


1. 戏 [xì]2. 戏 [hū]戏 [xì]玩耍:游~。儿~。嬉~。~豫(嬉游逸乐)。二龙~珠。嘲弄,开玩笑:~言。~弄。~谑(用诙谐有趣的话开玩笑)。演员在舞台上化装表演故事的艺术:~剧。~文。~码(戏曲演出的节目)。~剧性。指具体剧……









汉语拼音:xì jù xiào guǒ



  1. Do they distort the record of the past to produce a dramatic story or to promote a political point of view?


  2. Transform daytime hair by pulling long hair into a twist, creating drama in a short style with gel, or adding decorative hair clips.


  3. The overall design of space integrates a great many easy and dramatic design elements to intensify the modern air of the building.


  4. This one is the most dramatic as the net spreads across the sky.


  5. Wear It: There's nothing subtle about a high-low hem, so make sure the rest of your dress doesn't compete with the drama of the hem.


  6. BACKGROUND: Nutritional disorders observed in children with eczema may be aggravated by inappropriate diet, sometimes with dramatic effects.


  7. The result of that was pretty dramatic.


  8. Each year the ICAC TV series, through dramatic adaptations of real cases, allow the public to deepen the understanding of the icac.


  9. More theatrical were groups of black-swathed protesters wearing white death masks who silently threaded their way through the city.


  1. 冲淡戏剧效果

    weaken the dramatic effect

  2. 结果非常具有戏剧效果。

    The result of that was pretty dramatic.

  3. 配乐是用来提高戏剧效果。

    Its the music to heighten the dramatic effect.

  4. 第一个掉头是为了戏剧效果

    The first Uturn was just to be dramatic.

  5. 那是用于提高戏剧效果的配乐。

    Its the music to heighten the dramatic effect.

  6. 因为你总喜欢捣乱,创造戏剧效果

    Because you love to stir things up, create a little drama.

  7. 奇诺本能地知道自己的戏剧效果。

    Now Kino instinctively knew his own dramatic effects.

  8. 最后一场缺乏戏剧效果,叫人失望。

    The final scene was dismayingly lacking in theatrical effect.

  9. 为取得戏剧效果对人物做的夸张呈现。

    a representation of a person that is exaggerated for comic effect.

  10. 乐队伴奏的声音很响,服装艳丽而有戏剧效果。

    The orchestra played loud, and costumes were vivid and dramatic.

  11. 戏剧翻译旨在在译入语文化中实现同等的戏剧效果。

    The translation of drama is targeted at achieving equivalent theatrical effects in the target culture.

  12. 然而, 蹒跚的步态和木讷的语言也能让僵尸充满戏剧效果。

    But the zombie, with its staggering gait and glassy expression, can also be comic.

  13. 好莱坞深明楼梯在营造戏剧效果上无可比拟的神气魔力。

    Hollywood is deep bright stair is in build the incomparable overweening magic power on theater.

  14. 开场的缓步跑镜头,看来太长了,远高于需要营造的戏剧效果。

    The opening jogging credits sequence seems rather too long for its dramatic value.

  15. 我记得她在一出情节剧中的出场曾取得极佳的戏剧效果。

    I remember her making a most effective entrance in a melodramatic play.

  16. 摘要间离效果是中西戏剧艺术的分水岭。

    Alienation effect is a line of demarcation between Chinese and western drama.

  17. 沈璟戏剧中的重句现象及艺术效果

    Sentence repentances and artistic effect in Shenjing's plays

  18. 这出歌剧的舞台效果好。兼有歌舞的戏剧表演。

    The opera was good theater. theatrical performance combining singing and dancing.

  19. 戏剧播放期间电视商业广告打破了效果的连贯性。

    Television commercials during a dramatic presentation break up the continuity of effect.

  20. 第一部公演的戏剧是战争与和平,声音效果非常好。

    The first public play is War and Peace, and the sounds were very good.

  21. 现如今他们的戏剧最具有愉悦性和频繁的舞台娱乐效果。

    Their Plays are now the most pleasant and frequent entertainments of the Stage.

  22. 这部电影的情节是基于真实故事,但为了更加娱乐的效果,明显戏剧化、夸张化了。

    The movie is based on a true story, but it was obviously dramatized and exaggerated to make it more entertaining.

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