


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……





汉语拼音:shàng jiāo







  1. 谓地位低的人与地位高的人结交。

    《易·繫辞下》:“君子上交不諂,下交不瀆。” 汉 扬雄 《法言·修身》:“上交不諂,下交不骄,则可以有为矣。”

  2. 亦作“ 上佼 ”。头等友好。

    《战国策·赵策一》:“ 秦 与 韩 为上交, 秦 祸安移於 梁 矣。”《史记·赵世家》:“ 齐 之事王,宜为上佼,而今乃抵辠,臣恐天下后事王者之不敢自必也。” 王念孙 《读书杂志·史记三》:“佼,与‘交’同。上交,上等之交也。言 齐 之事王如此,当为王之上交,而今反触罪也。”

  3. 转移、交付给上级。

    郑义 《迷雾》四:“ 张源 竟也同意他的尽快解决问题,不放任自流,不上交矛盾的意见。”如:他把这件文物上交给有关部门。



  1. The massive implications of all this were summarized in a report for members of the U. S. Congress last month.


  2. After receiving Dr. Carlin's comments, Dr. McGartland told him that he would not forward them to the office preparing the final report.


  3. He is required to submit receipts for the card to the House, which decides how much information to publish.


  4. Builders sometimes have to wait up to two years from the submission of an application until permission is granted.


  5. Bojan said the biggest problem she saw with students posting material online would be putting up tests the teachers wanted handed back in.


  6. Sometimes lecturer will ask you to hand in all worksheets at the end of the subject (it depends on your assignments each year).


  7. His main idea is to convert part of workers' contributions into a fixed monthly payment that would act as a sort of insurance premium.


  8. I had to give it up once I got to the pre-operative area and I gladly turned it over because I wanted it when I was finished.


  9. Water of every monthly pay wants to hand in, do not expect to have pass on, what fault is you is incorrect.


  1. 上交的习题

    Problem Sets that are Handed In.

  2. 上交国家利润

    profit paid to the state.

  3. 拖欠上交利润

    being in arrears in handing over profits

  4. 截留上交利润

    withhold profits that should be turened over to the state

  5. 汽车上交货价

    free on car

  6. 火车上交货价

    free on board train

  7. 飞机上交货价

    FOB planefree on plane free on board plane

  8. 不把矛盾上交

    not pass on difficulties to the leadership.

  9. 上交期末考试试卷

    turned in the final exam.

  10. 为什么要上交小费。

    But why do we have to pool our tips.

  11. 请上交你的试卷。

    Please hand in your paper.

  12. 罚款全部上交国库。

    The entire fine shall be delivered to the state treasury.

  13. 上交换上代数

    cocommutative coalgebra.

  14. 多余器材应该上交。

    Surplus equipment should be turned over to the higher authorities.

  15. 出入港船上交货价

    Free overside

  16. 这书应该上交图书馆。

    These books should be turned in to the library.

  17. 你应该及时上交考卷。

    You should hand in your examination paper in time.

  18. 目的港驳船上交货价

    free overside ex lighter

  19. 他离开时没有上交钥匙

    He never returned his key.

  20. 但是我们应该把它上交。

    But we should turn it in.

  21. 什么时间你得上交报告?

    When do you have to give in the report?

  22. 目得港驳船上交货价

    free overside ex lighter.

  23. 他与她在沙发上交欢。

    He took her on the sofa.

  24. 所有的战利品都必须上交。

    All spoils of war should be delivered up.

  25. 我们一定能按时上交作业。

    We are sure to hand in our homework in time.

  26. 后天你必须上交你的作文。

    You should hand in your composition the day after tomorrow.

  27. 下次你就不用上交了。

    You can keep the money from your next check.

  28. 按行政隶属关系上交利润

    Turn over profits to the administrative unit to which they belong

  29. 自留预备费结余不上交

    surplus reserve funds

  30. 上交的最后期限是2月21日。

    The final deadline forsubmissions is february21st.


  1. 问:上交拼音怎么拼?上交的读音是什么?上交翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上交的读音是shàngjiāo,上交翻译成英文是 hand … in

  2. 问:上交叉点拼音怎么拼?上交叉点的读音是什么?上交叉点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上交叉点的读音是shàng jiāo chā diǎn,上交叉点翻译成英文是 overcrossing point

  3. 问:上交日期拼音怎么拼?上交日期的读音是什么?上交日期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上交日期的读音是shàng jiāo rì qī,上交日期翻译成英文是 Date of Handing in

  4. 问:上交换上代数拼音怎么拼?上交换上代数的读音是什么?上交换上代数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上交换上代数的读音是shàng jiāo huàn shàng dài shù,上交换上代数翻译成英文是 cocommutative coalgebra

  5. 问:上交文件处理拼音怎么拼?上交文件处理的读音是什么?上交文件处理翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上交文件处理的读音是shàng jiāo wén jiàn chǔ lǐ,上交文件处理翻译成英文是 Disposal Torn in Document

  6. 问:上交器材管理中心拼音怎么拼?上交器材管理中心的读音是什么?上交器材管理中心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上交器材管理中心的读音是shàng jiāo qì cái guǎn lǐ zhōng xīn,上交器材管理中心翻译成英文是 Return Equipment Control Center



词目上交拼音shàng jīao英语解释hand in基本解释1. [turn over to the higher authorities]∶交给上级单位多余器材应该上交2. [seek connections in high places]∶地位低的人同地位高的人交往上交不谄

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