狐猴的,跑啊!

    Porkins and you, whats your name, the guy who looks like a lemur run!

  12. 动物的一个目,包含狐猴眼镜猴猴子猿及人类。

    Of or belonging to the Prosimii, a suborder of primates that includes the lemurs lorisesand tarsiers.

  13. 不断加剧的森林采伐威胁到了狐猴的自然栖息地。

    Lemurs' natural habitat is under threat from the accelerating deforestation.

  14. 一只德肯狐猴从一处锯齿状的石头无底洞窥视。

    Deckens sifaka peers out from a jagged stone maw.

  15. 但变色龙的视力很好,对于寻找狐猴宝宝踪迹很有用。

    But chameleons do have great eyesight invaluable to us on our quest for baby lemurs.

  16. 狐猴是一种有着长尾巴和大眼睛的类猴动物。

    A lemur is a monkeylike animal with a long tail and large eyes.

  17. 很多本土马达加斯加人认为狐猴是坏运气的征兆。

    Many people native to Madagascar consider the ayeaye an omen of ill luck.

  18. 但是它的大脑却比具有原始特点的现代狐猴的还小。

    Instead, it had a brain that might have been even smaller than that of a modern lemur, a primate with primitive traits.

  19. 莫莉马奥尼我想要一根棒棒糖,却得到了一只狐猴!

    Molly Mahoney I asked for a lollipop and I got a lemur!

  20. 灵长目动物摆脱了丛林, 眼镜猴是第一个, 狐猴不久也出来了。

    Primates emerge from jungles, as tarsiers first, becoming lemurs not much later.

  21. 国际保护组织放出杀害狐猴以求其肉的触目惊心的照片。

    Shocking pictures of slaughtered lemurs killed for bush meat have been released by Conservation International.

  22. 巨型狐猴与今天有着高超跳跃能力的维氏冕狐猴是近亲。

    Hadropithecus is related to the modernday sifaka, a type of lemur with acrobatic leaping skills.

  23. 马达加斯加狐猴属于濒危物种,全世界人工环境内仅存17只。

    There are only 15 Propithecus coronatus living in captivity worldwide.

  24. 新加坡动物园内,两周大的小环尾狐猴依偎在妈妈身旁。

    In this photo, a twoweekold ringtailed lemur clings on to its mother at the Singapore Zoo.

  25. 新加坡动物园内,两周大得小环尾狐猴依偎在妈妈身旁。

    In this photo, a twoweekold ringtailed lemur clings on to its mother at the Singapore Zoo.


  1. 问:狐猴拼音怎么拼?狐猴的读音是什么?狐猴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:狐猴的读音是,狐猴翻译成英文是 Lemuridae

  2. 问:狐猴科拼音怎么拼?狐猴科的读音是什么?狐猴科翻译成英文是什么?

    答:狐猴科的读音是húhóukē,狐猴科翻译成英文是 Lemuridae

  3. 问:狐猴类拼音怎么拼?狐猴类的读音是什么?狐猴类翻译成英文是什么?

    答:狐猴类的读音是,狐猴类翻译成英文是 loris

  4. 问:狐猴葵拼音怎么拼?狐猴葵的读音是什么?狐猴葵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:狐猴葵的读音是,狐猴葵翻译成英文是 Lemurophoenix

  5. 问:狐猴亚目拼音怎么拼?狐猴亚目的读音是什么?狐猴亚目翻译成英文是什么?

    答:狐猴亚目的读音是hú hóu yà mù,狐猴亚目翻译成英文是 Lemuroidea

  6. 问:狐猴式分布格局拼音怎么拼?狐猴式分布格局的读音是什么?狐猴式分布格局翻译成英文是什么?

    答:狐猴式分布格局的读音是hú hóu shì fēn bù gé jú,狐猴式分布格局翻译成英文是 lemurian dispersalpattern

  7. 问:狐猴式洲际间断分布拼音怎么拼?狐猴式洲际间断分布的读音是什么?狐猴式洲际间断分布翻译成英文是什么?

    答:狐猴式洲际间断分布的读音是hú hóu shì zhōu jì jiàn duàn fēn bù,狐猴式洲际间断分布翻译成英文是 lemurian intercontinental disjunction



狐猴(Lemur) ,生活在马达加斯加东部地区,它们是拥有回声定位能力的哺乳动物。非洲的马达加斯加是狐猴的最后的避难所, 除了这座岛屿, 这种长有一双美丽大眼睛的灵长类动物已经在地球上的其他地方消失了。


狐猴的历史比原先认为的更长,种类也更多。古代的灵长类物:3500万年前的灵长动物Wadilemur elegans的化石表明,狐猴的起源比旧化石证据所显示的要早得多。狐猴是马达加斯加岛上特有的一种小型灵长动物。它们瞪着无辜的大眼睛在梦工厂大片《马达加斯加》里卖力表演,还给了科学界不止一个惊喜:在埃及新发现的一种化石表明,狐猴及其它灵长动物在进化史上出现的时间比原先认为的要早得多;另外,科学家新发现了5个新的狐猴物种。

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