


1. 经 [jīng]经 [jīng]织布时用梭穿织的竖纱,编织物的纵线,与“纬”相对:~纱。~线。~纶(a.整理过的蚕丝;b.喻政治规划)。地理学上指通过南北极与赤道成直角的线(亦作“子午线”):东~。西~。~度。~纬仪。作为思想、道德、……





汉语拼音:jīng wén






  1. That Tabitha was a disciple is shown in this passage by the impact of her life upon others through practical deeds.


  2. Over a lifetime, that adds up to a strong knowledge of the Bible!


  3. Look at the Bible text as if it is an answer, but turn that text into a question.


  4. Yes it is, but the reason we're doing it is we're trying to get behind the text of the Canon into the pre-history of the text.


  5. As I stared at that ancient fragment, it struck me afresh how tangible Jesus' love was for His mother and friend.


  6. As you consider your answers to these questions, include any Scriptures that speak to you about each of these purposes.


  7. We'd sit down, read a few verses of the Koran, translate or discuss how it should be interpreted, and many points of view would be offered.


  8. Reflecting on this sutra passage, we may infer that the bodhisattvas of that land do not advance from stage to stage.


  9. The main way he proves this point is proofs from scripture, and so we're going to look at a few more of that.


  1. 我用经文。

    I used scripture.

  2. 我统一这些经文。

    I agreed with those Scriptures.

  3. 他们有很多经文。

    They have lots of scripture.

  4. 指派领读经文的信徒

    lay reader

  5. 一头驴教主教们经文。

    A donkey teaching the Scriptures to the bishops.

  6. 他们一起背诵经文时,

    When they came to recite their lessons

  7. 思考你正读的经文。

    Think about what you are reading from the Bible.

  8. 由我呤诵祝福经文。

    If I intone the blessings.

  9. 印造经文,创修寺院。

    Reproduce and distribute scriptures, build and repair temples.

  10. 新教条或经文的新释义

    a new doctrine or a new interpretation of scripture

  11. 背诵医治的经文是重要的。

    Healing scriptures are important to recite.

  12. 他被点名上台读经文。

    He was called on for an aliyah.

  13. 她在周围撒播了一些经文。

    And many a holy text around she strews.

  14. 新教义新教条或经文的新释义

    A new doctrine or a new interpretation of scripture.

  15. 经文应该服务于慈善原则吗?

    said about how scripture should be governed by the principle of charity.

  16. 我们订购经文送给慕道友。

    Wo order scriptures to give our investigators.

  17. 今日的经文选自马可福音。

    Today's lesson is taken from the St Mark's Gospel.

  18. 我要把重要的经文摘录下来。

    I want to summarize the important scriptures.

  19. 我们每星期会分享不同得经文。

    We a little part every week and talk about it.

  20. 我们每星期会分享不同的经文。

    We a little part every week and talk about it.

  21. 传教士紧紧抓住经文, 尽力说服听众。

    The preacher grapples with his text, wasting no effort in wooing the audience.

  22. 费劲去背上两千段圣经经文

    and application to memorize two thousand verses

  23. 接着他们引用了正好合适的经文。

    Then they quote back what is exactly the proper scripture.

  24. 接着他们引用了正好合适得经文。

    Then they quote back what is exactly the proper scripture.

  25. 我每天平均看经文一个小时。

    Every day I average one hour of scripture reading.

  26. 从这段经文可总结出什麽原则?

    What principle can be concluded from these verses ?

  27. 我所知道的只有经文和佛所说的。

    All I know is the Scripture and the words of Lord buddha.

  28. 任何方式的解读经文都是解经。

    Any kind of interpretation of a text is exegesis.

  29. 让我们读一次这两节的经文。

    Let us read those two verses.

  30. 他们援引印度教的经文为他们的立场辩护。

    They invoked Hindu scripture to justify their position.


  1. 问:经文拼音怎么拼?经文的读音是什么?经文翻译成英文是什么?

    答:经文的读音是jīngwén,经文翻译成英文是 scripts; religious scriptures

  2. 问:经文歌拼音怎么拼?经文歌的读音是什么?经文歌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:经文歌的读音是,经文歌翻译成英文是 Motet

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