






1. 塔 [tǎ]塔 [tǎ]佛教特有的高耸的建筑物,尖顶,多层,常有七级、九级、十三级等,形状有圆形的、多角形的,一般用以藏舍利、经卷等:宝~。佛~。像塔形的建筑物或器物:水~。灯~。纪念~。金字~。~楼。姓。……



汉语拼音:xiàng yá tǎ







  • 【解释】:指主张“为艺术而艺术”的资产阶级文艺家脱离社会现实的个人幻想的艺术境界。也比喻脱离现实生活的知识分子的小天地。
  • 【出自】:鲁迅《朝花夕拾·二十四孝图》:“但这些我都不管,因为我幸而还没有爬上‘象牙之塔’去。”
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作主语、宾语;含贬义


  1. After nine years at Bell labs, I decided to leave that warm, cozy ivory tower for what I considered to be the "real world, " a university.

  2. We like to say out of the ivory tower, but China has no ivory tower.

  3. Jeff is a bona fide accountant, working on the front lines of practice, not up In an ivory tower.

  4. The laboratory is his tower of ivory for him, in there he could be desirable to explore theory science .

  5. Gone are the days when the university was an ivory tower in which scholars pursued knowledge as an end rather than a means to an end.

  6. After nine seasons at Bell labs, I decided to leave which hot, cozy ivory tower to what I considered to be the "ture state, " a university.

  7. This would have been a particularly valuable counterweight to the influential but rather ivory-tower academics in the current White House.

  8. Since the ivory tower are white, the whole life as if its reflection light: pure and free.

  9. Being the pearl of the ivory tower, we were used to acting without thinking in advance and eating without peeping at the dishes.


  1. 珠江边的象牙塔

    Ivory Tower by the Pearl River

  2. 就是走出象牙塔。

    Is walking out of the ivory tower.

  3. 一切象牙塔纷纷倒塌

    All the towers of ivory are crumbling

  4. 生活在象牙塔中的学者

    academics living in ivory towers

  5. 他们把大学视为象牙塔。

    They viewed universities as ivory towers.

  6. 他们把大学视为象牙塔。

    They viewed universities as ivory towers.

  7. 这个教授生活在象牙塔中。

    The professor lived in an ivory tower.

  8. 这里不是你的象牙塔,教授

    This isn't the Ivory Tower, Professor.

  9. 昨年此刻, 我们挥别象牙塔。

    As the youth, we are sanguine with hope and dream.

  10. 教授整天在象牙塔里呆着。

    The professor be shut up in the ivory tower all the time.

  11. 但突破象牙塔的壁垒依然艰巨。

    But the walls of the ivory tower remain formidable.

  12. 那教授整天在象牙塔里呆着。

    The professor shut up in the ivory tower all the time.

  13. 陈凯歌还是呆在象牙塔里更合适

    Chin Kaige is More Fit to Tower of lvory

  14. 躲在象牙塔里 摆弄试管的怪人

    that, you know, hide in ivory towers and do ridiculous things with test tube.

  15. 没有象牙塔麦卡锡主义和大学1986。

    Schrecker, Ellen. No Ivory Tower McCarthyism and the Universities. 1984.

  16. 但如果我们一直把他们保护在象牙塔里

    But if we keep hovering them and yanking them out.

  17. 萨莉身处象牙塔内, 对政治一点也不了解。

    Living in an ivory tower, Sally had no understanding of politics.

  18. 他住在象牙塔里,对政治一点也不了解。

    Living in an ivory tower, he had no understanding of politics.

  19. 他认识到不应再把自己关在象牙塔里。

    He saw he should no longer shut himself up in his ivory tower.

  20. 是象牙塔里的教授,也是不诚实的芝加哥政客

    He was an ivorytower professor and a crooked Chicago pol.

  21. 但象牙塔的某些部分确实比之其他部分更难到达。

    But some parts of the ivory tower have proved harder to occupy than others.

  22. 那位学者住在象牙塔里。14。她是一名遁世者。

    That scholars lived his life in an ivory tower. 14. Shes a recluse.

  23. 不要因为在象牙塔中,才说出我爱生活的话。

    Not because the ivory tower, to say I love living in the past.

  24. 美国最好的大学绝不是那些远离社会而陈腐的象牙塔。

    The best American universities are nothing like the stereotype of isolated ivory towers.

  25. 英雄搏杀巨龙,营救被囚禁在某个象牙塔里的贞节女子。

    Heroes slay dragons and save the maiden from being a vestal virgin locked away in some ivory tower.

  26. 这位教授可不像人们怀疑的那样一头扎在象牙塔里。

    The professor has his head less in the ivory tower than one might suspect.

  27. 我们是象牙塔里的明珠,习惯于行事不假思索,吃饭不看菜。

    Being the pearl of the ivory tower, we were used to acting without thinking in advance and eating without peeping at the dishes.

  28. 初夏七月,又一批莘莘学子走出象牙塔,成为职场新鲜人。

    Early summer in July and of students of the ivory tower as a fresh career.

  29. 他们身处象牙塔中,并不真正了解毒品犯罪的危害有多大。

    They don't really, in their ivory towers, understand how pernicious drug crime is.


  1. 问:象牙塔拼音怎么拼?象牙塔的读音是什么?象牙塔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:象牙塔的读音是xiàngyátǎ,象牙塔翻译成英文是 ivory tower; a high position with lends itself t...



“象牙塔”是个多义词,它可以指象牙塔(冷情小说), 象牙塔(网络小说), 象牙塔(汉语词汇), 象牙塔(魔兽争霸物品)。

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