









汉语拼音:cháng qǐ lái



  1. Everything, pretty much, tastes like the mosses of tundra, dug up in mid-winter.


  2. As much as you're trying to cut down on your fat intake, some things just don't taste right without a little bit of butter or margarine.


  3. In the end everything tasted so good that each mouthful forced me to give it a moment's attention.


  4. sir. If I had to name one thing, I'd have to say that stuff they call porridge we get for breakfast. Tastes more like pond water to me.


  5. This beer tastes as if it has been sitting here all day.


  6. Sheldon: Well, excuse me. That was not a betrayal. That was an experiment to determine at what concentration food starts tasting "moths. "


  7. Childhood is like a jar of wine I said, after a lapse of longer taste more fragrant, more pure, more people aftertaste.


  8. This water and honey mixture was left out in the sun for some time and had a wine-like taste.


  9. " manna was described in the Book of Exodus as " like coriander seed, white, and the taste of it was like wafers made with honey.


  1. 听/ 尝起来像

    to sound/ taste like

  2. 尝起来好吃/ 苦

    to taste delicious/ bitter

  3. 尝起来像巧克力

    It taste like chocolate.

  4. 饼尝起来很香。

    The cake tastes nice.

  5. 你尝起来像爆米花。

    You tasted like popcorn.

  6. 炖肉尝起来很咸

    The stew tastes salty.

  7. 看/ 听/ 尝起来怎么样?

    what does it look/ sound/ taste like?

  8. 醋尝起来是酸的。

    Vinegar tastes sour.

  9. 这汤尝起来真香。

    The soup tastes very delicious.

  10. 那尝起来是苦的。

    The medicine has a bitter taste.

  11. 那尝起来是苦得。

    The medicine has a bitter taste.

  12. 尝起来酸中带涩。

    Together with acid taste in Shibuya.

  13. 这个尝起来有咸味。

    This tastes of salt.

  14. 这个尝起来有咸味。

    This tastes of salt.

  15. 米饭尝起来有焦味。

    The rice tastes burnt.

  16. 鱼汤尝起来很可口。

    The fish soup tasted delicious.

  17. 这些樱桃尝起来很甜。

    It is very sweet that these cherries are tasted.

  18. 这水果尝起来有点儿酸。

    This fruit tastes rather tart.

  19. 这盘菜尝起来很咸。

    This dish tastes salty.

  20. 这个酒尝起来为很酸。

    The wine tastes sour.

  21. 这蛋糕尝起来糟透了。

    This cake tastes terrible.

  22. 我喜欢肉。它尝起来好!

    I like meat.It tastes nice!

  23. 这尝起来根本不像酒。

    It doesn't taste anything like wine.

  24. 他说咖啡尝起来很浓。

    He said that the coffee tasted strong.

  25. 我认为它尝起来很可口。

    I think it tastes delicious.

  26. 这饺子尝起来味道很好。

    The dumpling tastes really good.

  27. 牛奶尝起来好像是酸了。

    This milk tastes as though it is sour.

  28. 这些药片尝起来有薄荷味。

    The tablets taste of mint.

  29. 尝起来辛辣, 甜甜的, 浓浓的气味。

    They taste tart and sweet and tangy.

  30. 这道菜尝起来美极了。

    The course tastes very delicious.

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