


气势大,力量大:~将。~士。~烈。勇~。忽然,突然:~然。~省(xǐng )(亦作“猛醒”)。~可(突然,陡然)。~不防。严厉:宽以济~。凶暴:苛政~于虎。~禽。~兽。~戾。~悍。古哺乳动物,长毛的象:~犸。……







汉语拼音:měng mǎ xiàng



  1. (1) Say, buddy, not to cast aspersions on your survival instincts or nothing, but haven't mammoths pretty much gone extinct?


  2. The first human inhabitants of North America may not have exterminated the mammoths. The culprit might have been a comet.


  3. The elephant is the closest modern relative of the mammoth, a huge woolly mammal believed to have died out with the last Ice Age.


  4. "It was a mammoth tusk, " Ivanovich said. "It wasn't very big, " his wife, Valentina, pointed out. "There are lots of them, " she added.


  5. Here's the give-away, a pair of tusks two metres long, the trademark of a Columbian mammoth, the biggest animal to roam the ice age plains.


  6. The divergence of the two species took place around the time of the divergence of Asian elephants and woolly mammoths.


  7. In an extraordinary Jurassic Park- style experiment, DNA from a frozen specimen of the extinct giant was used to reproduce their blood.


  8. One of the mammoths, you hope, is going to be your supper.


  9. The site turned out to be a mammoth graveyard, hiding more than 50 skeletons, all from animals in their prime.


  1. 两个猛犸象博物馆中的一个。

    One of the two mammoth museums.

  2. 如果我是最后的猛犸象怎么办?

    What if I am the last mammoth?

  3. 猛犸象在第四纪晚期灭绝了。

    Woolly mammoths died out during the late Quaternary period.

  4. 猛犸象在第四纪晚期灭绝了。

    Woolly mammoths died out during the late Quaternary period.

  5. 鲎虫比恐龙,三叶虫,猛犸象更长寿。

    Tadpole shrimp have outlived dinosaurs, trilobites and mammoths.

  6. 或许,猛犸象又可以在地球上散步了。

    Mammoths could walk the earth again.

  7. 蝌蚪虾比恐龙,三叶虫,猛犸象活得还长。

    Tadpole shrimp have outlived dinosaurs, trilobites and mammoths.

  8. 除了猛犸象,还有一些其他动物在山谷牧场里。

    Besides the mammoths, some other animals pasture in this valley as well.

  9. 猛犸象, 这种与亚洲大象有关的生物, 现在已经灭绝。

    Mammoths, which are related with Asia elephants, are now extinct.

  10. 南达科他州猛犸象化石发掘地吸引大量游人

    Ancient South Dakota Watering Hole Gives Up Treasure Trove of Mammoth Fossils

  11. 尼安德特人能够捕杀浑身覆毛的猛犸象和熊。

    Neanderthal man was able to kill woolly mammoths and bears.

  12. 数百万年前,猛犸象从非洲出发,进军欧亚大陆。

    A couple million years ago, mammoths migrated north from Africa to colonize Eurasia.

  13. 有证据表明猛犸象象牙交易至少2000年前就开始了。

    There is evidence that mammoth tusks have been traded for at least 2, 000 years.

  14. 而且从峡谷冰川得裂缝外, 走来了一大队猛犸象。

    And from cracks in the glacier valley, the group walked a mammoth.

  15. 而且从峡谷冰川的裂缝外,走来了一大队猛犸象。

    And from cracks in the glacier valley, the group walked a mammoth.

  16. 你期望着这其中某头猛犸象将会成为你今天的晚餐。

    One of the mammoths, you hope, is going to be your supper.

  17. 直到1万年前, 猛犸象生活在北欧, 西伯利亚和北美。

    Woolly mammoths lived in northern Europe, Siberia and north America up to 10, 000 years ago.

  18. 猛犸象磁带和驱动系统是供计算机存储数据和归档用得。

    Mammoth is a magnetic tape and drive system used for computer data storage and archiving.

  19. 猛犸象磁带和驱动系统是供计算机存储数据和归档用的。

    Mammoth is a magnetic tape and drive system used for computer data storage and archiving.

  20. 总有一天你会停止和狗约会, 并且和更高的猛犸象约会

    And someday youll stop dating dogs and date higher mammals.

  21. 数百万年前,猛犸象从非洲向北进军,统治了欧亚大陆。

    A couple of million years ago, mammoths migrated north from Africa to colonize Eurasia.

  22. 这个猛犸象的尸体在西伯利亚冻土带被发现, 它保存完好

    the body of this mammoth was found perfectly preserved in the siberian tundra..

  23. 大象祖先即长毛猛犸象。

    Elephant ancestors are known as the Woolly Mammoth.

  24. 从前,长毛猛犸象曾高达180英尺。

    Once Woolly Mammoths stood 180 feet high.

  25. 如果地球突然变暖,那头猛犸象一定会非常难受。

    If the world gets warm fast, that mammoth will be awfully unhappy.

  26. 这两个物种的分歧发生前后的差异和长毛猛犸象亚洲象。

    The divergence of the two species took place around the time of the divergence of Asian elephants and woolly mammoths.


  1. 问:猛犸象拼音怎么拼?猛犸象的读音是什么?猛犸象翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猛犸象的读音是měngmǎxiàng,猛犸象翻译成英文是 Mammuthus



猛犸象(Mammuthus primigenius),又名毛象(长毛象),是一种适应寒冷气候的动物。曾经是世界上最大的象之一,其中草原猛犸体重可达12吨。猛犸象和亚洲象是在480万年前,由相同的祖先分支下来的;而非洲象则是在大约730万年前,更早地从这个族谱中分离出来的。



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