






1. 相 [xiāng]2. 相 [xiàng]相 [xiāng]交互,行为动作由双方来:互~。~等。~同。~识。~传(chuán )。~符。~继。~间(jiàn )。~形见绌。~得益彰(两者互相配合,更加显出双方的长处)。动作由一方来而有……


对着,朝着,与“背”相对:~背(bèi )。~北。目标,意志所趋:志~。方~。偏袒,袒护:偏~。近,临:~晚。秋天漠漠~昏黑。从前:~日。~者。从开始到现在:~例。一~。姓。……



汉语拼音:dān dān xiāng xiàng



  1. 网络
  2. n

  1. 相向阶状断层

    synthetic step fault.

  2. 两端相向折叠头

    shoe fold

  3. 对陌生人切忌坦腹相向。

    You should not show your hand to a stranger.

  4. 相向而行的重力波与暴雨

    The Gravity Wave of Relative Motion and Heavy Rain

  5. 只因为被激怒,他才暴力相向。

    He reacted violently only under provocation.

  6. 我父亲在酒醉时会对我母亲拳脚相向。

    My father was violent to my mother when he was drunk.

  7. 相向运动径向模糊图像的复原算法研究

    Research on restoration of radial blurred image degraded by the motion in opposite direction

  8. 今天我们要让凯撒也后悔与我们拔剑相向。

    Make the Kaiser rue the day he dared to cross swords with us.

  9. 相向运动条件下图像的辐射状退化及其复原研究

    Simulation and Restoration Study on Radiant Degradation Image Under Lengthwise Relative Motion

  10. 这个地区一向不稳定,两个国家动不动就武力相向。

    This area is never stable, having two countries which constantly fight against each other.

  11. 细碎阶段是在两个彼此相向旋转的轧辊之间进行。

    Secondary crushing takes place in the next stage between two counter rotating rolls.

  12. 论中美在一国两制方式上相向而行的历史必然性

    About the Historical Necessity in the Opposite Direction for the Two Systems in One Country in China and America

  13. 酒精可能带来第一次约会, 也让人在吧台拳脚相向。

    Being intoxicated can lead to a first date, or a bar brawl.

  14. 我们希望美方同我们相向而行,共同为此目的作出努力。

    We hope that the United States will work with us in a joint effort towards this end.

  15. 新科状元与朋友相向而坐, 谈诗论词, 把酒言欢。

    The new number one scholar sits with his friends face to face, talking and drinking.

  16. 新科状元与朋友相向而坐,谈诗论词,把酒言欢。

    The new number one scholar sits with his friends face to face, talking and drinking.

  17. 载波中得每个小峰都以通常得同相速度向右方运动。

    Each small peak in the carrier would travel to the right with the usual phase velocity.

  18. 光折变晶体中非相干光前向耦合及其对噪音栅擦除的研究

    Study of the Coupling of Mutually Incoherent Beams in Forward Direction and Fanning Reduction by Using Incoherent Erasure

  19. 相自然之力, 痛苦向我泛滥。

    Like a force of nature pain is flooding me.

  20. 她在向你做怪相。

    She is making a mouth at you.

  21. 巨型囊泡的侧向相分离与出芽

    Lateral Separation and Budding of Giant Vesicles

  22. 非晶态合金向纳米晶体的相转变

    Phase transformation from an amorphous alloy into nanocrystalline materials

  23. 岩体工程分级逐步向定性和定量相结合的方向发展。

    rock engineering classification gradually to a combination of qualitative and quantitative development.

  24. 纯量与向量相乘。

    Multiplication of a vector by a scalar.

  25. 强向量相辅问题

    strong vector complementarity

  26. 手性盘状向列相

    chiral discotic nematic phase

  27. 相缠螺旋, 同向双股螺旋

    plectonemic spiral

  28. 多相并励换向歧动机

    polyphase shunt commutator motor

  29. 相国邹忌向齐威王讲了

    Prime Minister Zou Ji tells the king

  30. 高分子液晶向列相的向错结构

    Disclination Structure in Nematic Phase of Liquid Crystalline Polymers




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